Archived Constructive Suggestions!

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i haven't heard anyone say anything about the unload process
the problem is if we just push the entire truck to the floor, with out scanning or back stocking it, there are a few problems that will arise (with my store at least)
1. the work load will be to big for the flow team, since at my store nearly gets it done at 8 sometimes (4 am store) and our flow team isn't very fast, i take care of all the cardboard, and on regular days I'm required to stock items which i really shouldn't be.
2. we run out of pallets quick, there isn't enough of those flow pallets to go around. ( at my store we can't put wooden pallets on the floor since they scratch up the tile, although flats and tubs can be an option, but that meens the store will be littered with debre, very hard timing to be done by 8.

since i am a new backroom team member and never back stocked the truck, wouldn't back stocking that large amount of back stock be too much if it was brought back later? remember, since the CAFs start at 11, there might be ALOT of back stock still. (depending on your amount of backroom team members)

overal Flow and Backroom i would think be scrambling, and no one wants to scramble. trust me we had done this whole concept before because the PDAs messed up while unloading the truck, and it sucked!

what we really need honestly is for team members to stop being lazy
2) Print an items shelf capacity on all planogrammed shelf labels. No excuse for not having this by now. Inaccurate flow of product corrupts every workcenter that follows. Stock the
right amount to start with and many of the zoning, research, over pulling issues go away quickly and time management improves. We still stock shelves like its 1995.
3) Real time payroll reporting. Efficient use of payroll is more efficient if you know what you actually have to spend. Its still a guess on Monday morning before the dreaded conference
on number 2... MOST DEFINITELY!!! I have been on both sides (pushing truck, setting aisles and zoning) Most of the flow team don't know that there is a specific capacity or those that do know, don't know where to find it. One night that was slow, when I was doing HL, 3 of us went through towels and pulled out 3 overflowing tubs of backstock! it was crazy! There were 23 towels stuffed in a location that was only supposed to have 5! Really?? Having it on the label would make things so much simpler.
on number 3... payroll is always going to be a guesstimate when it's based off real time sales, but having a better reporting system would have a trickle down effect. not only would it help with efficiency of spending, but if you have hours that you can spend, it will eventually help with guest scores.

Great thinking!!
Sounds so stupid and small but : Putting a photo on the front of each box/carton/bin in the fixture room of the correct fixture for that one. Our fixture room gets sorted all the time, and is locked, yet it still looks completely chaotic and messed up..... Perhaps something so simple as a photo could help people in putting stuff away where it is supposed to go. It drives me insane whenever I need a fixture for my dept, having to hunt for ages to find one when I know we have plenty there is just 1 in perhaps every box in the room! arrggghh!!!

Specialized "sortable" carts for the reshop at GS. Perhaps just some sort of dividers we could put in there, so the A+B cart could be sorted into A and B .... and with smaller sections for stationary etc. We used to keep cosmetics and jewelry separate, but they just started chucking it all into the softlines and A+B carts, so having a section of the cart devoted to that would make life so much easier, and make putting it back out so much faster.

Designated PDA's for each workcenter. I am so sick of all our PDA's vanishing within the first 5 minutes, and people hiding them. I would love for them to work out how many each workcenter needs, we started locking the cabinet and signing them out, but only 5 or so people actually do it. It drives me crazy when I need one to do my job or task and have to chase down an LOD for them to chase down a PDA for me, I spend 15 minutes just doing that some days. :\

We got some of the fabric bins (red of course!) and labeled them for different areas in A. One for A1-A10 (health), One for A11-A20 (hair care and cosmetics) and the last one for A21- A30 (toothpaste, shaving and shower stuff) and use the cart for big items and B.
on number 2... MOST DEFINITELY!!! I have been on both sides (pushing truck, setting aisles and zoning) Most of the flow team don't know that there is a specific capacity or those that do know, don't know where to find it. One night that was slow, when I was doing HL, 3 of us went through towels and pulled out 3 overflowing tubs of backstock! it was crazy! There were 23 towels stuffed in a location that was only supposed to have 5! Really?? Having it on the label would make things so much simpler.
on number 3... payroll is always going to be a guesstimate when it's based off real time sales, but having a better reporting system would have a trickle down effect. not only would it help with efficiency of spending, but if you have hours that you can spend, it will eventually help with guest scores.

Great thinking!!

I work at Walmart and they have the shelf capacities printed on the labels. I have two issues with this. The first is the fact that people ignore them but Walmart's process requires us to push all of a casepack or send it all back as backstock. I also ignore them sometimes because I know that when the modular (planogram) resets, for some reason the shelf capacities don't. This makes a mess of the backroom process because the computer thinks more will go out when in fact it will not because the facings got reduced but the shelf capacity stayed the same. So the department manager (TL) is supposed to fix that when working the bin exceptions (challenge).
I tend to pay attention more to the number of facings than the shelf capacity.
This is gonna sound smarmy, but you do realize that Target has an entire division headquartered in India, right? And yes they do have a CSC call center there.

No, I didn't....I readily admit I don't know a lot about the "corporate side" of Target. It's pretty obvious our tech services is located there, though, because we can rarely understand the people who call us back whenever we e-support anything....they might want to work on that because it's REALLY difficult to solve an issue when you have NO CLUE what the person on the other end of the line is asking you to do and we can't do much of ANYTHING without functional computers in the pharmacy!!!
Constructive suggestion:

When making planograms with displays - put a MD/AX/PX or DPCI number on the display item schematic (inside the boxes with X's on them) so that you don't have to decipher a ridiculous line listing (like sections that look like they have 2 items in it, but really have four since they are over by one inch into the previous section.....etc.).
constructive suggestion:

When making planograms with displays - put a md/ax/px or dpci number on the display item schematic (inside the boxes with x's on them) so that you don't have to decipher a ridiculous line listing (like sections that look like they have 2 items in it, but really have four since they are over by one inch into the previous section.....etc.).

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