Archived Dairy/Frozen tips, Locating Eggs?

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Sep 11, 2011
So I haven't been on in quite some time. Last time I posted was, I believe, around December about my going through TL Interviews. Well I got signed off and finally promoted around April/May. I am now 1 of 2 CTLs and overseeing Dairy/Frozen. Now, to the topic. I just have a few questions and ask for some tips from peeps on here.

1. We had a Food BP visit and he wants me to locate eggs in the backroom. Do all stores do this? Food makes up anywhere from 45-51% of total store sales each week, I'm at a A+ or AA Super (one of the two) so we fly through eggs like crazy. When we get our pallet of eggs from FDC we stock them right away and only have a few boxes left over. Me and my team just leave the pallet in the backroom unlocated. My question is do any other Supers/PFresh stores locate their eggs?? Any Pros to this? I don't like the idea...

2. Best way to keep the Milk Carts clean?!? We use liners on the drip pans. My Sr. ETL - Food wants me to get shelf liners and angle the actual shelves downward so the milk is self zoning, in a way. Anyone have any ideas or tips? I never have the time to actually clean a cart at least once a week or something.

3. Best way to check dates? Overnight pushes our FDC and there is ZERO rotation going on. I have my team and I just check dates daily and scan certain items into SDA for each dates; like yogurts. Thought, this gets difficult when my department's hours get cut so bad that, after my 40, there is only 40 hours for my 3 TMs. I audit the back room and I TPC. However; there is always something that is overseen and end up QMOSing like nuts. August MTD QMOS for dairy last time I check on Monday we were over $4,000. The TL that I took over for tried getting into routines with overnight and find solutions to get rotating/FIFO into place but nothing ever worked.

4. No one I have asked knows this... but why is Dairy/Frozen called Zone and why are our hours allocated under Sales Floor instead of Food? I know we are not a food production department or like produce but I mean we still handle food products... Is this just at my store or is this how it is at other Supers?

Any tips would be great! Thanks!
i think you need to partner with the TL's and ETL of overnight and have them make sure their team is FIFO. It's just not acceptable if they are not. We had this problem in my store and it became a priority of them to make sure their team was doing it properly. I'm not actually sure how they went about this but you're never going to have enough hours to do rotation on every item so it needs to be done correctly from the beginning. I'd start there.
It's all about where your STL/HR "allocate" the hours for DDF towards. They could, in reality, put you under "Sales Floor", "Zone", "Inventory", or even "Jewelry" if they wanted to.
My advice for locating eggs would be to make sure the location is case stock. How many cases would you have to STO?
1. Easiest way to locate eggs is by simply keeping them on a located plastic pallet in the cooler. You have to be careful with eggs being located in upper case stock or mixed in with regular dairy products as you can get a red Steritech/Health & Safety ding. Same goes with wooden pallets, as long as its plastic and not touching anything else, it is okay with the higher ups.

3. Get with your overnight/logistics/backroom team and build a market team - only allow those who follow FIFO to stock. Gradually increase this one by one and start increasing coaching/CA for not FIFOing.

4. Like someone already said, its just how the STL/ETLs forecast the stores payroll hours. They can dump them anyway they'd like.
This isn't really helping, but I feel like locating eggs is being counterproductive when you have a TL in Dairy. That's about as bad as locating fresh meat/produce. Waste of time.
Don't you ever research in Pfresh? You can't get an accurate count unless things are located.
We are low volume but our eggs arent located. We have them on a plastic pallet and just work them out during the morning and fresh and full by 4 as stated on routines. We dont really ever have too many at a time. Only 5-10 boxes at a time max back there usually. Same goes for bananas. Just work them out during morning, fresh and full by 4 and just whenever we do the pulls and they are low.
At my store, we do located them on a plastic pallet by case, location is is stuck the wall. We do watch dates.
1. we don't locate the eggs at all we have a pallet that we just fifo every truck and the open or closer will push them daily to ensure they are full its part of being fresh and full by 4pm. We also include milk, ice, banana's.

2. You have milk carts, we just pull out the pallet and work it. We used to have to use flats or tubs but I made the argument that its a waste of time touching the milk so many times and that it will get out quicker. I usually open so i will bring it out before 8 or at 8 when traffic is slow. The closing team member will bring it again later that day.

As for the milk shelf's we have always just zoned all the milk upwards at night and I'm able to fill in the morning from the bottom-up. also cleaning for your shelf's is simple take your shelf's in the ambient room and run them under hot water. put them back up and sanitize them. you can clean a section of milk in 10 mins easily.

