Archived Did anyone's Backroom hours take a massive nosedive?

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Jan 26, 2013
For both Flow Br and Dayside?

Flow is now 6am to 11:30 while dayside is now 4.5 hour shifts starting from 8am.

This is the dumbest thing ever. Especially with inventory coming up in 2 months >.>
Everyone at my store had their hours cut by about 10-15 at least. Things seem to be going back up, but I'm keeping my spending in check until I'm sure we've weathered the storm.
hours are cut all around as we are in the last week of the year , hopefully it is for the short term but that's unlikely , as regards the inventory we did zero prep this year and it was as bad as you can imagine.
Our backroom hours are the lowest I have ever seen, it's ridiculous.
lol I'm at 18 desipte being the most senior member everyone else is at 14.5

I might be able to pick up more. They skimped so much on hours that there some opening shifts that no one is scheduled for. Even the close has a 12pm - 5pm shift even though we have 6pm cafs >.>
I currently have zero hours on next week's schedule. I can't tell if that's a scheduling mistake or if we have next to no hours for the backroom.
I'm still going strong at 35-40+...then again, my store is in shambles and when I asked if we have "unlimited hours" (after being told I could stay for overtime) I was given the response of "until we turn things around? Yea, basically"

So just have wait for everyone to run your store into the ground, but still make it look salvageable, and then all the big-wigs will be SO concerned about getting the store back on track that they won't even care about going over hours! 🙄
Everyone in backroom had their hours plummet. I got down to 22 scheduled this week, but they have been allowing us to all stay for a full shift if we want to on truck days. I managed to get up to 32 hours last week. Some of the dayside people are down into the 16hr range. But somehow we still have flow people who are allowed to stay at 40hrs.
I'm the only person in the back room that is willing to stay til 7, 8, 9pm so that helps with hours. Been only getting 30 hours. 90 hours between 3 backroom day team members.
But somehow we still have flow people who are allowed to stay at 40hrs.

My rock stars on FLOW get hours.. namely it becomes the ETL-LOG, TL-LOG and 1 Flow TM, and/or possibly some from my FDC team. Been There Done/Doing that! Why?

I can keep 3 people from FDC after they finish to finish up FLATS worth of freight in 1 hour that the others can't. They are not slackers, but my FDC are on FDC because they WORK. Spend 3 hours of payroll and I get 10 hours worth of work.

The reverse also works, send all but FDC home, if FDC is late and they push the truck freight till FDC shows up, then ETL-LOG and TL-LOG take over, and if still don't finish possibly I finish with the above, and/or possibly only keep 1-2 volunteers from FDC...

The TLDR; version is those WHO WORK GET HOURS on the schedule, and flexed in! Those who don't are the first to get cut aka go home or not scheduled. Payroll is precious, hours crunch or not, and I will spend it on those who work (to MY EXPECTATIONS, which far exceed Targets!) first and those who are "average" will have to be cut throat with the swap board to get more.
Sucks one person is forced to work a workload of 3 to get hours.
Dayside backroom for us is unchanged from December. We all get 30-40 hours cuz there's only three of us. If they were to cut us to something ridiculous like sub-30 each, it'd be a dumpster fire back there.

If anything, we need to hire another person or train a TM from another workcenter to work dayside cuz we only get two people on SAT/SUN and it's always a CAF/backstock trainwreck those days.

Overnight backroom looks about the same, everyone gets 30-40. I don't pay much attention to flow, all I know is they're understaffed by at least 7 so I imagine there's lots of hours there if you want em. HR puts generic flow shifts on the swap board all the time.
Will the STO problem ever be fixed in regards to backstocking and the backstock being pulled in the CAF batches?

And what about backstock in the dairy cooler? It's an epic fail of biblical proportions. Is FDC being lazy and not working the shit or is this just a result of the flawed CAF batch system? The dairy cooler never looks clean and organized. It's an eternal mess. Backstock galore. The shit that we pull during the day in the dairy cooler doesn't get worked until the morning in which the FDC team works. Usually when I pull shit in the dairy cooler, I throw it on anything mainly because who knows if it will even get worked.

