Archived Cutting hours

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lmao they "asked" me if I wanted to go home early at 9:00 this morning and I said hell nah! We had several callouts so I said "How about I stay a full shift instead?" and they said "fuck no" (ETL-LOG's exact words lol) but then the STL showed up and saw all the truck push still piled up so he groaned and said, "Okay CTT, you can stay a full shift I GUESS"

Anywho I think tomorrow starts the new month of payroll and I'm scheduled off so I'm gonna blow their phone up until they give me a shift lol
when you're scheduled 12 hours one week and 40 the next

Originally scheduled 11.5 this week. Get asked if I could work on non truck days. So now I'm pretty much ending up with 35+ hrs. Next week it's back to 13 hrs.
At my store, I know of two veteran TMs, both excellent workers, who asked for more hours. Guess how much more they each got? 1 hour per week. One of them had been working about 3/4 time, close to full-time during 4th quarter, before hours were slashed. Gee, that 1 hour sure makes a noticeable difference in the paycheck.
When our store began cutting hours hard I talked to my store leader and showed my dissatisfaction. This was at a time when we were loosing many veteran and good workers so they figured I'd be next if they didn't do something fast. I've been scheduled 40 a week every week from then on. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want. Doesn't always work out though.
When our store began cutting hours hard I talked to my store leader and showed my dissatisfaction. This was at a time when we were loosing many veteran and good workers so they figured I'd be next if they didn't do something fast. I've been scheduled 40 a week every week from then on. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want. Doesn't always work out though.

I agree. All I have to do is complain and magically I have hours. However, this won't work if you just complain. You have to ask literally every day if you can stay late. If they so No then just go home. If they call you answer the phone and actually go in. I've been like I can work but not the whole shift. Work shifts on the swap board and actually work when you there. This how I got as many hours as I wanted.
I agree. All I have to do is complain and magically I have hours. However, this won't work if you just complain. You have to ask literally every day if you can stay late. If they so No then just go home. If they call you answer the phone and actually go in. I've been like I can work but not the whole shift. Work shifts on the swap board and actually work when you there. This how I got as many hours as I wanted.

You do what you have to do. But wouldn't it just be easier all around for Target actually make a schedule based on business needs versus how low hours can be cut. Oh, an argument can be made that the lowest number of scheduled hours is best for business.
I was looking at the swap book today to see if there was anything I could pick up, nope.

However, there were several shifts that were posted by TMs and were cancelled by HR. Canceling shifts that are 10+ days out? We're in the first week of a new payroll month!
Our fire tunnel is half full. Pallets everywhere, yet ETLs aren’t seeming too stressed. Someone should get fired it’s such a shit show
Our fire tunnel is half full. Pallets everywhere, yet ETLs aren’t seeming too stressed. Someone should get fired it’s such a shit show
Your STL must be like that pinball wizard fella.
an argument can be made that the lowest number of scheduled hours is best for business.
But not a good one. If product isn't on the shelves or racks, it can't be purchased. If the store hasn't been zoned in a week, guests will get frustrated with shopping what looks like a clearance end-cap everywhere. If they have to wait too long to check out, even with self-service, they won't come back. Shoot, the reason I started shopping at Target years & years ago, way before I hired in, was because I'd had enough of another, similar retailer (not Wal-Mart, but a regional chain). Guest loyalty shouldn't be assumed to be permanent.
Our fire tunnel is half full. Pallets everywhere, yet ETLs aren’t seeming too stressed. Someone should get fired it’s such a shit show

Call your fire department and ask them to come visit the you're seeing violations.
Fire Dept should show and then the sh*t should start to hit the fan.

By the way...when calling the FD you do not need to identify you can't get in trouble from ETLs!!
LOD greeted everybody as soon as they walked in : hey, you have to leave 30 minutes early today ...
That didn’t go too well with some TMs who only were scheduled for less than 20hrs this week ...
a few said no !
One of them asked him how he was supposed to pay his bills ... and yes he has open availability and is trained pretty much everywhere ...
lod told him to watch the swap board ( no shift has been posted by the way for a while ...) and we are hiring ...
lol they sent a bunch of people home early today and told everyone all week we needed to clock out by our time - not a minute or two later. we were being stalked by the lod to the time clock.

“it’s 8:30 i haven’t seen idkwhattodo. has anyone seen her clock out yet?”
“on my way, right outside tsc.”
*dirty look and an eye roll for clocking out at 8:31*
September is a low payroll month every year with some TMs only getting 10 hours (at my store at least). And when etl-log extends shifts all month, it comes back to bite the store in the collective ass.

Example: my store has to cut 300 hours in 8 days to make payroll for the month.

Lucky you guys I wish i could've cut my hours my LOD always ask for me to stay/extend shift. I’m salesfloor hardlines, consumables and fulfillment.
Absolutely every store is hiring where I am, so watching the hours Target provides is my gauge as to what my plan is. Cut too much, I will change my availability and pick up another job. Fair's fair.

When people take full advantage of what's going on outside Target, then the game is going to change. Don't let any job be "it". These aren't good jobs. Loyalty isn't earned.
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