Archived Cutting hours already?

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We have 12 people in Electronics splitting 60 hours for the week
You have 12 electronics TMs?

that was my thought....we have 4, or there abouts...and in my opinion 2 to many

Right now at my store there's two dedicated electronics TMs at my store and they get all of their hours in electronics. There's a third electronics TM who fills in where needed and another two get some hours from electronics but work in other areas too.
In softlines we only have about 200 hours to divide up. Our team leader was complaining about how she only gets 100 hours for 2 weeks while the 12 of us in softlines only like an average of 10 hours each week. And the Fitting Room people get the most hours of 30 each week. And we all know the team leader's best friend that works at the fitting room gets the most hours of 25-30 each week, not only that she always schedules both of them to be off at the same time so they can hang out. It's a load of bull to have to deal with this.
we have 200 this week....80 goes to the TL's and the rest is divided between the team. I will say that our new ETL tries to be as fair as possible with the hours. Fitting Room hours aren't attached so the two main FRO's (me and Miss Cushy Pants) get more hours than most. It used to be that Miss Cushy Pants got 40 hrs even with team lead hours getting cut...I kept hounding them until the hours were almost always fairly doled out. We are almost done with seasonals so we are down to 9-10 people for the other 120+ hours not covered in fitting room by the two of us. Only problem is only about 3 of the others could do fitting room for more than half hour.
My hours last week were screwed up beyond reason..decreasing by almost I picked up the only shift up on the swap board.
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