FDC is a failure in itself. The assholes at the distribution centers should be slapped in the face and pissed on because they don't know how to organize and stack the product that they put on the pallets. They also don't know how to wrap the shit and make sure the product doesn't fall off. Another part of the failure of FDC is corporate. You have these food trucks coming to stores at like 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, or 4pm and then the shit doesn't get worked until 6am the next day. That is a recipe for failure. These trucks should be coming at like 10pm, 11pm, midnight and they should be worked immediately after they arrive.

Target stores would run a million times better if I was the supreme ruler of all of them.
And what about backstock in the dairy cooler? It's an epic fail of biblical proportions. Is FDC being lazy and not working the shit or is this just a result of the flawed CAF batch system? The dairy cooler never looks clean and organized. It's an eternal mess. Backstock galore. The shit that we pull during the day in the dairy cooler doesn't get worked until the morning in which the FDC team works. Usually when I pull shit in the dairy cooler, I throw it on anything mainly because who knows if it will even get worked.

This sounds like an issue with BR, PA's, MKT TM and FDC in your store. This doesn't happen here. BR TL would flip out on any BR TM not being clean back there, and it would progress to PA and/or Market TM who didn't push CAF's and FDC which didn't push FDC freight... In other words at my store.. this would cause heads to roll! Literally!

FDC is a failure in itself. The assholes at the distribution centers should be slapped in the face and pissed on because they don't know how to organize and stack the product that they put on the pallets. They also don't know how to wrap the shit and make sure the product doesn't fall off. Another part of the failure of FDC is corporate. You have these food trucks coming to stores at like 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, or 4pm and then the shit doesn't get worked until 6am the next day. That is a recipe for failure. These trucks should be coming at like 10pm, 11pm, midnight and they should be worked immediately after they arrive.

FDC's need to FOLLOW the rules on cross contamination! Meat and veg mixed, pet food and eggs and deli mixed! BZZT!!! If I am not allowd to mix this stuff then NEITHER ARE YOU! And no some lame piece of visqueen doesn't count as a barrier, nor does pallet dividers. Oh and quit putting 10 boxes of ice cream on a pallet when it would have fit on the main pallet. Raw beef and chix mixed! NO NO NO! My team has to keep it separate then YOU HAVE TO TOO!

By BP, FDC takes priority, it rarely happens that way at least in any store I am famillar with.

In general logistics be it FDC or GM needs to change! Flow, POG, IS, PC All 100% need to work OVERNIGHT, PERIOD! No ifs,ands, or, buts about it! It can be from store close to store open or some period in there, but Flow et al should be the ninjas that guest never ever ever ever see! The only replenshiment during the day should be from CAF's. And NO SPP should not be set during the day, and ONLY POG should be setting them regardless of location in the store! That translates to hours for POG! Also POG and PC should work SUN thru THU, and some floaters on FRI's. The AD starts SUN, so POG & PC should come in and do ad put up. Quite honestly they should come in on SAT eve to do ad take down too! SF aint' go no time for that and zoning, and CAF's and ....

Oh and for GM, PALLETIZE IT ALL! This 1950's shoving boxes into a trailer, is so wasteful in payroll from DC to store. And I've read the threads from the DC TM, it is time the DC"s started helpling out the stores! AKA TEAM WORK! Palletize all this stuff by custom block! That way my team can drag it out to the floor and attack it! Yes there needs to be a way to sort out BS v. push... but if it already has a B or T on it, then it can be in an X block backstock pallet and it goes straight to BR to deal with! The WAVE can deal with what is BS from the pallets that would otherwise show up by scanning each box.

Target stores would run a million times better if I was the supreme ruler of all of them.

Sorry, THATS MY SPOT! And no I am not looking for a 2nd! 🙂 😉
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