Archived CurrentC?

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none of your cashiers know how to scan a barcode and do literally nothing else with it? how are guests making purchases?
Is that seriously all they have to do? Just scan it like any other item without having to hit any buttons in the register?
I don't see why they don't use ApplePay and SamsungPay and move on.
CurrentC is dead. Long live CurrentC!!!

No wait let it go, I never did mind the cold anyway.

Maybe now the Target corporate folk will let Apple Pay into the Stores

I am shocked they haven't already, but Apple pay doesn't allow all the data mining that others can and they take a cut of the total which target doesn't want. But with the way spot suck apples ass I am surprised they don't have.
I've been using currenc ever since it came out, over a year now, with very few problems. I find it much easier than dragging my wallet out for 3 pieces of info, and I can buy my lunch without needing to go to my locker.

It is a shame to see currenc having such set backs, I see people whining that samsung and apple pay are sooo much better.

News flash, samsung pay sucks, and so does apple pay. Why? Because they only work on samsung and apple phones! I guess at some point when samsung gets its head out of its ass and wants its app to be a standard it will open it up to all phones but until then, there is only one mobile wallet that works on my phone and with target. I know CurrenC support is effectively canceled in lieu of target pay, but I will be quite sad the day the app stops working.

Side note, as of the last version of the app, it has a small chance of shutting down the register when scanned. Did this twice, felt bad. 🙁
CurrentC is actually a pretty slow process. First, you need to enter a 4 digit passcode to load the app, and loading the app takes a good 10 seconds. Then, when you tap "pay", it needs to generate a barcode which takes about another 10 seconds. Then, the cashier needs to scan the barcode and you need to select the payment method, and then you need to wait for the card reader to ask you if you want it all on the card and if you want cash back. That process usually takes me a good 30-40 seconds.

As long as you already have your tm discount and cartwheel ready to go before you pay, the old way actually takes faster. And Apple Pay and Samsung pay would eliminate the need for a 4 digit pin.
#1 if I can be bothered to have my 3 forms of payment "ready" then I can (and do) certainly have my barcode ready for checkout. Scanning from the barcode is no slower than a card transaction.

#2 your telling me samsung and apple are not using any forms of security on their wallet?
I think it's more interesting that Wal-Mart dumped them, to make their own system "Wal-Mart Pay".. and Target didn't take it as a hint to drop CurrentC, and roll out Apple Pay.

I don't think I'd even want to trust Wal-Mart with my payment information, nor would I get behind the concept of having a separate app for every store's payment. Of course, there's so few people who even use Apple Pay anyway, and I only remember it when I forget my wallet.... 😛

At some point, I wanna try this Samsung Pay that supposedly works everywhere. Sounds convenient.
Also... doesn't CurrentC only accept like Checking Account Information, or RedCard? What if you purchase something, and return it... it would take a while to settle back to your account. Beyond that.. you'd lose out on Rewards and Purchase Protection you receive when using a real Credit Card. Definitely not something I'd want to jump on.
#2 your telling me samsung and apple are not using any forms of security on their wallet?

Of course they have security. Apple Pay uses Touch ID, and I'm not sure what Samsung Pay does but it's probably something similar.
News flash, samsung pay sucks, and so does apple pay. Why? Because they only work on samsung and apple phones! I guess at some point when samsung gets its head out of its ass and wants its app to be a standard it will open it up to all phones but until then, there is only one mobile wallet that works on my phone and with target.

Anywhere apple pay works, android pay (I still hate this new name) works as well. Same tech (nfc). Samsung Pay uses both nfc payments and magnetic stripe tech. They bought loop pay to get the technology. Loop pay initially made a case that went over your phone and these card thingies. Samsung doesn't wanna share that tech because if it was available in everyone's phone, it could be one less reason to go samsung for some people. They'll hold onto it as long as possible.

I don't think anyone would be trashing currentc as bad as they are if currentc didn't push stores to disable paypass/nfc terminals. Stores that were already allowing paypass and google wallet stopped and it sucked.
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