Destroy vs donate

Aug 2, 2021
On greenfield how can you see who is donating and who is destroying? We are having the lowest metrics in the district. Idk why.
In the same app where you defect items you can scan the barcode on the white / yellow label and it'll tell you who did it. AP also has a report, but they don't like to share anymore...
You can’t scan the barcode on the label if it’s in the trash can or compactor because it was destroyed vs donate.
When we destroy, we don't bother with placing the sticker, unless it is something big like a crib. Food that gets tossed, doesn't even print a sticker unless it is a return. If your metrics are that bad, I'd be talking to the people in market and at GS
When we destroy, we don't bother with placing the sticker, unless it is something big like a crib. Food that gets tossed, doesn't even print a sticker unless it is a return. If your metrics are that bad, I'd be talking to the people in market and at GS
Our market team probably defects 80% of the food unless it is in Reshop.
Very recently we were told to stop pretty much destroying unless it's a perishable item that's been sitting out of temp, and let the donation people decide if they want to take it or destroy it themselves. We've been getting hella more credit this way and they are off our butt about it. Even if there's obvious mold in a pack of berries or grapes it's still fine don't destroy it, the donation people will toss the bad parts and salvage the rest of it.

You may also want to look at who does your p fresh order. Ordering too much of one thing can make it sit and go bad. Look at the suspect food order list in the food order app and fix them.

I saw this on Reddit ^

From the thread:

"I then pulled the team and directed them to always hit "damage/quality/near expiration". Do not hit force toss. These options WILL default to automatic donations. We do not use the past expiration anymore- that now automates "destroy"."
We were told to donate Starbucks foods but whenever we QMOS for past date it goes right to toss despite being kept in temp.
Tossing past date was mentioned specifically in our continuing education about food safety.
Sorry if this is off topic, but maybe it's close enough. Was defecting a 4-pack of protein shakes the other day (it came out of the case as a 3-pack with one missing - weird). The sticker printed for ESIM instead of donate like it would for the protein bars or chips. It's still a food product, not a drug or chemcial, so why not donate?
Sorry if this is off topic, but maybe it's close enough. Was defecting a 4-pack of protein shakes the other day (it came out of the case as a 3-pack with one missing - weird). The sticker printed for ESIM instead of donate like it would for the protein bars or chips. It's still a food product, not a drug or chemcial, so why not donate?
Some products are just like that. Protein shakes, some kinds of nutrition bars and certain water flavorings will pop up as that.
On greenfield how can you see who is donating and who is destroying? We are having the lowest metrics in the district. Idk why.
There is a greenfield report called Defectives. There are filters you can change to get it to show what the disposition policy is set as (select donate) and then an option that asks if the Vendor policy was Overridden (select Yes). Then the other filter I use is what disposition was processed (select destroy). This should show everything that was defected out in whatever time range you have set. This report will only show you the Team Member number, but you can see their department.

I'm just trying to remember the different filters off the top of my head, so they may be called something slightly different.
Sorry if this is off topic, but maybe it's close enough. Was defecting a 4-pack of protein shakes the other day (it came out of the case as a 3-pack with one missing - weird). The sticker printed for ESIM instead of donate like it would for the protein bars or chips. It's still a food product, not a drug or chemcial, so why not donate
I donate things like that. It makes me wonder why oh why is it esim st. Dangerous for the environment put safe to digest?????
My store doesn't keep clearance, in Market. When it goes clearance, they throw it away. We do donate, but the food pantry only takes so much.
Well, that's a bummer. Market clearance gets shopped at my store. Got some weird flavor of Special K cereal on clearance recently that's okay but I wouldn't buy again. Fun to try though. Before that it was a package of Lindt chocolate squares - too expensive for my budget normally but on clearance? Sure, thanks very much.
My store doesn't keep clearance, in Market. When it goes clearance, they throw it away. We do donate, but the food pantry only takes so much.
In our district stores are doing the same thing in food. If it hasn't sold when we start setting the new pog. They don't want clearance endcaps in grocery. I don't know what they select since it's not expired or damaged and hasn't gone salvage. Whatever they select we've donate it. Food Bank is loving us.
They probably select Near Expiration Date. But according to my grocery TL, they are really starting to crack down on donations. There are a ton of new metrics that are getting dinged and they are really tracking it. So if you have too many things defected out for being Near Expiration or Past Expiration then that could get the store in trouble.
They probably select Near Expiration Date. But according to my grocery TL, they are really starting to crack down on donations. There are a ton of new metrics that are getting dinged and they are really tracking it. So if you have too many things defected out for being Near Expiration or Past Expiration then that could get the store in trouble.
I guess HQ needs to give us the "No space to remerchandise" for QMOS. Boy let's hope they don't do away with QMOS.
I guess HQ needs to give us the "No space to remerchandise" for QMOS. Boy let's hope they don't do away with QMOS.
I think they could, since it is an option for non food. But Target is all about making money, so I'm surprised that there are stores that don't have a clearance endcap for food. We sell through a decent chunk of ours whenever we put stuff on there. I think the last time we didn't it was because we had cases of Kinder stuff left over from Christmas.
We all know Find Waldo at my store it's find a clearance shelf label. They are not put up at all. Things don't get ticketed. Which means I get alot of clearance salvage.

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