Archived Crying at Target .... Good / Bad / ...?

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Got hit on the head by a falling baby gate..bawled like a baby..not sure why..very embarrasing.
Thank heaven I haven't cried on the job while on the floor since "the roaring '90s" ( there was a lot going on-working 70-hour weeks, most of those hours on weekends, with my Store Manager being hooked on an illegal substance, stealing from the store/perpetrating fraud and attempting to frame all of us assistant managers for it, associates who would spend their days in the bathroom eating pizza, using the toilet w/o flushing, and threatening to come back and kill me after I issued corrective actions..., etc.,...the cry line there was twofold: 1.) An old man came in and yelled at me for not smiling, and 2.) FINALLY, I handed in my two weeks' notice, and, trembling and feeling the watery lines down my face, I apologized and announced that my two weeks' notice was actually a two minutes' notice, and I GTFO of there..)...

That said, if I had a nickel for every time someone, guest, TM, or TL at Spot exhorted me to "SMILE!" 🙂...

...then I'd REALLY have something to smile about!!!

ive cried a few times, luckily im by myself in the backroom so no one saw, but it was some serious s**t.

my ex girlfriend at the time was pregnant with my child, and she had a miscarriage, i was going to have a son and we had already named him, i got the news at work so i went down the very darkest corner of the backroom and just started balling and just sat on the ground for about 30 minutes.
The only time I saw anyone cry ,was a few months ago,when our stl announced that one of our coworkers had passed away .
Stl,etls,tls ,tm,everyone was in was a tough day !
Careful, someone's liable to coach to you about that what with the dual being unprofessional and not immediately doing a 3-step clean up process for any random drops that escaped your face. Do the brand thing and keep it sanitary: :sarcastic2:
Definatly ok depending on situations... Seen many an ETL/TL cry when leaving. Saw a young one cry getting turned down for a TL position she had been working hard for. Myself- guest yelled at me in frontof many people that I was a racist(just for doing my job of course) and yeah when my ETL came and backed me up I walked off stage and I not only cried but I screamed about how I couldn't even believe that s*%t!
Had someone start crying when I was delivering a corrective action. I told her that there was no crying at work and that I needed him to gain his composer so that he understood what I was telling him. He kept crying and crying. The ETL that was with me told him to man up and own his mistake. LOL

I know that had to be hard to deal with, but how you did it was not your finest moment. A leader that shows compassion for his team is an attribute I admire the most. If this ever happens again, I hope you tell the person, you will give them a moment, walk out, take 5 and get a cup of coffee, then bring them a glass of water. Ask the person why this ca is upsetting them so much. You might be surprised why that person was so upset at the prospect of losing their job.
I cried twice at work and am not proud of it. The first time was after receiving a threatening phone call at the FR (one of my first times covering a break back there - I was scared out of my mind). Luckily a TL was nearby and got someone to cover for me, and I hid out in the AP office with the TPS, making a report and she let me calm down in there.

Second time, a guest came in and claimed my car had hit theirs (which was not true). I had to go out to the parking lot and was basically screamed at until the police came so he could file a report. I was so embarrassed I hid in the bathroom in the back for an hour and cried.

I agree, you're at work and should try to be professional, but if it does happen, I think excusing yourself is perfectly fine.
I've only ever cried once, and it was in the first few months I had worked there, on Christmas Eve. It was a guest calling on the phone for a bunch of different cookies to put on hold. He was absolutely nasty, and rude. Everytime I tried to put him on a line to go check for the cookies or get someone to check for me, he would start screaming about me not doing my job/checking! It was absolutely ridiculous! Finally, I tried to tell him that I was just going to transfer him directly to Market (which he wanted anyway apparently) and he yelled at me again and told me he was going to wait on the line while I took my 'stupid ass' over to Market and found his 'god damn cookies'. At this point I just gave up and started crying because it was Christmas Eve and I had been working all week already so I just found my TL told her everything that happened and gave her the phone. Thankfully she told the guest that he could call back when he wasn't going to treat her team members in such a foul manner so...that made me feel a bit better.

That would have been when I said, "All right, have a nice xmas," and then hung up.
TIL people cry if someone yells at them, people cry for answering the phone, people cry if their shirt is about a bunch of emotionally immature people.
Just don't be lookin' too closely inside MY freezer.
Nuthin' to see here, citizens. Just keep movin'....

"Why do you want me to stand on this plastic tarp, Redeye?"
"What plastic tarp? I don't see a tarp."
Thwack, thwack, thwackity, thwack.

"Darn now I'm going to have to order more degreaser."
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Just don't be lookin' too closely inside MY freezer.
Nuthin' to see here, citizens. Just keep movin'....

"Why do you want me to stand on this plastic tarp, Redeye?"
"What plastic tarp? I don't see a tarp."
Thwack, thwack, thwackity, thwack.

"Darn now I'm going to have to order more degreaser."

I think you'd need more than degreaser to clean something like that up... 😀
I have cried in the HR's and my ETL's office once a piece....I get extremely mad and one of two things happen a) I cry or b) Big Bad Bertha comes out, BBB is very, very unprofessional so in this case crying was better.
I have also gotten so mad at my ex while on break that I cried a little but only one person saw the tail end of that one. I also went into work the day after I lost a beloved uncle and while I didn't cry everybody thought I had/was...must have looked a wreck.
At my old store had an STL that asked why I didn't get along with her and I told her I thought she wasn't a good leader because she changed too much coming in and was never on the floor, she burst into tears right in front of me and a brand new ETL-ER who was sitting in with us.
Tears only work at traffic stops. Time to grow up. If one finds themselves breaking down, the last place you should be is in public when one does.
Only time you will find me in the freezer is when a hot flash comes on.....:angry:
My hot flashes are so bad they send me in to FIFO the deep freeze whenever they need it defrosted. I'm a one-woman thaw machine.
And don't get me started on the hormonal roller coaster....
Just don't be lookin' too closely inside MY freezer.
Nuthin' to see here, citizens. Just keep movin'....

"Why do you want me to stand on this plastic tarp, Redeye?"
"What plastic tarp? I don't see a tarp."
Thwack, thwack, thwackity, thwack.

"Darn now I'm going to have to order more degreaser."

I think you'd need more than degreaser to clean something like that up... 😀

Ohhhhhh, you'd be amazed at what degreaser can (& has) clean(ed) up.....
Ohhhhhh, you'd be amazed at what degreaser can (& has) clean(ed) up.....

The only thing that I can't get degreaser to get up is ICEE stains... And that's when I whip out the Glass cleaner... 😀

The Glass cleaner is loaded with Ammonia, and really cuts through the grease (sometimes better then the de-greaser 😉 )

and when everything else fails, the stores secret stash of "Goo Be Gone" & Clorox Cleanup comes in handy... 😉

Oh Yeah.. and I think "Spitfire" is the most powerful thing, if you could ignore the horrible smell.
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