Archived CSC

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My longest CSC call was about 2 hours I believe, with approximately an hour and a half of that being hold time.
I hate wasting time on the phone with the CSC to have them not understand my issue or give garbage responses that don't help at all. I miss when I used to be able to submit a quick mySupport for tech issues and get the useless response the next day.
I hate CSC with every fiber of my soul. I'm pretty sure I'm on a list somewhere there to immediately be escalated to a manager-I don't put up with their shit help for a second.
I wish they could stay consistent with their "help" too. I could call every day for a week with the same problem and get a different answer each time.
My favorite was when I couldn't get collates to print from Manhattan. CSC told me that before we did anything else, I needed to "Format the printer." Something about needing to disconnect the cables from it to the computer. I couldn't get him to understand that I was talking about the printer at the pack station rather than the one at the computer, and he wouldn't listen to anything else until I had "formatted the printer." When he put me on hold I hung up.

(Side note: Whenever we try to reprint a collate or split one from a PDA, we get a dropdown box of multiple printers, and about half of them are from a completely different store. Is there a way to have it default to our own and remove the extra ones? I think that may be part of the problem.)
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(Side note: Whenever we try to reprint a collate or split one from a PDA, we get a dropdown box of multiple printers, and about half of them are from a completely different store. Is there a way to have it default to our own and remove the extra ones? I think that may be part of the problem.)
Yeah that is the problem. You have to call the CSC but I really don't know what exactly you need to say to get it fixed (I did it around the beginning of the year). I got it fixed for my TM numbers, so I can print from Manhattan just fine and I only see my store when reprinting from the PDA, but every other TM is still defaulted to another store. I think I'm the only one who can reprint from Manhattan at my store.
I have called them so often that usually I am able to get the issue sorted or at least sent up to the correct team. If you call when HQ is open you will usually get someone in the US for more complex issues. If not it usually goes to someone in India/South America. Most of the time its just a matter of being able to explain exactly what the problem is and having key words that they can use to search their knowledgebase which guides them on how to solve the issue. If all else fails there is the special care team... but most people aren't aware of them and they are usually overwhelmed with what is already on their plate.
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