COVID-19 COVID-19 stress


always exhausted
Feb 3, 2020
i’m sure i’m not the only one wondering what’s going to happen with hours and sales as everyone is pushed to stay at home. i really need hours so i can save up for college, a car, etc, and it’s scary to think of that all going away. my paranoia might be more than most people’s- i have severe anxiety and never do well with change- but everything is just falling apart. for a long time i counted on always having target and some of my best friends (coworkers) but i don’t know if i will anymore.
idk. am i the only one who’s just... terrified?
I'm not terrified...yet. But I'm definitely stressed and disoriented, and frustrated and crabby. Doesn't help that I've been feeling physically very tired and sniffly and generally blah the last few weeks.
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I was fine until last Thursday. The energy in the store changed. The guests were frantic. We did double our sales forecast with half a team. I was a mess that night. I had the next 2 days off. I tried to center myself again. I'm keeping up with the news in my area, around the country and the world. I'm staying informed and washing my hands constantly. Some of my team are wearing gloves. I'm still anxious but not like Thursday. I'm just going to keep taking it one day at a time until we turn a corner.
Please also remember if you need to talk to someone the Team Member Life Resources is available to ALL team members and their families.
Stay safe!
What about Targets in San Francisco are they being considered grocery stores and will they stay open?
I feel stressed too considering that I’m the only one from my family who needs to go out at this condition. I too have problems with adapting to sudden changes. I think a lot about what would happen if nobody in my team turns up. My husband is telling me to stay home but I think I ll go and see what happens.
My only wish is that I shouldn’t be one to spread this disease to another person , be my family or anyone else. Try your best to follow the precautions and keeping distance from people visiting the store . If you feel unwell, go home . Consider your health as top priority as without that anything you earned would be of no value. There is no need to panic but just stay alert and stay safe.
I'm not terrified...yet. But I'm definitely stressed and disoriented, and frustrated and crabby. Doesn't help that I've been feeling physically very tired and sniffly and generally blah the last few weeks.
Sounds like Rona..
I think everyone is probably wondering about hours and work load and what if they or a loved one gets sick. If it's not hours being cut, either partially or entirely (for restaurants and non-essential retail), it's work days turning into something that never ends (for health care providers).
We all need to do what we're able to do to keep ourselves and others safe: social distancing, wash your hands properly, obey restrictions put in place by local or state governments. We don't want to be the next Italy, but we can definitely get through this.
Please do not feel like you're in this all alone because you're not - we're all in that same boat with you. College and a car and whatever else you're aiming for might be a bit further away, but they're not going to be unattainable forever. We have a tough few weeks, maybe even months, to get through, but we will get through it, all of us working together. Stay in touch with friends and family via social media and phone calls; physical isolation doesn't mean complete social isolation. Stay safe.
What about Targets in San Francisco are they being considered grocery stores and will they stay open?

target is exempt from the bay areas shelter in place.

It’s a scary time for everyone. Just remember you don’t need to be a hero but you are a hero. You’re working so that people can get what they need in what is a really terrible time in our country.

be safe. Take a mental health day. The show will go on.
target is exempt from the bay areas shelter in place.

It’s a scary time for everyone. Just remember you don’t need to be a hero but you are a hero. You’re working so that people can get what they need in what is a really terrible time in our country.

be safe. Take a mental health day. The show will go on.

Hi- hopefully you are taking care of yourself.
My kids school is out for 3 weeks and I am having to home school overnight. My concern is what if the schools stay out for summer?? I already don't get paid for taking this time off. If I have to homeschool my kids for the remainder of the school year, how will my job be protected?
My kids school is out for 3 weeks and I am having to home school overnight. My concern is what if the schools stay out for summer?? I already don't get paid for taking this time off. If I have to homeschool my kids for the remainder of the school year, how will my job be protected?

You could go on a FMLA that would protect your job but you wouldn't get paid
Absenteeism policy is waived IE: if you call out sick it cannot be counted against you. I personally am high risk (overweight+immune issue) and until yesterday I was fine. I have chest congestion, stomach issues, sweats, body aches, but so far no fever. I will not be returning to work until I am well. i am not going to expose myself to get tested either. My state does not yet have drive thru testing. I am isolating at home until my oxygen% drops (I have a oximeter) as I do not want to overwhelm the healthcare system until absolutely necessary. Truth is there is nothing the healthcare system can do other than throw us all on venilation and give us fluids and just pray our immune system is strong enough to fight it off!
As a cashier, I am just 3-feet in front of our guests all day long AND they are brushing my back side in the lane behind me. At self-checkout I can “try” to ask guests to move out of the way so that I can fix whatever issue they have… but they just won’t move. They want me to reach around their bodies to touch the screen. It is impossible to get around them. They are asked not to show up to work that is enforcing safe distancing, yet they come to Target to smother Target team members as if that is their community service. As if we are exempt from safe distancing because they need their toilet paper and a cart full of two weeks of food. They don’t see us as human beings just as vulnerable as they are. Am I stressed? I am incredibly stressed especially today as our Target guests are becoming hot headed and mean in their panic. Especially today because Target seems ignorant of our needs to be safe. Target can do many things to protect their workers, yet they are blinded by $$$$.
As said earlier in this post, Target remained open when the whole city was told to remain at home. Why are we considered as community support as if we are immune from any transmissible disease? I don't think Target see's us as that, rather they see us as replaceable. We are a dime a dozen.
Recent news accounts warn about a resurgence of COVID-19 around the country. Last night, I was a bit surprised that some of the "Social Distancing" signage taped in front of individual checkout lanes had been removed. While I've learned to be very skeptical about anything I read on news media, this story is an example which makes me wonder if Target is prepared to renew safeguards to protect the health of TMs and guests?


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