Archived Coworkers who steal

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Stealing from a church or charity is bad karma because the money that goes to a church or charity is designated for the less fortunate. Stealing money from a bank is not necessarily stealing from the less fortunate.

And to the person that said I need to leave America, you personally foot the bill and I'm off American soil.
I find it funny that Target won't hire you if you have theft charges or convictions. I am currently out on a $30,000 bail and being charged with 2 counts of second degree bank robbery (I'm innocent) and I was still hired after the background check with no questions asked about it whatsoever. They are now cross training me to be more full time cashier. I was like 0_0 you're going to trust me with a drawer full of cash? They must be trying to set me up. I know they know too because my face was all over the news and my name all over Google when you search my name. Don't steal anything from anywhere or anyone at any time, it's never worth it.

Prison isn't as fun as it seems 🙂
What happens if after 6 months that terminated employee starts shopping at your store again cause most all higher ups have since gone I have notified AP But think they just shrugged their shoulders.
I find it funny that Target won't hire you if you have theft charges or convictions. I am currently out on a $30,000 bail and being charged with 2 counts of second degree bank robbery (I'm innocent) and I was still hired after the background check with no questions asked about it whatsoever. They are now cross training me to be more full time cashier. I was like 0_0 you're going to trust me with a drawer full of cash? They must be trying to set me up. I know they know too because my face was all over the news and my name all over Google when you search my name. Don't steal anything from anywhere or anyone at any time, it's never worth it.

Prison isn't as fun as it seems 🙂


What the fuck? Yeah....don't steal. You won't get away with it. That post...along with you're post about your meth friend....paint an interesting picture of you. Heh heh...

ANYWAY, I've never noticed/caught anyone stealing at our store. (team member wise I mean) But I wouldn't be surprised. I've had a few TMs try and pull the same shit as some of our couponers though. That really pissed me off.

What the fuck? Yeah....don't steal. You won't get away with it. That post...along with you're post about your meth friend....paint an interesting picture of you. Heh heh...

ANYWAY, I've never noticed/caught anyone stealing at our store. (team member wise I mean) But I wouldn't be surprised. I've had a few TMs try and pull the same shit as some of our couponers though. That really pissed me off.
Okay now I see I kind of made a weird first impression, I tend to do that. I hope it at least made someone laugh, I did once you pointed this out to me haha. Yeah don't steal, I've never stolen in my entire life, my dad has been a banker for the last 40+ years (retiring next year, wooo!) so I got the impression from quite a young age that stealing is one of the worst things a man can do. I think my dad's parenting strategy and moral priorities were a bit off back then...
The only internal theft I ever witnessed was a couple of folks, who knew better, refilling old cups or water cups with soda, sometimes repeatedly in the same day. Those TMs were never caught though, or were just let off with a warning, 'cause they still work there.

