Archived Registers and the CSC

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A guest was trying to make a RedCard payment and it locked up 2 registers at Guest Service.

Is this a thing now?

God I hope not. We don’t need more problems with the registers! Target seriously needs to invest some money into upgrading the tech.
Anyone have an update?

I kept telling my cashiers would care on Black Friday. Well, I was wrong. They care now. All of a sudden they are acting like they just found out there's a problem.

We've been getting techs out about every other day but nothing has changed.

Registers and card readers are randomly freezing or just running really slow. Our scales have to be reset constantly.

All day we keep having to move guests to another lane, unpack everything and re-ring the entire order.

CSC is still telling me they hope to have everything fixed by Black Friday.
I know the freezing issue is a global issue. It has to do with the software (or at least that's what I thought the guy from the CSC told me... couldn't really understand him, he mumbled a bit). We have been having endless issues with our card readers freezing. I recently learned (and why I didn't already know this I don't know) how to reboot the card readers without turning off the registers. It's a bit of a process but I haven't seen the issues I have been seeing since i have done it.

At this point I would recommend having an "Oh Crap" register at the ready on BF. One terminal that you can take people to in case something happens and you can reboot the bad one. Worked like a charm for me last year.
Do you mean we need to leave a couple open without a cashier in case we need to move a guest?
This will be our first year with the SCOs. We usually have 25 lanes open.
For SCO - have two cashiers at SCO. You're almost guaranteed to have issues there so it's best to have extra coverage (one cashier to two SCO terminals).

You don't HAVE to have a terminal open, I just recommend it. During the initial rush things will hit the fan and you need the ability to just move people. It's much easier when you don't have to search for an open terminal. It doesn't have to be a check lane, it can be a cafe register, service desk, whichever works for your store.
My GSTLs bother me all the time with that shit.

Like what am I supposed to do? Our store has old systems and cash registers, call the Helpless Desk with that nonsense, not me.
Isn't it part of the PMT job description to do general maintenance on the registers. The CRC actually tells us to contact the PMT.

Mine couldn't be bothered so I do it myself.

Not really, we have a pre Summer POS clean up basically, and a pre 4th Quarter sweep to make sure everything is working.

But during the year it is up to the GSTLs and such to maintain and clean their registers.
And the CRC is the definition of unhelpfulness.

When they ask for the PMT, its usually for something stupid like, swapping card readers, or turning something off and turning it back on. Stuff that a GSTL can do.

They only things a GSTL would need a PMT for is if the conveyor doesnt work, the lights dont work, changing the hand scanner cables, or if there is no power to the register. Shit within the system, has nothing to do with us.
Wow today was awful! The card readers, registers and scales all kept failing. I don't think I've ever dealt with that many angry guests. We we so busy and it was a nightmare!
Not really, we have a pre Summer POS clean up basically, and a pre 4th Quarter sweep to make sure everything is working.

But during the year it is up to the GSTLs and such to maintain and clean their registers.
And the CRC is the definition of unhelpfulness.

When they ask for the PMT, its usually for something stupid like, swapping card readers, or turning something off and turning it back on. Stuff that a GSTL can do.

They only things a GSTL would need a PMT for is if the conveyor doesnt work, the lights dont work, changing the hand scanner cables, or if there is no power to the register. Shit within the system, has nothing to do with us.

Oh. Fair enough. I just am ingrained to do most stuff myself. I do call mine for belts and lighting though.
Wow today was awful! The card readers, registers and scales all kept failing. I don't think I've ever dealt with that many angry guests. We we so busy and it was a nightmare!
Same at my store, except we don't have scales. At one point, I had only one working SCO and 8 working manned lanes. Out of 4+20. And yes, it was absolutely insane even without the technical issues.
We've been thru three card readers in a week; each time they stop accepting cards which is anathema to SB gold cards.
Our registers at GS right now have this little lock up every time someone makes a payment on their RCs. I've gotten to the point where as they're making the payment I'm like "It's gonna take the register a minute to print your receipt...literally"

Hey, ours do that too! Takes like two minutes to get the receipt. It's maddening.
I was off yesterday and go in at 4 today. How's the situation with the registers? I've noticed ours are worse about the card readers not working and the registers freezing/crashing when we're busy.
This is going to be interesting.
So far... my store doesn't seem nearly as bad.... we have a conveyor belt that's out, a card reader not working, and one POS that might be up and running now that was down for some reason. SCOs remain to be the bane of my existence some shifts.
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