Archived Coworkers who steal

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We've had several who start with petty theft & AP watches them until it reaches a certain point. By then they've established that it's not a one-time impulse. We also had the ones that thought they were being watched & stopped for awhile.....then started up again before being busted.
Target is a vicious when it comes to theft. I've seen them build cases to the point of a felony multiple times. I'm talking about a team member stealing 200 thousand dollars over months. They didn't act till felony status was hit.
Target is a vicious when it comes to theft. I've seen them build cases to the point of a felony multiple times. I'm talking about a team member stealing 200 thousand dollars over months. They didn't act till felony status was hit.

That is slightly psychotic.
I'm pretty sure Spot prefers to build it up to a felony case if they think they can.

Even if it is entrapment, I will never understand stealing from a department store. It's just not worth the risk. The possible reward is nowhere near the level of the risk.
Now if it's a bank, museum, fancy pawn shop, or fancy jewelry store, then yeah I get it. You actually have the possibility of a big pay day along with the possibility of a long prison sentence but at least you're aiming high. If it's a bank, you're really not hurting anyone's money since their money is protected(well I think up to 200,000 dollars or maybe 500K).
You're talking kleptos, 2 bit thieves, tweakers, and shoplifting teenagers for the most part at stores. There's the occasional theft ring where they'll push out a few grand worth of stashed merch and hit a few stores in an area to resell, but that's a fair bit less common. Thing is you're not talking the bank heist type here.

Also the risk/reward on real life bank thefts is pretty bad. Bank theft is investigated by the FBI, because that money is the FDIC, a federal agency, so you're in effect stealing from the federal gov't. Most bank robbers are picked up quite quickly afterwards when they set off a dye pack or just flat out get caught with the money stashed under their matress after they buy 3 grand worth of meth...

(Source: my dad was a federal prosecutor ~10 years ago).
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One can dream. I don't think most Americans would be that sympathetic toward the side of the American government over someone that probably needs the money more. As long as you don't physically hurt anyone, you're not hurting anyone in my opinion. Let's be honest. America is more of a business or corporation than it is a country.
If you steal from your employer & still get paid, you should be fired & go to jail. What is the advantage of having lost sales due to missing products available to the guest? That will lead to higher prices for the guests & lower wages for employees.
One can dream. I don't think most Americans would be that sympathetic toward the side of the American government over someone that probably needs the money more. As long as you don't physically hurt anyone, you're not hurting anyone in my opinion. Let's be honest. America is more of a business or corporation than it is a country.

Now I'm convinced you need to leave Target and America.
So you don't have any sympathy, empathy, or compassion for a man that robs a bank with a big payday so he can pay for an operation that will save the life of his child or wife? Stealing from Target is minor league and pointless. I am saying that while it is wrong, I can understand a person's motives or reasons for robbing a bank.
I thought AP couldn't say a word to any Team Members about any on going investigation. I heard if I ever saw something and said something to a team member, it is grounds for immediate termination.

The way I actually learned about this was complete bullshit, a trainee in the Backroom told me he saw something strange. Not knowing he reported it I went to AP, and they flipped out on me, telling me if I do it again, I can be terminated.

Had worked there for a year and a half, never knew. Now I shut up and play stupid, and never say anything unless it can eff up my PFresh Inventory.
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This thread is about Target employees stealing from Target. I rest my case and I don't want to give myself a stroke discussing this any further.
So you don't have any sympathy, empathy, or compassion for a man that robs a bank with a big payday so he can pay for an operation that will save the life of his child or wife? Stealing from Target is minor league and pointless. I am saying that while it is wrong, I can understand a person's motives or reasons for robbing a bank.

It's like that time that guy found out he had Terminal cancer, so he created Meth and sold it, so his family could have a decent future after he passed. I forget what happened to him tho.
So you don't have any sympathy, empathy, or compassion for a man that robs a bank with a big payday so he can pay for an operation that will save the life of his child or wife? Stealing from Target is minor league and pointless. I am saying that while it is wrong, I can understand a person's motives or reasons for robbing a bank.

We all do but that's where our court system is supposed handle the situation.
That is what justice is all about, when it comes time for sentencing.
The person is still guilty of the crime.

I knew a woman who worked as the bookkeeper and director of a nonprofit charity.
She embezzled about $160,000 from the group.
We can all agree that is pretty despicable.
Her partner had cancer and they didn't have health insurance.
That's what she was using the money for but it still wasn't right.
When it came time for sentencing they gave her 18 months in jail, a year of public service (no money handling), and I don't remember how long for probation.
It seemed fair considering the circumstances.

Would I have turned her in?
That's a tough question but probably, what she was doing did hurt other people even if helped her partner.
Am I glad the court showed her mercy when they could have put her in jail for 5 to 10 years.
Most certainly.
Stealing from charity is a lot different than stealing from a bank. Yes, both are wrong but stealing from a charity or church is bad karma. I can't demonize a man that is trying to save a loved one's life especially a wife or child.
I partner at a lot of stores in 2 districts and I have past experience and my degree relates to criminal doings. ( Yes vague 🙂 ) All I get is little ap doggies. I have about 12 I think ?
Has anyone actually gotten a giftcard for turning someone in?
I reported a guy to AP multiple times for helping himself to sodas, pizzas, pasta, anything in the cold case or warmer. Kept track of times so AP could review the tapes. Nothing happened.
Later, the guy moves on to skullcandy earphones, flashdrives, small items easily pocketed before moving up to more expensive items before he's busted.
Guess who got the giftcard?
Hint: it wasn't me even though I got him on AP's radar.
You shouldn't steal at Target because that shite haunt you for the rest of your life. Employers don't want to hire thieves. And it's not worth it. Unless you're stealing large amounts of money, buried treasure or priceless artifacts or art, it's not worth it.
Worth Noting. Even if you got a good attorney, and convinced a judge to drop the theft charges... there is one thing, that'll follow you. Target enters your information in a Retail Theft Database, that's accessible by pretty much, any big-box retailer. And, it'll show up when you apply for a job or position, during your background check at those stores.

Target will also find out, if you're arrested for shoplifting at a partners store. I haven't personally seen a case (at my store) where a TM was terminated, but I do know that Team Members at other stores were.
It's like that time that guy found out he had Terminal cancer, so he created Meth and sold it, so his family could have a decent future after he passed. I forget what happened to him tho.

Best Post 2k14

Stealing from charity is a lot different than stealing from a bank. Yes, both are wrong but stealing from a charity or church is bad karma. I can't demonize a man that is trying to save a loved one's life especially a wife or child.

Stealing from a church is only bad karma if you believe in it.

Target will also find out, if you're arrested for shoplifting at a partners store. I haven't personally seen a case (at my store) where a TM was terminated, but I do know that Team Members at other stores were.

Smart of them to do that then.

Now I'm convinced you need to leave Target and America.

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