COVID-19 Covid leave question

Aug 1, 2014
I’m getting conflicting information from my store HRTM and the Target Benefits hotline. Hoping someone who’s been there done that can break the tie.

Yesterday my husband tested positive for Covid. The rest of the household (me included) took a rapid test and it came back negative. I have a regular test scheduled tomorrow as well.

When I called my store they said I need to stay home 14 days... even if I continue to test negative. And that I needed to call Target Benefits to start the leave of absence pay.

When I called the Target benefits number they said that because I wasn’t the one sick/positive my store HR needs to initiate a personal LOA for me for 14 days. Basically the benefits person did nothing. Didn’t take down my information or anything. Referred me back to my store.

So I called the store HRTM and she says the benefits number told me wrong. But she’d look into it.

So, who initiates the leave? Again, I am healthy. I am being asked to quarantine because my husband is positive. That fact seems to confuse both parties over who initiates my leave. One side is incorrect.

And is there any way I could be penalized (miss out on pay if this doesn’t get done ASAP? I’m reluctant to call my (possibly confused) store HR on Christmas Eve. Then come the holidays.

According to my calendar, I should be clear to go back to work 1/5, Assuming I stay healthy of course.
When my sister tested positive for COVID and I called HR, they put in the request for the paid LOA. I just had to email the HRTM with proof of the positive diagnosis. It was approved. But unfortunately it seems like not all stores are on the same page on how the process works because I’ve been reading conflicting stories all over the place.
When my sister tested positive for COVID and I called HR, they put in the request for the paid LOA. I just had to email the HRTM with proof of the positive diagnosis. It was approved. But unfortunately it seems like not all stores are on the same page on how the process works because I’ve been reading conflicting stories all over the place.
Thanks. Just to clarify you provided proof of your sister’s positive test, but you stayed healthy. Is that right?
Thanks. Just to clarify you provided proof of your sister’s positive test, but you stayed healthy. Is that right?
Correct. I even asked a ETL that if my sister is a presumptive positive but I’m healthy, do I still have to self isolate and she said yes. She’s the one who brought up the paid LOA.
Target is following cdc guidelines. So if you got a rapid test the dr should’ve told you to quarantine.

And even then hr shouldn’t let you in the building because that’s what their guidelines say to do. Otherwise they can get into big trouble n
Oh I definitely understand and am grateful Target is following CDC guidelines. And I’m keeping my butt at home.

I’m just trying to figure out if I set up my leave with the benefits hotline or my store HR by phone. Both sides claim its the “others job”

BTW... my husband (the one who is sick) is expected to be out of Quarantine Jan 1 (10 days after) according to his company’s HR. We really are blessed to be working for Target in this regard.
If you have a household member test positive you stay home. I would obtain a quarantine notice and submit it to your HR. I have submitted LOA’s for team members and then they also need to be in contact with L&D as well.
I took the covid test on Monday and it came back positive yesterday. I forwarded the resorts to the reed group. They want to know the first day of my leave, the last day and the day I will return back to work. I am symptomatic, fever, body aches, head ache, congestion, constantly thirsty, leg cramps, fatigue, dizziness upon standing nauseous (not everything all at once but several al at once. How in the world am I supposed to know when I am going to feel better?
When I had covid symptoms I called HR and told them. From the date I called HR I was told to stay home 2 weeks. My test came back positive. I was given the pandemic hours. They used my average hours to come up with how much to give me. HR handled everything for me.

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