3. The first thing is making sure product is FIFO'd second pick a section daily and check every item especially in yogurt and use SDA to add items do this for a month and you will see that your sda list will get bigger but it will also improve your dating issue. The key is to be aggressive with SDA and continually Short date every item you check with SDA no matter if its a year from now. This will help you in dry.

4. Your STL must be controlling your hours tightly probably for golden contribution.
Hello. I work at a two level "B" Volume p fresh store.


1: Is your dairy cooler right behind your milk doors?

2: Are your backroom coolers/freezers big and or long enough to have a pallet in them with enough room to get a tube or red cart by?

Our dairy cooler is a part of our milk doors yes. Here is a picture. View attachment 2012-04-18 15.07.33.jpg The drip pans are on the bottom of the carts and catch milk if it were to fall. The pans are lined with cellu liner that soak up the milk that falls on it. There is some more room behind where I took the picture so we have plenty of room in the cooler.
This isn't really helping, but I feel like locating eggs is being counterproductive when you have a TL in Dairy. That's about as bad as locating fresh meat/produce. Waste of time.

That's what I was telling me ETL and the Sr. ETL that decided to agree with the Food BP on getting our eggs located. It is just a waste of time and not going to turn out good. Especially during the holiday season and when eggs go for like .99 cents (provided they go that cheap this year... I remember them going on sale for that much last time). Metro racking has been ordered though so I guess we'll see how it goes.
Thanks for all the responses! My only thing is getting the payroll to actually clean the milk carts! I would have to come in early and do one or two a day. Otherwise I would have to just take out a cart one by one and just have it missing from the milk doors for a few minutes as I clean them. Payroll is really tight at my store right now. My department only has 80 hours for the week this week and next. Nothing is going to be able to get done. : / Anytime I ask my ETL they're only able to get me a few hours. Nothing major.
That's cool pix, five. We have to take 2 pallets of milk from the backroom of the store to the front end. It's a hard push after we open the store.
Our dairy cooler is a part of our milk doors yes. Here is a picture. View attachment 234 The drip pans are on the bottom of the carts and catch milk if it were to fall. The pans are lined with cellu liner that soak up the milk that falls on it. There is some more room behind where I took the picture so we have plenty of room in the cooler.

OMG I want your back room!!!
Hello. I work at a two level "B" Volume p fresh store.

1: Since our store at one point was another retail store at one point, our backroom is kind of odd shaped. First off, our backroom p fresh is half way across the store. Our dairy cooler is too narrow to have a full pallet of eggs in there. To put it in perspective, if we put a pallet in our dairy cooler. We wouldnt be able to get a red 3 tier cart by it. Since our coolers are so far away from p fresh, we had plastic pallets cut in half and we stock our milk and eggs on those 5-7 half pallets. we locate our eggs to keep up with our counts.

2: What the heck our milk carts and why/how would you use drip pans for? My guess is that you have your dairy cooler behind your milk doors. At my store, we have to load roughly 16 crates of milk on a flat and push that flat half way across the store so we have fill our milk like all p fresh coolers/freezers. 16 crates in a little over 1000 lbs.

3: You have got to talk to your over night TL or etl about the overnight issues. Tell them it needs stop. If it doesnt, go to your STL.

I have two questions for anyone working in a p fresh store or a super target.

1: Is your dairy cooler right behind your milk doors?

2: Are your backroom coolers/freezers big and or long enough to have a pallet in them with enough room to get a tube or red cart by?

1. Our Dairy cooler and other pfresh rooms is in the backroom next to seasonal and mini seasonal on the floor .
2 We have just enough room to put a pallet down with space between the pallet and the green racking to fit a 3 tier cart or tub.

And Ya loading milk on a flatbed is so much fun!!! Especially if you are the person who always opens on milk delivery days too, when you get 30+ crates to push to the floor its just awesome!!! Ive had a few times where it has been 40 or so. And even more awesome when your dock is pretty much the furthest possible point from your milk coolers in the store!! Yahhh!!!! haha....note the sarcasm
Thanks for all the responses! My only thing is getting the payroll to actually clean the milk carts! I would have to come in early and do one or two a day. Otherwise I would have to just take out a cart one by one and just have it missing from the milk doors for a few minutes as I clean them. Payroll is really tight at my store right now. My department only has 80 hours for the week this week and next. Nothing is going to be able to get done. : / Anytime I ask my ETL they're only able to get me a few hours. Nothing major.

