COVID-19 Demand that Target Protect and Compensate the Team As Covid Surges On!

Are you willing to organize at your store or with team members from other stores?

  • Yes, I’m in!

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Maybe, but I need more information!

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • I’m nervous to speak up, but am interested.

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • No, I can’t afford to risk it.

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • No, I don’t agree with this type of organizing.

    Votes: 23 57.5%

  • Total voters
who do you work for?
who and what groups are you affiliated with?
who is paying you?
how many other sites and organizations are you trying to get "unionized?
what are the costs of joining your group

and most of all you realize that 99.9% of the people that work for the Red and Khaki machine really can not afford to have their stores suddenly acquire plumbing problems?
I think if everyone is determined to protect yourselves, things will get better . There is no need of forming a union , which Target is not encouraging. It might cost you your job and every one of us are totally replaceable for them. So do your best to follow the healthy practices.
At the dc level idk what else they are supposed to do.

they have different break times to limit number of tm’s on break at any time. Two people per table with partition. People going around spraying disinfectant on common surfaces. They have cleaning supplies for personal equipment. Partitions in packing stations. Mandatory masks.

What else are they supposed to do?
I literally will not help people without their mask. I walk away. "respect the situation and I will be happy to help you." until then "nope".
Our tm's have been told that they can tell the maskless that they are not comfortable or don't feel safe with them not wearing a mask and can call someone else to help them. I wish everyone would say this and then the maskless are left to their own devices and leave. It's not enough.
Home skillet started this thread to get people to talk about unions so Target would be scared. Notice how they haven't posted lately js...
Hi friends!

My name is Jon and my pronouns are they, them, their.

I’m here to ask you all as fellow team members how you’re feeling about the pandeworker, whether you feel like your needs are being met?

Are you feeling stressed, stuck, frustrated, scared about safety, about pay, about hours and the work environment itself? Are you feeling like it’s Groundhog Day, like you’re zoning out, but also working super hard to get all your tasks done? Do you feel nervous about the amount of guests allowed in the store? Or how some guests are being verbally abusive to team members? Are you frustrated about guests refusing to wear masks or not wearing them properly? Are you receiving support from team leads or does the environment feel stressful or hostile? Are you struggling against any type of discriminatory treatment based on your identity or specific status?

My intention is to inspire us to self-reflect, find pride in our worth, and organize to create a safer, healthier work environment during and after the pandemic.

The pandemic has been traumatic and exhausting. 340,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19. That is more than 1 out of every 1,000 Americans. Those who survive often develop health problems brought on by the virus. Working out in public has been incredibly stressful and essential workers like us are at a risk of contracting Covid-19 and potentially spreading it to our families.

Our work—our wages—are the means by which we pay to take care of our bodies. Yet the health and safety of our bodies are at risk. We’re not able to rest, to have recreation or vacation. We risk not getting paid if we don’t go to work or if we contract Covid-19 multiple times or if we’re exposed multiple times. Team members’ hours are being cut, thus their funds are getting cut without aid or help.

The reality is that large companies like Target have made huge profits while millions of Americans-the working class, people with disabilities, women, Black, Latinx and Indigenous communities, poor and working-class LGBTQ+ are dying, unemployed, suffering financially, and exposed to the virus. As essential workers, WE are creating massive profits for Target while exposed to the public and a deadly virus, yet earning less then livable wages.

In other words, we work for a corporation that uses our bodies to make profits that we do not have fair access to.

The reality is the company fabricates profit goals. And our body is the labor that manifests those goals. Without us, there is no profit, there is no company, there is no building, there is no business, there are no products, there are no customers. We ARE the profit. We ARE the corporation. Yet, structurally, as median income workers, we are not invited into the boardrooms, we do not have top stock in the company, we do not actually have a say. We are layers and layers removed from the decision-making process. And the wages set for median income workers barely finance our most basic physiological needs and neglect our needs for healthcare, rest, recreation, and vacation.

Even before the pandemic, capitalism has been brutally unjust and inequitable. Let me paint a picture of what it looks like at Target.

Our CEO, Brian Cornell, earned $21.6 million ending February 1, 2020. His base salary was $1.4 million. That is approximately $729 per hour. The median salary for executive leaders is $240,000 a year. That is approximately $115 per hour. In 2019, the median employee pay was $23,000 per year, with a current base pay of $15 per hour. The CEO to median worker ratio is 821 to 1. How is it morally or ethically acceptable to pay yourself over 800 times more than your employees?

Expecting more—a number like $20 per hour while executives make $100— is not unreasonable. It’s not even asking much in comparison. The system is stacked against us. And we must know that we deserve more. And we deserve to fight for more, to protect and defend our bodies, our lives.

The history of capitalism and labor rights is one of oppression and exploitation. Unionizing efforts are often squashed by large corporations using intimidation and termination tactics. Workers have historically been discouraged from practicing their federal rights to organize and bargain for better conditions and wages.

I want to stress that it IS OUR RIGHT to organize and advocate for better working conditions! I understand it takes a lot of effort to build trust and support in order to successfully organize and get things accomplished. In doing so, we could face backlash. There is a real risk of retaliation, a hostile work environment, or even getting fired. But if we know our rights, build confidence and support amongst ourselves as workers, we have immense power in numbers, and we could decide our own fate.

