Archived Do I have to work today?

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Sep 4, 2017
Hi everyone, I'm an APTL. I'm actually working today but the store is dreadfully slow... Sooo my question is can it be held against me if I want to leave before end of my shift? I mean it is Labor Day and technically the hours don't even count toward our regular 40..
APTL doesn't use store payroll though.
and paid holidays don't count towards regular payroll either, correct?

hell on paid holidays I usually work an hour later and cut later in the week
Ap doesn't count against store payroll. But, why would you leave when you are getting holiday pay? Also, it's a good time check on secured items throughout the store.
You could of asked for time off today.
and paid holidays don't count towards regular payroll either, correct?

hell on paid holidays I usually work an hour later and cut later in the week

You don't have to cut. You could technically work 48 hours since the 8 from holiday don't count.
I don't think it's a matter of HAVE to cut as much as WANTS to cut so they can enjoy the rest of the holiday.
I'd be staying in the office on cams and making easy time and a half. But it's up to your LOD, typically they're willing to save payroll if you tell them you won't be any value added.

AP payroll doesn't come out of the store budget. You don't gain anything when they don't come.
Its time and a half, why give that up? I'm sure you can find some busywork to get you through the day.
He/she is AP , so not that smart, also he/she is AP so finding anything other than trash in carts is impossible for them.
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