Archived Did I goof?

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Feb 25, 2016
Tldr today was absolutely crazy, my GSTL comes up to me and asks how today has been going not really thinking I said it's been a clusterfuck she made kind of a surprised sound no guests were around so I don't think it was that bad. This may have been the first time shes heard me swear but I've heard he countless times so I was surprised by the reaction?

Tldr if she did take offense how much trouble could I actually get in?
I don't think I've ever cursed in front of a TL... I did slip up and call another TM (that has since left) an asshole in front of a couple ETLs tho during 4th quarter, while we were packing up SFS orders. They didn't actually care. Pretty sure they didn't like him either. I don't think you'd get in trouble for that tho. Maybe just toss out a brief apology if you're that worried, like what @redeye58 said
If she wanted to, she could probably give you a coaching about language. I'd probably wait and see if anything happens; you could approach her later and apologize for letting it slip if you're really, really worried but if nobody approaches you about it over the next day or so I'd let it be.

I try not to swear around coworkers until they do first and even then, not around TLs and above, even if I've had a TL who could really let fly with the profanity. Working around flow and backroom, there is a lot of rough language flying around sometimes.

Then again I'm pretty sure today a guest heard me loudly mutter "there's my fucking MIR" out in electronics so whatever.
She was just surprised. My coworkers laugh when they hear me cuss cause I look innocent. I would let it go lol
Unless your GSTL has it out for you, I'd be really surprised if anything came of it.
follow up if any of you care: I started casually conversing with her today when she came out of the cash office a few minutes in I apologized for my abrasive choice of words she just kind of laughed and said 'it's okay it takes a lot to offend me you just caught me off guard because I just got here.'
I've said a few choice words in the heat of the moment, from time to time. I've yet to be coached about it.
Cussing around a team lead is better than cussing at? I wouldn't worry about it either.
Meh, we all have those days. Higher ups seem to cuss around me quite often. STL went on a swearing rampage 2 years ago when the backroom was a disaster and nobody wanted to stay to help (I was on flow at the time) he cussed out everyone in front of guests at 11am. Was great to watch. Apologize tomorrow or next time you see the GSTL. No biggie IMO 😛
You think you know swearing until you've been behind closed doors in the AP office.

That is our designated "safe zone" for the ETLs to vent.
Meh I don't think it's that big of a deal. At my old store I've heard ETL's, SrTL's, TL's, TM's even the STL (once) drop the F bomb and a few other choice words. It's not the worst thing you could do so I would say don't fucking stress over it.
As a srtl replen I dropped more f bombs in my tenure than I did in my entire career. You get really creative swears unloading a truck.

My personal favorite was when my thrower yelled at my stl who thought she could run point. "You gonna scan the boxes or should I get you a fucking lawn chair so you can finish your nap, you only give us 60 minutes remember?"

That went over extremely well...
I've said a few choice words in the heat of the moment, from time to time. I've yet to be coached about it.
I think AP is expected to cuss. We cuss like sailors in my store. Never at guests though.
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