Imagine team members banning together, offering financial, emotional and social support through the struggles of advocating for our rights, and finally getting to a place where we organize and collectively demand the conditions we deserve. We can collaborate and openly discuss what are our most pressing needs, who is the most vulnerable, who is struggling. We could spark the revolution we need in rebuilding a more fair society, economy and world.

America has sold us a very brutal story, that we have to suffer to be worthy. And my firm belief is that in a highly industrialized, functioning, organized society, we all deserve to win, to live well and healthy. There is no excuse for the brutality of our current economic structures or the lack of support we have received as working-class Americans during a vicious pandemic. Let’s organize and work for change!

I have a petition that I started at my store! Check it out and get an idea of what I was asking for in my store.

Log in or sign up · -

Also check out the petition for Target Workers Unite and sign up so your contact information can be available to TWU for further organizing efforts!!

Target, treat us like the essential workers we are! -

If you’ve read this far, thanks for your time!! Stay safe 💚💚
Um hate to bust your bubble but I been working for Target for 9 months and I know the corporate people will shut unions down quick. They don’t gaf about us but at the same time, Covid is exaggerated.
Literally tell people they canNOT shop in Target regardless of the reason they are not wearing a mask. Let TSS announce a maskless guest is in the store. Those who won't cover their nose should be told that they must leave. Enough of the "educate the guest" mentality. After this long, only a moron doesn't know that THIS IS TARGET'S POLICY. Let us enforce it immediately!!!
Oh please as if mask’s really work. Only reason companies do the mask thing is cus of government and they don’t wanna be sued by a customer. If they really worked, Covid would be over with by now but it’s not. 😂😂
We can't even stop the common cold and we'repartially immune to that. Medical research has hit a point of buying time, which we've done, otherwise it would have been a civilization collapser. For a comparison, look at smallpox infested items given to Native Americans from Europeans.
Our tm's have been told that they can tell the maskless that they are not comfortable or don't feel safe with them not wearing a mask and can call someone else to help them. I wish everyone would say this and then the maskless are left to their own devices and leave. It's not enough.

Feel comfortable? Yeah fuck that. And I am not calling anyone to help them. At this point everyone knows the game and that is what they people who don't mask are doing, running a damn game. One I ain't playin.
Oh please as if mask’s really work. Only reason companies do the mask thing is cus of government and they don’t wanna be sued by a customer. If they really worked, Covid would be over with by now but it’s not. 😂😂
Uhhh, you do know masks don't stop the virus from spreading, it's a precautionary measure to help minimize the spread, right? It's like how social distancing is a precautionary measure.
Uhhh, you do know masks don't stop the virus from spreading, it's a precautionary measure to help minimize the spread, right? It's like how social distancing is a precautionary measure.
Even so it doesn’t prevent anything. My work and other people I know jobs are still having cases.
Um hate to bust your bubble but I been working for Target for 9 months and I know the corporate people will shut unions down quick. They don’t gaf about us but at the same time, Covid is exaggerated.
What about it is exaggerated? Not a virus? Not contagious? Hasn't been instrumental in loss of jobs and affected world economies? Hasn't contributed to the death of thousands worldwide? No certain cure? There aren't some who are more vulnerable than others? Many have no symptoms but are contagious and unaware that they are? Many recover? Affects people in different ways?
who do you work for?
who and what groups are you affiliated with?
who is paying you?
how many other sites and organizations are you trying to get "unionized?
what are the costs of joining your group