Seems to be the way it is with pfresh.......We dont have time to do all the cleaning so we just have to do spot cleaning here and there where its bad on pretty much everything, except the daily cleanings.

The reason why we dont have time on the pfresh team is:

We do our own research
Work out ALL pulls by myself. Some people have said on here they dont have to push the morning pulls out or someone helps them..not us.
We have to always fill and maintain all grocery endcaps
Flex out our PTM
Pull and work out D-Code
Forced to do working huddles for 30-45 minutes
Forced to backup cashier
Filling vendor endcaps like the water endcap because #%% pepsi cant get here sometimes before freaking 1PM!!!! Refused to do it today, He showed up about as I was leaving. Or filling the soda endcap on a saturday because our soda vendors apparently didnt feel like filling it much.
Have to help all the guests in seasonal/mini seasonal since that is where we have to go through to get to market.
Have to grab call buttons/calls even if they arent in market.
Zone all of market. Pretty much the whole entire side of the store except G1-G5 is paper. We zone G6-G44
Receive C+S truck around noon to be staged in coolers and appropriate rooms
Working out market reshop. This one has been recent but I better not see it continue. Ive had to do market reshop on about half of my shifts last week.
Having to walk from one end of the store to the other to get to pfresh from the backroom.
Calling various vendors for product like ice, or like today, the milk vendor to see if they can deliver more 2% since we had 20 gallons and they dont come in til tuesday.

And there are prob others but that is just what I thought of real quick. Those are in addition to all the regular things in market. I would say we get about 90 hours a week for all of market.
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Seems to be the way it is with pfresh.......We dont have time to do all the cleaning so we just have to do spot cleaning here and there where its bad on pretty much everything, except the daily cleanings.

The reason why we dont have time on the pfresh team is:

We do our own research
Work out ALL pulls by myself. Some people have said on here they dont have to push the morning pulls out or someone helps them..not us.
We have to always fill and maintain all grocery endcaps
Flex out our PTM
Pull and work out D-Code
Forced to do working huddles for 30-45 minutes
Forced to backup cashier
Filling vendor endcaps like the water endcap because #%% pepsi cant get here sometimes before freaking 1PM!!!! Refused to do it today, He showed up about as I was leaving. Or filling the soda endcap on a saturday because our soda vendors apparently didnt feel like filling it much.
Have to help all the guests in seasonal/mini seasonal since that is where we have to go through to get to market.
Have to grab call buttons/calls even if they arent in market.
Zone all of market. Pretty much the whole entire side of the store except G1-G5 is paper. We zone G6-G44
Receive C+S truck around noon to be staged in coolers and appropriate rooms
Working out market reshop. This one has been recent but I better not see it continue. Ive had to do market reshop on about half of my shifts last week.
Having to walk from one end of the store to the other to get to pfresh from the backroom.
Calling various vendors for product like ice, or like today, the milk vendor to see if they can deliver more 2% since we had 20 gallons and they dont come in til tuesday.

And there are prob others but that is just what I thought of real quick. Those are in addition to all the regular things in market. I would say we get about 90 hours a week for all of market.

No way would i allow any vendor get away with that. you need to be aggressive and tell them either you show up on time or i'm talking with your boss and get your etl involved. I had an issue with a bread vendor and my etl chewed him out. we threaten'd to kick him out of the store if he didn't clean up his act.
I recommend calling the vender company and telling them if they dont fill up their area, you will give them a red score and kick them out of your store.

Well the soda for example. Usually they do just for whatever reason 2 weeks in a row they didnt fill it very much either on friday or saturday. Probably because they know it rotates on sunday and its more work for them haha. Then sometimes they dont even come in til after 9 on sundays. COKE was here at 5:30 this sunday though and had his T-Shirt endcap all set up before I even came in 🙂. We have had problems with alot of our vendors though to some degree or another. My CTL wants to have some meeting or something with all the vendors and have me organize it. Not sure where to even start or when im supposed to do all of it since there is never any pfresh overlap.
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my store is the exact same way with pfresh backroom right next to seasonal and mini. Our seasonal is at the end of market with p fresh being at the beginning. So we too have to push at 40 crates or so a milk truck.

At my store, we have a front stockroom near P-Fresh and a split stockroom in the back. The freezer and dairy cooler are in the front stockroom, but the produce and meat coolers and the ambient room are in the back (behind electronics and seasonal).
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