Archived Confused on research

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Hmm. That's interesting. My state has really weird liquor laws, so any weird law involving food/drink interests me.
Thanks guys for the help. Also, why do we have to 0 it out when it's already 0? Shouldn't we get them automatically? Or does it actually help us get product faster by doing that.
You do that so that the Last Research Date gets updated so that if the STL audits that area for LRDs they don't find a bunch of missing dates, freak out and make instocks fix this very serious problem right now.
Don't forget to check risers for unlocated product!

Last time I used SAR, it asked me to confirm a drastic count change. Is that normal? (BTW, I'm not instocks, an ETL wanted me to correct a count via SAR).

Risers????? Where the hell do you have risers up? They aren't allowed anymore.
Thank god my store doesn't use risers, and never has. We would have guests taking stuff from them all the time. They'd try to take the entire tall stack to get one, and then bitch at us when they all topple over.
Yes asking are you sure is normal. And no it doesn't hit the report since SAR is what you use to correct the report. If it is on the report its from the In-Stocks team and their scan through.

And your team shouldn't be researching if that is how you do it. Never checking? What are you flow? Shoot outs if you can't be bothered to actually research things.
Bosch? May I ask why you are bagging on the "Flow Team"?
Cause our flow team sucked horribly bad. And some are still horrible.

2nd locations they don't fill them. I have watched them crack a case pack with two shelf locations take one out of a case fill the upper shelf and walk away not filling the lower shelf or the end cap. With a PDA on the hip.

In some cases they were making more work for themselves.. It took more work to over push the product than it does to backstock it. "Active full product is backstock. You don't shove the Pantene conditioner behind the Suave shampoo" which is what some of them were doing.
Risers????? Where the hell do you have risers up? They aren't allowed anymore.

We still have product on risers in small appliances for some unknown reason, though the ridiculous amount of Shark steam mops in our building might have something to do with it. We keep the riser shelves up all year round, but they're usually only filled with product during Q4.
Most people talk shit about flow team because they appear to suck up all the payroll and often do rushed, half-assed jobs.

As someone who has worked flow, I completely agree.

We get plenty of hours and are usually the first work center to go over payroll, and we sometimes do a half-assed job...It's hard not to when you have a TL walking down each aisle calling out the time you need to finish in order to avoid a coaching.

If leaders wanted flow to do a more thorough job, they would stop this "box-a-minute" nonsense.
My my my that's some real pro-team spirit there Bosch!! If it really bothers you feel free to discuss your concerns with the Flow Team Lead, or if you really think you can make a difference go to the STL. They really don't seem to care when we express our own frustrations with the no time to FIFO, detrash, make sure backstock is wrapped with a rubber band, cardboard picked up, etc etc etc, at a minute a box. I do agree with one point you made,, speed without accuracy is very inefficient....
My my my that's some real pro-team spirit there Bosch!! If it really bothers you feel free to discuss your concerns with the Flow Team Lead, or if you really think you can make a difference go to the STL. They really don't seem to care when we express our own frustrations with the no time to FIFO, detrash, make sure backstock is wrapped with a rubber band, cardboard picked up, etc etc etc, at a minute a box. I do agree with one point you made,, speed without accuracy is very inefficient....

It's nice to know that there are flow TMs who really do care. Apparently, none of them are at @Bosch's store.
It's nice to know that there are flow TMs who really do care. Apparently, none of them are at @Bosch's store.

Doesn't a lot of that have to do with management?
If the ETL and TL care about these things and keep on top of the team then they are going to happen.
If management doesn't give a shit, then it just isn't going to happen.
The best TM in the world is going to stop trying after a while if the boss doesn't care or their priorities are someplace else.
As I have told some of the Flow TM's I do trust and are good, the bad ones burn your credit.
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