and most of all you realize that 99.9% of the people that work for the Red and Khaki machine really can not afford to have their stores suddenly acquire plumbing problems?
I am a team member in Louisville Kentucky. I actually don't work for a union, nor am advocating for one. I came up with the demands in my petition on my own actually. I am an anti-capitalist and believe in speaking up for myself and others and I understand the risks of advocating for ourselves as a worker, because I have been fired from jobs before for trying to advocate for safety or changes. I'm just passionate about changing the culture of capitalism and its brutality. I am a community activist where I live. I care deeply about organizing and dismantling oppressive systems in the U.S. There's no cost! I am simply trying to get people to think outside of the box and start viewing the system and themselves differently!
The Break Room is NOT an official service of Target Corporation. Please consult a lawyer before making assumptions about your rights/laws/due process.
Wait till you see no hours on the schedule in January.
Is this intimidation? I don't know who you are, but I have federally protected rights to talk about safety with others in my work place and on here, as a Target forum. This feels like it is meant to deter me or create fear and it's inappropriate and illegal for you to try to intimidate me if you are someone in a position of authority within the company.
It’s not a magic bullet. Science has proven it can help slow the spread, not stop the spread, if worn correctly.
I’m not a scientist, obviously, but if it helps then great. If it doesn’t help, it’s not a big inconvenience.
Not only this, but not everyone is following precautionary measures. Social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands, but most importantly - STAY HOME.
Is this intimidation? I don't know who you are, but I have federally protected rights to talk about safety with others in my work place and on here, as a Target forum. This feels like it is meant to deter me or create fear and it's inappropriate and illegal for you to try to intimidate me if you are someone in a position of authority within the company.
Dude, this isn't a Target official forum. It's not affiliated with the company in any way. It's just a forum a TM made, for other TMs, to talk about Target things.
And yes, it is legal for them to not schedule you any hours/give you 4 hours a week.
  • People are saying that Target policies mean far too tight grouping of TMs, such as around GS or in the backroom. Things could be altered to keep clumps from forming, whether it be moving things or whether it be different timings.
  • The guest count being considerably lower with a hard limit, and masks could also be enforced as a no-opt out policy, wear it or stay out/get out. More AP or even outside security for the purpose of handling guests pissed off about masks.
  • Allowing TMs without retribution - actually encouraging them - to tell guests to recover their face or to step 6 feet away and refuse assistance until one or the other is done.
  • Less hoops and contradictory information when it comes to COVID-19 leave, a more streamlined process of who to talk to, informing that contact person from corporate on down how they are to handle it, and define what qualifies as paid leave when it comes to mandatory quarantine.
  • Fixing the hotline so that COVID-19 complaints, such as being made to work with a fever, can be made without retaliation and will actually result in a thorough investigation.
  • When there appears to be a cluster (several TMs in a short time) shut the store down for a few days - not for purposes of a deep clean, but to break the cycle of transmission by getting everyone away from each other.
  • Moving the bulk of things overnight so the number of TMs in the store during open hours is minimal because there's nothing else to do than zone and reshop. Yes, that means taking the modernization bible and peeing on it, but lives rate just a little above that.
  • Aggressive and frequent policing by districts and corporate to ensure stores are following safety procedures to the letter, including inserting fake hires so there's "in your face" proof not swept under the rug for visits, and following up swiftly for any leadership fails.
  • Alter pricing so there is a "sin tax" and a "virtue tax", discouraging purchase of items designed for large gatherings (anyone buying that stuff clearly doesn't care about social distancing and likely doesn't care about pulling a mask down) and encouraging purchases of things that keep you home. Prices should offset each other so no financial loss to stores, but it will draw in a different, more cautious clientele.
This is what I can think of right after reading this thread. I'm sure there's more. So no, they aren't doing a lot. There's so much more they can do.
Yes! I love your thinking! Thank you for sharing this on here!! I appreciate your support and criticism!
Dude, this isn't a Target official forum. It's not affiliated with the company in any way. It's just a forum a TM made, for other TMs, to talk about Target things.
And yes, it is legal for them to not schedule you any hours/give you 4 hours a week.
If they do that as a result of them being upset or having issue that I'm talking with other team members about organizing? Yes, it IS illegal. I know this is not an official site, however, I am aware that there are team leads and others who can see this forum.
I think if everyone is determined to protect yourselves, things will get better . There is no need of forming a union , which Target is not encouraging. It might cost you your job and every one of us are totally replaceable for them. So do your best to follow the healthy practices.
The thing is, we need to build a culture of normalizing worker organization and advocating for our needs and environment. It's not OK that people are fired for speaking out about unsafe conditions in workplaces. This bullying culture is rooted in capitalism, maintaining the status quo, class systems, and continuing oppression of mass amounts of people. The symptoms of the oppressive system make it hard to speak up, but it does not mean we have to accept this reality forever.
The Break Room staff does not encourage users to post personally identifiable information in public forum topics or private messages. Be wary of who you send private information to!
If anyone voted with a "Yes!" or "I'm nervous..." feel free to message me directly on here and we can exchange contact information and chat more about what we can do!! 🙌⭐🌈💚
By the way, don't take this as a threat, but you really need to keep this in mind:
You are in an at-will employment state - they can fire you for no reason, with no warning, and no cause.

I'm not saying they're going to fire/punish you, but corporate watches this forum too. There are exceptions to at-will clauses, but you would have to prove it's a wrongful termination.
Is this intimidation? I don't know who you are, but I have federally protected rights to talk about safety with others in my work place and on here, as a Target forum. This feels like it is meant to deter me or create fear and it's inappropriate and illegal for you to try to intimidate me if you are someone in a position of authority within the company.

haha no. It's reality. Did you see the new schedule? Hours in January always get slashed. There will be very few guests in the store, therefore very few employees. There is no official target forum for a target TM to vent on. The reality is that you put your job on the line by posting here. Then you posted which city you work in. Corporate lurks here.
The thing is, we need to build a culture of normalizing worker organization and advocating for our needs and environment. It's not OK that people are fired for speaking out about unsafe conditions in workplaces. This bullying culture is rooted in capitalism, maintaining the status quo, class systems, and continuing oppression of mass amounts of people. The symptoms of the oppressive system make it hard to speak up, but it does not mean we have to accept this reality forever.
Please tell me your ideas to make a safe working condition in our stores . What else can they do other than enforcing masks, social distancing and cleaning high traffic areas? Also how can they go behind or track each person in the store and take actions . What to do even if you have signs and socially distanced tables in break room and tms still bring them together and sit next to each other ? If told not to do, they start complaining about their rights to relax?

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