Archived Considering leaving Target, one month in... throw me a bone here, please.

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Nov 26, 2014
You know, I really really do enjoy my job. I work flow from 0400 to 0900 (on most days) with a couple going til 1100, but it's nothing major. I dread going to work that early but once I'm off... I have the entire day to take care of my business or attempt to relax for a while. So it's really not that bad. But, every rose has it's thorn. Hear me out, please. This isn't really a cry for help but having some input from you guys/gals would be nice. I have *got* to get my head right before I step foot back in that store.

I started my career in EMS 10 years ago and was an EMT for a total of 7 years (I started out as a "Cadet"/"Explorer" at the age of 15 and worked my way up to Paramedic). I had a great job to be honest; typically 24 on, 24 off, 24 on, 72 off, etc. After taxes, I was making around $36,000/yr and truly loved my job. Doing some quick math, I've ran in the ballpark of ~17,000 calls in my career. Then, as I was kind of expecting, a large number of the calls that I had ran (mostly pediatrics and friends) began to get to me and I developed pretty severe symptoms of PTSD. That said, I resigned back in March of this year to avoid things getting any worse; we'll leave it at that. I've been fighting it for the last couple years and I finally feel like I've "overcome" the struggle for the most part. At least I feel like I can function and be "me" again, to a large degree.

So I decided to get back on the horse, per se and follow my heart and dream... that's led me to firefighting. I wanted to go this route 10 years ago but I didn't have the opportunity to... so I'm doing it now and backing it up with my experience in the medical field. What can go wrong here, right?

Well, I run an IT business from home in my "free time" (and have been doing so for the last 4 years) but money has been tight this year. I'm not big on ripping people off or setting myself up for "repeat business" by half-assing my work (like most freelancers I know) so as they say: You have to work twice as hard when it's honest. But hey, I enjoy it and it allows me to work around with the FD, running calls from home, training days/hours, etc. Much better than dealing with a 9-5 job to me.

I started Target about one month ago and everything was amazing. My TL is a really really great guy and we've got a good crew, minus one or two sh*theads. The hours work great with what I need to accomplish. HR and 98% of the staff are legitimately good people. That 2% though. FML.

So one of our LOD's is a complete [insert any combination of four letter words here] and no one can stand her. She took it upon herself to modify my availability to "suit the schedule" without my knowledge and added/dropped hours on a few different days.

Now... I *have* to have two days off for training (Sat/Sun) because those classes run from 0800-1700 on those days. She made me "available" without my approval on both days and scheduled me to work them last week. Given that my dept is shelling out over $6k to make sure I get these classes knocked out, this is now a problem. If I can't make the classes, they're losing out on their money and I'll likely lose my job with them.

So... without a single phone call, text, email or anything over the weekend... I show up this Monday morning to be greeted by her, pulled into TSC and chewed up and down in front of everybody for not showing up for work over the weekend. Being baffled by this, I told her to check the schedule and she'd see that I'm never scheduled on those days. Sure enough, she grabs the schedule and bam... there it is. I was scheduled 0400-1100 and 0400-0900 on both days. Now mind you, the last time she chewed my ass for not showing up, she actually meant to chew out the OTHER John but apparently got us confused and went after me instead. After a good ass chewing from her then, a very nice HR lady and myself finally explained the situation; no apologies for her mistake, she just scoffed and stomped her way out onto the floor.

This time around, I was told "Show up for work or you're gone".

Now... I understand that I'm seasonal, I'm within my 90 days, etc. But what in the **** is going on here? I haven't missed a single day of work, I haven't been late, I follow instructions, etc. I've yet to be "coached" or anything... and now I'm facing losing my job because a dumbass LOD modifies my schedules without my approval and demands I make Target the priority in my life.

Is there not some form of "checks and balances" in place within Target for this kind of thing? Shouldn't there be someone "up the chain" that can rectify this? I'm sick and tired of coming in at 0400 every morning, even after training my ass off the day before or running calls all night and getting zero sleep, busting my ass and doing a damn fine job, just to have some BS like this pop up out of no where.

I'm not letting Target stand in the way of continuing my education and following my dreams. Period. Target can go **** themselves for all I care. For what amounts to $7.30/hr after taxes, HELL NO.

So... any thoughts here? Is there a way I can go up the chain and "fix" this already FUBAR'ed situation? My TL is adamant about keeping me onboard and I'd hate to let him down but I have my priorities. And right now, Spot is barely making the bottom.

My next round of classes start tomorrow morning at 0800 and I'm now scheduled to work. That's my problem.
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I haven't read it - but things are anon around here... so you might want to axe your picture and any details you might have thrown in there.
I haven't read it - but things are anon around here... so you might want to axe your picture and any details you might have thrown in there.
I have read it and yes, definitely get rid of your picture. Corporate is all over this board since you can read this without actually registering.

The only way you could go up the chain is speak with you Store Team Lead, which MIGHT actually work if you just explain your situation. After that there's the hotline but from people's experience on this board I wouldn't recommend it. It's an "anonymous" call but they will immediately know who it is after they make the report to your store.
Go to your ETL-HR and ask what is going on, why your schedule was changed (did you look online and not at the posted one?), and why your availability was changed.

And, keep up with the FF - my brother is a Captain with Cal Fire. Sounds like you have a good path aside from the Spot BS. Best of wishes to you on that, and I hope your other issues with the medic side ease in time.

Mostly, thanks for answering to the call.
If you want to change your ID I will be happy to take care of that too.

