Archived Confession of Being a Target Team Member

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Ive been following this page for a good while ńow, so do a lot of people at my store (I may or may not have several posts on that page😉) But it has been a while since they have posted anything new.
I'm a notorious eaves-dropper.
I was at a work station in the TL/ETL office area & overheard several ETLs in an adjoining office ridiculing TMs.
I realized they were joking about older/long-time TMs & my name came up.
I picked up my paperwork & walked past the door, looking at them as I went by.
Coulda heard a pin drop.
Not secret at all, sad to say
They are talking about things, most likely TMs, in a manner they are perfectly aware is inappropriate for that area.
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I overstock like a mofo. I try to only go up and out, but sometimes I gotta go to the side to keep from having to backstock it.
I secretly take 16 minute breaks

Sometimes I take 20s. Usually if it's a 5.5. I hate 5.5s.

I also don't put the clothes in size order all the time. I do it if I have a lot of time... So almost never lol.
I yell, do evil laughs, and curse very loudly in the freezer. Why? Enter the freezer at the store I work at and you will find out. I also do my impression of Hugo Weaving doing the Megatron voice. Good times. When I'm very mad, I sometimes throw stuff while I'm in the freezer. I don't give a fuck anymore. The freezer is a lost cause.
I cop to 20s on a 5.5 and i agree that is an ugly shift. Which is worse, 1:30 to 10:30 or 5.5? Why do they have either?
I a
I never take 15s unless I missed my morning coffee. So pointless, why go sit in TBR for 15-25 minute watching Maury when you could be getting work done.
They know what breaks you're allowed when they make the schedule. I never skip breaks on purpose. I don't care about tgt that much. And the 15s have never been the reason I left something unfinished. The reason is usually understaffing. I can't do it all.

I also have shit joints. And now I'm starting to get that pain they talk about in Dr scholls commercials where it goes from the feet up to the lower back. The breaks are helpful. Health insurance would be more helpful lol, but yea, I'm not skipping a free break for a company that doesn't care about me. If you don't wanna take your breaks, that's fine for you, but the rest of us are avoiding burnout and hunger, doing a little socializing and resting our joints and eyes. Studies have shown that taking breaks is better for you.. And the company.

I like to watch something on my iPad when I'm not into whatever they're watching (I do Bob's Burgers and Adventure Time to keep it light) I used to sit outside for breaks. Idk why I stopped that. It was nice.
I unintentionally skip my 15s, and I really shouldn't because when its over
my bladder is haha nope lol you gotta go #2.
I never take 15s unless I missed my morning coffee. So pointless, why go sit in TBR for 15-25 minute watching Maury when you could be getting work done.

Lunches are pointless, too. That's why I clock out, then go back to my work center for another thirty minutes.
I sometimes sneak music into my ear at work, by putting it inside my shirt and bra, I can hide my head phones in my hair. No one knows the difference. But I only do it on the closing shifts when there are less customers. It helps pass the time tremendously.
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