Biggest internal theft I knew of? The ETL-AP and I hung out a lot and she shared with me that a former cashier took $600 cash out of the drawer and pocketed it on her last day, within full view of the cameras. There is/was a warrant out for her arrest. It was pretty crazy to hear since this particular cashier had been one of our best: top REDcard sales, on time to work every shift, friendly, going to school full-time, etc. AP was shocked. Goes to show you the most innocent looking people can be the most guilty.
It seemed like AP at my store had an internal every year. Then our ETL-AP of 6 years left. The new guy didn't get a single internal for over 2 years. He moved to Sales Floor without ever getting one. AP guys, how common is it to go 2 years without an internal?
How could someone move from AP to salesfloor?
Seems to me a lot like an ETL stepping down to TM; they have benefit of knowledge that ordinary TMs don't.
It seemed like AP at my store had an internal every year. Then our ETL-AP of 6 years left. The new guy didn't get a single internal for over 2 years. He moved to Sales Floor without ever getting one. AP guys, how common is it to go 2 years without an internal?
Not common at all.
How could someone move from AP to salesfloor?
Seems to me a lot like an ETL stepping down to TM; they have benefit of knowledge that ordinary TMs don't.
He actually passed assessments and got a promotion at the same time as the move lol.
Edit: I think I misunderstood you at first lol. I agree it's a little shady, when you think about how much he knows.
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A friend from another store told me about training a girl in CO who was dating a cart attendant.
Later, CA moves to TPS while STILL dating the girl in CO.
When my friend asked the ETL-AP about it, he said "I don't have a problem with it & neither do you."
Not surprisingly, none of them work for spot any more.
Without a doubt I would report it . However, I would just go to the Aptl, I wouldn't discuss it with my peers etc or gossip about it I would also make sure that I was certain that someone was stealing or trying to steal before reporting them.. Stealing from Spot as cliché as it may sound taking money out of OUR ( tms) pockets..
It seemed like AP at my store had an internal every year. Then our ETL-AP of 6 years left. The new guy didn't get a single internal for over 2 years. He moved to Sales Floor without ever getting one. AP guys, how common is it to go 2 years without an internal?
Really depends on store volume, location and number of employees. Honestly one internal in a year isn't much at all. The company assumes that someone is always stealing and wants us to have open investigations at all times but sometimes it just doesn't work like that. The company plugs in ETL APs much like other ETL positions, fresh out of college grads. Sometimes those people aren't really meant or prepared for that type of role.
How could someone move from AP to salesfloor?
Seems to me a lot like an ETL stepping down to TM; they have benefit of knowledge that ordinary TMs don't.
ETL APs get moved around just like other ETLs, 18 month rotations. We had one in our district that recently moved to logistics while another was promoted to STL.

Below ETL it's not very common to move from AP to another position (in the same store) because of camera knowledge but it does happen if they really want that person for the role. I've seen TPS get promoted to TL (regular and SRTL) and even ETL positions in the same store.
If you choose to steal something from anywhere, you know it's NOT yours, and your intention is take what is not YOURS. My personal belief is that it will come back you at some point. No way around it
Really depends on store volume, location and number of employees. Honestly one internal in a year isn't much at all. The company assumes that someone is always stealing and wants us to have open investigations at all times but sometimes it just doesn't work like that. The company plugs in ETL APs much like other ETL positions, fresh out of college grads. Sometimes those people aren't really meant or prepared for that type of role.

ETL APs get moved around just like other ETLs, 18 month rotations. We had one in our district that recently moved to logistics while another was promoted to STL.

Below ETL it's not very common to move from AP to another position (in the same store) because of camera knowledge but it does happen if they really want that person for the role. I've seen TPS get promoted to TL (regular and SRTL) and even ETL positions in the same store.

Also you really cannot know how many internals an ETL-AP is doing. Some just end up being HR Policy so your building could have some just go to CA or FW (and that TM isn't going to say that). I would say there is usually somebody on the team stealing in some fashion, but it may not always be a true merchandise or cash theft.
If a TM was observed doing petty theft, they were watched to see if it was a single incident or if it was becoming habitual (which would almost always escalate to greater $$ amts).
I was told by one of our ETL--AP that they would never give a CA or FW for even petty theft at our store because the TM would simply wait a while & attempt to be more covert.
How could someone move from AP to salesfloor?
Seems to me a lot like an ETL stepping down to TM; they have benefit of knowledge that ordinary TMs don't.
Connections or necessity? ETL-AP told me that if I ever applied for TPS that I couldn't go back to any other job in the store.
Our APTL has several years experience and I wouldn't dream of doing something in my store. This guy has an uncanny ability of finding even the smallest things that go missing. He has to have hidden cameras in areas we would never think of if I believe some of the things I've heard. And he will let people steal until it adds up and then out of nowhere - BAM! Your ass is being escorted out in handcuffs. This dude IS Big Brother.
Our APTL has several years experience and I wouldn't dream of doing something in my store. This guy has an uncanny ability of finding even the smallest things that go missing. He has to have hidden cameras in areas we would never think of if I believe some of the things I've heard. And he will let people steal until it adds up and then out of nowhere - BAM! Your ass is being escorted out in handcuffs. This dude IS Big Brother.
I love those guys!
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