Archived comp shop fail

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Hi all! Im new to here. Glad to have found this thread. I worked for target ages ago, and now I am a comp shopper with a company for target. I work mostly inside walmarts. Ive been asked to leave on a couple occasions. Does walmart have companies they use to comp shop in other stores? Or is that why they do so much price matching? It was also great to read others experiences as a comp shopper. I rarely ever speak to other ppl who do this. I feel isolated lol, like I need a support group after spending several hours in there being 'undercover' Im totally stressed about going next week, because I got asked to leave again yesterday. Does anyone have any advice? Tips? Or any input
Who asked you to leave? One time I was asked what I was doing and told them Comp Shopping for Target, and if there's an issue that I would like to speak with the Store Manager and if he/she has an issue, that the next time we saw one of their Comp Shoppers in my store that I would have them escortbed out. The person who asked me what I was doing left me alone from there on out and the Walmart workers were quite friendly to me, even heloping me find items that I couldn't locate. If you are asked to leave, ask to speak to the store manager and if there is still an issue, report it to your STL who will then escalate the situation to his/her superiors.
This time, her badge said co manager...last time it was another manager, Im not sure if just a department one or what. The company I work for says walmart is a 'closed' store, but I see a lady every week doing it with a vendor badge. Ive even spoken to her, they allow her. I wonder if its just my company? We are told to deny we are doing it, but when youre caught, youre caught. The other employees are nice and very helpful. Managers...not so much. I work inside other grocery stores as well, but theyre 'open' stores, I speak with the MOD and theyre fine with me in far, doing another store today
Last time I heard they weren't allowed in the store but I've never heard an official policy on this. We had one all the time at my last store and it's never bothered anyone and I'm not sure why it should...
I scoured the interwebs last night looking for such policy, this thread is all I found. After working inside the same store for 6 months or so each week, you start to 'know' the employees. Ive not had a single issue with anyone except those two managers....they come across quite condescending, and rude. It really makes me loathe walmart even more
I had a very good relationship with the people at my Walmart. Two employees would stop to talk to me and bitch about Walmart. The only thing I had to do was sign in the vendor binder at customer service when I first got there. If anyone gave me trouble the workers who knew me would tell them it was fine that I was there.

I was told Walmart stopped company shopping other stores because of the app they rolled out where customers would scan their receipt.
Same, I told most employees what I was doing, because I didnt want to risk being mistaken for a shoplifter. I think its just my companies policy that whenever we are doing walmart to have discretion. Idk
Discretion is key because you don't want to be so furtive that you're mistaken for a shoplifter; they'd LOVE having THAT as an excuse.
After doing the same store I got to know many of the dept folk & wouldn't hesitate to warn them when I saw something shady. Nor would I hesitate to point folks in the direction of something they were looking for.
Im really anxious about next week. There already was the one manager I had to avoid, now another lol. Ive never had an issue with the ppl in each department, I may have to relocate for a while.
I would vary the days and times I would go in, and when I encountered people who gave me a hard time, I would avoid going there when I knew they were there. I was only confronted once, but a department manager who gave me a hard time and told me I had to sign into the vendor log in the front of the store. (I did it once, never did it again.) I usually took a cart and kept a few items in there so it would appear that I was shopping. If I encountered an area that had a walmart employee zoning or stocking an aisle, I'd come back to it later.
And for the record, I really miss comp shopping. 🙁 I really enjoyed it and had high metrics every week.
What type of equipment does your company use? Can you hide it in a bag? I never scanned labels. Just tapped the screen and keyed things in. It was much easier to hide what I was doing.
What type of equipment does your company use? Can you hide it in a bag? I never scanned labels. Just tapped the screen and keyed things in. It was much easier to hide what I was doing.

I rarely scanned either, even though we could. I felt that made what I was doing more obvious.
I always grabbed a shirt or jacket off a rack and put it in the top basket of the cart. Laid the comp shop gun on the shirt. If an employee came around I flipped a sleeve over the device and hid it.
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I have to work on sunday and finish monday by midnight. It doesnt leave a lot of room for me to vary my hours. I use a cart whenever I feel its needed. A lot of times I will drive home for lunch and change my clothes, but still I feel too many ppl still recognize me. I almost want to quit doing walmart all together, but the rebel in me wants to push as far as it will go lol. It can be stressful having to be so incognito, and time consuming as well. I dont get paid by the hour, constantly having to look over my shoulder gets old
...we HAVE to scan for accuracy. We use a device that looks like a smartphone.

I can see the challenge in this. However, with the walmart app you can scan items for the price so it's not totally unusual. It sounds like some of those managers are being dicks.
Thats what I thought, a total dick. Very condescending to me. He acted like he owned the place too. Way too proud. He wanted me to respect his authority like he earned a purple heart
Thats what I thought, a total dick. Very condescending to me. He acted like he owned the place too. Way too proud. He wanted me to respect his authority like he earned a purple heart
I hear ya. It's retail, it's not like he's saving lives or anything. lol
I was told Walmart stopped company shopping other stores because of the app they rolled out where customers would scan their receipt.

Well guess ours didn't get the memo, as we still have one from the store that shall not be named... and based on this thread alone I would like to trespass the person from the store. Same with the "horde" of regional chain execs that come in all the time... yeah sure you are just on lunch.. BS!

Why do some managers get all uppity about it.... well from MY POV... if Spot had a rule that prohibited it, ie: closed. Then thats it. Your outta here!!! If there was more discretion to the LOD, my discretion would be OUTTA HERE! SEEYA! Only if forcibly told in writing to allow it would I allow it. Why? I am not aiding the competition ESPECIALLY the store that shall not be named! No way no how. I probably would gladly tolerate the local grocery chains. I just am not going to give quarter to the enemy and thats the way I see that one store/company.

Thankfully our little CS'r scans their crap and leaves quietly. If they were pestering TM's to locate things... OUTTTA HERE!
Forgive my ignorance.....idk how to quote things on here, Apologies for my sloppy postings... MasterofLog, I agree and can respect your POV. That said, where could one find such policies for dare I say it WM reguarding comp shoppers. I've seen CR's myself openly scanning away, theyve told me that theyre welcome, and that the store has no reservations whatsoever having them there. With my company, however, we go in under a 'closed' store atmosphere. I wonder why that is? If it is prohibited, then why are people doing it from other companies? Im still somewhat new to this so Im just looking for any input. So glad to have stumbled across this
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