Archived Conflict of interest between TM and Srtl/ETL.

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Mar 31, 2016
What’s your store rule on this? Can team members/leaders and ETLs or SRTL date or hangout outside of work at your store? How about ETLs/SRTL giving a team member a ride home or vice versa? Is texting aloud? Is there a set policy? If so how would this apply to STLs? How about with team leads? Would it be weird if I hung out with one of my cashiers?
Well our stl at my store used to text us, but it's only work related things like "why are you late?" "would you like to work today?" nothing super friendly like "hey we should all meet up at ihop after work!" That'd be superrrrrr weird. And some of us closers have a hard time getting rides home so our etls do give rides and stuff like that no problem.
We used to have an etl that used to play basketball with TMs. He wasnt a good etl though, he tried to befriend everyone and hope that made it so he could stay. Didn't work. Other than that I don't think any of the leadership at my store hangs out with any of the tms. That I know of. I am friends with some of the tms since I was a team member before becoming a senior, but I don't hangout with them.
Well, a Softlines Team Lead had been dating the ETL-AP guy for years at my store. I wasn't too comfortable with it, then she suddenly vanished earlier this year, so it's all good. I think it's weird to do anything with anyone not in the same paygrade, but that's personal preference. Obviously if you guys are friends, hangout all you want! Just when it comes down to business you can't be afraid to be that guy, if you know what I'm sayin'. In my perfect world of business, what stays at work, stays at work. I can be friends with co-workers, but we won't hangout.
Well, a Softlines Team Lead had been dating the ETL-AP guy for years at my store.

It's specifically against the rules for an etl AP to date anyone in the store. I remembered a TPS here posted he has a girlfriend in the store but that's not best practice.

AP is not supposed to be compromised when it comes to internal investigations.
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TLs hang out with tms all the time in my store but be very careful. If there is a suspicion of dating one of you is going to get transferred out.
ETL-AP dating someone in the store? Wonder if she's contributing to shortage 😵
It's specifically against the rules for an etl AP to date anyone in the store. I remembered a TPS here posted he has a girlfriend in the store but that's not best practice.

AP is not supposed to be compromised when it comes to internal investigations.
Our aptl had a relative by marriage who worked pricing. For years. Nobody but me seemed to think it was a problem...
My store tries to keep etls and srtls separate from tms as much as they can. We've got some cliques among the regular tls but everyone higher than them pretty much stay out of it.

Never seen any upper management give rides home or that sort of thing either, usually falls to another tm.
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