Archived Direct Deposit Question

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Nov 17, 2015
About a week ago I changed my direct deposit info on EHR (new card so new info entirely). Today is pay day (my card has early deposit and I didn't get it early) and the funds still haven't posted to my new account. Would it hit my old card or would it hit my new one? I'm a little worried and I'm not sure who to talk to if I don't have it by the morning.

Any advice?
You might get a paper check delivered to the store until the direct deposit change goes through. If you do not see your paycheck deposited, ask HR if they have a check in your name.
Piggybacking off this: I got my first direct deposit check today. Is there somewhere online I can find the nitty-gritty details of the paycheck besides just the $ amount? Or can this only be done in-store? Thanks!
Go to eHR, click on financial well-being and select view my pay statement. It'll take you to another site that you'll have to also log into. You can view all your past pay statements on that site.
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