My mom was an EMT and a volunteer fire fighter so I appreciate everything you are doing.
@neversaynever has it right, have a sit down with the ETL-HR and explain your situation.
At my store the only people they bent over backwards for besides students were the two EMTs.
I think you should part ways with Target and possibly go back to the EMT field but maybe in an office type role so you won't be out in the field.
at least around the stores i've worked at, its impossible for someone to be hired with unavailable weekends. even team leads have to work every other weekend.

if you're not available for weekends we'd term you.
at least around the stores i've worked at, its impossible for someone to be hired with unavailable weekends. even team leads have to work every other weekend.

if you're not available for weekends we'd term you.

Not to say weekend availability isn't important, but it's bullshit to term someone for weekend unavailability when said unavailability was known at the time of hiring.
at least around the stores i've worked at, its impossible for someone to be hired with unavailable weekends. even team leads have to work every other weekend.

if you're not available for weekends we'd term you.

Not to say weekend availability isn't important, but it's bullshit to term someone for weekend unavailability when said unavailability was known at the time of hiring.

You think they give a crap, they changed it on the OP, that tells you they don't care about anything but what they want.

To the OP: I wish I could toss you a bone but I can't. I feel I should have left last year and I am kicking myself for it now.
Get the hell out. Now.
I've been there for 8.5 yrs and can tell you it only gets worse.
We have an STL who apparently likes to make up the rules as he/she goes along. Telling people they'll be let go for calling in sick. WTH is that all about?
Target seems to be hiring managers that are young but they have no people skills. They don't know how to handle stressful situations. They just know how to run their mouths, often with incorrect info.
For that low of pay you can be flipping hamburgers, cooking up fries at McDonald's and most likely be having a MUCH better time doing so.
Get the hell out. Now.
I've been there for 8.5 yrs and can tell you it only gets worse.
We have an STL who apparently likes to make up the rules as he/she goes along. Telling people they'll be let go for calling in sick. WTH is that all about?
Target seems to be hiring managers that are young but they have no people skills. They don't know how to handle stressful situations. They just know how to run their mouths, often with incorrect info.
For that low of pay you can be flipping hamburgers, cooking up fries at McDonald's and most likely be having a MUCH better time doing so.
In my state, McDonald's start ppl off at $9.50 whereas Target start cashiers off at $8.25 and Flow $8.75. State Minimum wage is $7.25. I have thought about working PT many times at Mcdonald's.
Get the hell out. Now.
I've been there for 8.5 yrs and can tell you it only gets worse.
We have an STL who apparently likes to make up the rules as he/she goes along. Telling people they'll be let go for calling in sick. WTH is that all about?
Target seems to be hiring managers that are young but they have no people skills. They don't know how to handle stressful situations. They just know how to run their mouths, often with incorrect info.
For that low of pay you can be flipping hamburgers, cooking up fries at McDonald's and most likely be having a MUCH better time doing so.
In my state, McDonald's start ppl off at $9.50 whereas Target start cashiers off at $8.25 and Flow $8.75. State Minimum wage is $7.25. I have thought about working PT many times at Mcdonald's.
Varies by state but seasonal hires and other newer hires have been starting at 9.50 still too much stress and it doesnt even vary by individual. Target managers are trained to work their TM"s to the bone and trained to have them complete a task in the most minimal time possible and yes the ETL's AND the Team leads will lie or manipulate you so you don't complain and keep up the slave labor. I wonder if someone complained to the district people if they would do anything about it? Has anyone complained about the tactics that ETL's use? Do they listen or do they just fire you for voicing your thoughts? The district people i mean?
Varies by state but seasonal hires and other newer hires have been starting at 9.50 still too much stress and it doesnt even vary by individual. Target managers are trained to work their TM"s to the bone and trained to have them complete a task in the most minimal time possible and yes the ETL's AND the Team leads will lie or manipulate you so you don't complain and keep up the slave labor. I wonder if someone complained to the district people if they would do anything about it? Has anyone complained about the tactics that ETL's use? Do they listen or do they just fire you for voicing your thoughts? The district people i mean?

Who says the district and group leaders don't treat STLs and ETLs the same way?
Varies by state but seasonal hires and other newer hires have been starting at 9.50 still too much stress and it doesnt even vary by individual. Target managers are trained to work their TM"s to the bone and trained to have them complete a task in the most minimal time possible and yes the ETL's AND the Team leads will lie or manipulate you so you don't complain and keep up the slave labor. I wonder if someone complained to the district people if they would do anything about it? Has anyone complained about the tactics that ETL's use? Do they liste n or do they just fire you for voicing your thoughts? The district people i mean?

Who says the district and group leaders don't treat STLs and ETLs the same way?
That is why I'm afraid to say anything because if they do pressure the ETLs to act unethically then they wouldn't care how the TM's are treated. The ETL's don't care as long as they get good reviews and feedback from the district people because that is what gets them paid their salary of over 50k while the district people do it to get paid their salaries of over 70k but in the end they are overworking their poor TM who makes just $8-10 an hour.
In my state minimum wage is 7.50. That's what cashiers start at. An utterly ridiculous wage.

Personally I think managers are two faced and don't give 2 craps about TMs. It wasn't like that several years ago but it is now. It's all about their bonus checks... (push the redcards!! I don't care if everyone has one! Make them get another one for a different account...make them get the credit if they have the debit!).
I don't get a bonus check, so I do not care one teeny tiny bit. Don't judge me. Been to hell and back in my time with Spot.
To the Op...if you go to the etl/ hr or stl then keep in mind most of the time they are going to look out for their peers in the end . If you call the hotline to complain about your schedule then they will know you called....they are not going to call you in an office and say hey you, we know you called the now you will be punished. No, they do this through cutting hours and riding the crap out of you until either...they give up or you do.( and very rarely do they give up without getting what they want). If Spot ranks on the bottom it sounds like you have already made the choice that's best for you. You have to look out for you...cause Spot surely isn't going to.
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