Archived cutting hours for flow rant

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Sep 9, 2013
is anyone else dealing with 3 1/2 hour shifts? Were in at 4 am and they want the truck pushed and us out by 7:30am.?! We are a high volume store ,I don't understand their thinking of cutting us down hours.and only adding on a handful of new team members. Were short tm's almost everyday from call offs, or them messing up on the scheduling. The store ends up looking awful from rushing to get the stuff out and then tms r purposely sending it to backstock to not have to deal with product when they are being hounded to finish.
I imagine they are trying to cut as many hours as they can in order to throw them at the whole disaster of a week that will be black friday.
I haven't seen that, we would love if our flow team backstocked stuff. We have a Flow team that over pushes almost everything. In-Stocks pulls massive amounts of it off the floor just about everyday. The hours should go up as the black Friday week happens. It is what happens at my store anyways..
It's always best to discuss this with your TL so they know how you feel. If you don't feel comfortable going to them, let some other member of management or HR know how you feel.
We are a 4 am store and we don't leave till everything is done, both the floor and back room.... Usually between 11:30-1pm depending in who we have and how big the truck is. Our TL's always say "no overtime" but they will go to bat for us if we have a bad week and a few of us go over.
Wow staying till it's done that's awesome, they want as many of us out before they give us a 15 minute break. usually if the truck is big they might keep a handful of tm's to help finish up, but to many times they are sending truck push to the back and hoping they can get it out the next day.
Strange. I think most of our flow team is scheduled from 4am-12pm. Some stay later, like 2 pm. They do a great job of helping us backstock and are pretty darn fast.
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