Archived Conflict of interest

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“Save money. Live better.”
Sep 1, 2017
I had an interview at game stop and it went well and then I disclosed that I am an employee at target and my interviewer said I’m 99% sure that’s a conflict of interest but she’s short staffed and I’m experienced enough to get a second interview in the case that it would not be a conflict. Now is it a conflict on targets side as well? I’m hoping it isn’t because I can just say I quit target. Need the extra cash because good ol spot isn’t really enough to make ends meet. Don’t judge doing what I can do so survive. Thanks.
As far as I know, the conflict of interest policy was scrapped years ago.

Could someone else corroborate this for me?
We have people who work at Walmart and target... No one cares at my store... The tm said they had to keep it on the downlow at Walmart though
We have people who work at Walmart and target... No one cares at my store... The tm said they had to keep it on the downlow at Walmart though
I don't believe it applies lower than etl last time it got brought up...
Its not a big deal for most stores. They almost didn't hire me at Gap because I worked softlines at Target. My response was, "The goal is to help people find what they need without going somewhere else. But if we don't sell it here I'm going to kindly suggest other places to find it."
Long story short I was told I can’t work at GameStop unless I quit. Oh well lol
I mean even if I were to someone get the job still it would only be part time to have some extra cash in my pocket. Maybe like 3 days a week would target cut my hours because they feel some type of way? I only average anything between 37 and 39. I occasionally get 40 when I stay a few extra minutes here and here when they ask but I would hope they wouldn’t get butt hurt and boot me down to 30.
I only average anything between 37 and 39.

Only 37 to 39? Lol

had an interview at game stop and it went well and then I disclosed that I am an employee at target

Your first mistake. You are under no obligation to tell target where you work. Keep your mouth shut and simply say you have another job, they don't have the right to ask where.

Tms who overshare are the ones who get themself in trouble
I wasn’t aware of it. I didn’t even think twice before telling them And yeah I would love 40 hours consistently. 6 hours is a big deal with you live paycheck to paycheck

And with this $11.00 an hour minimum wage coming up I’m sure they’re gonna cut more hours just make up the difference for the extra 50 cents.

These multi billion dollar companies think they’re slick.
Target isn’t giving me the issue. I haven’t even brought it up to my hr manager. But if I do I will simply say I have a part time job. can you work with me.
I wasn’t aware of it. I didn’t even think twice before telling them And yeah I would love 40 hours consistently. 6 hours is a big deal with you live paycheck to paycheck

And with this $11.00 an hour minimum wage coming up I’m sure they’re gonna cut more hours just make up the difference for the extra 50 cents.

These multi billion dollar companies think they’re slick.


Regardless of the conspiracy theories you want to throw out there, the point of 11$/hr, and then to 15$/hr in a couple years, is not to cut payroll, but to attract and retain competent employees.

I could bore you for days about how incompetent *some* of my peers are. Even the LODs. I have management experience and could run a shift better than half of them.

But let’s stay on topic now.
I have 8 years experience being an Asst. Manager of large Million dollar a year fast food chain franchise location that I became Asst. Manager of at 19, do you think Target cares? They care about degrees which I also have one of those but it is an associates degree in Paralegal Studies and I am over the ideal age limit lol plus I speak up when something is not right, my co-worker and I, our team lead must hate us in cafe BUT she has so much to do right now I hope she appreciates it, plus im out on std. Anyways I would not tell them as long as you can about the other job because eventually they will cut your hours and you will really be hurting for hours at Target lucky if we get 30 hours in cafe, I always have to supplement with cashier or self checkout shifts.

Regardless of the conspiracy theories you want to throw out there, the point of 11$/hr, and then to 15$/hr in a couple years, is not to cut payroll, but to attract and retain competent employees.

Meh. If Corp cuts hours for team members, they save money by not providing insurance. So the higher minimum is offset by lower costs.
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