Archived Do you actually like your job?

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I really love what I do - when I am allowed to actually do it! I understand the synergy between the processes and it is really a good system. What isn't good is when you have management that has no vision of the big picture. They don't understand that the processes, when following the best practice, actually work to make this an amazing place to work and shop. There are too many egos and too much fear.
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Commie, you're a writer? Okay, if I ever become mega rich, I want you to write a script for a live action Duke Nukem movie. If I was mega rich, I would be a movie producer.
Deal. I will start you out for a 5 picture deal at a million dollars per film.
If your store is a train wreck that can be fun as well if you roll with the punches and laugh about it. Our last STL was a big biiiiiatch both literally and FIGUREtivly. and everyone hated her. Our store was flaming red under her. We just laughed at how crappy the store was and how bad she looked. Needless to say she was fired!
right ive been at my store since july and its ok right now because of how i work some of my etls give me praise about my strenths and only have me do tasks that are mostly within my strenths , my only thing i hate are those 4 hour shifts, and right now scheduling me pass my availability
I'm patiently waiting for the day they clean house at my store. Seen it happen at my old store.

Right now I just go with it. 3/4 of our scores are red right now. It won't take long.
Yes I do. Every job has its ups and downs. I am very fortunate I don't have to work, so if it truly sucked, I would leave.
Mixed feelings. I like the actual work and helping the nice guests, I love most of my coworkers... hate some of the rules, expectations vs compensation, some of the leadership.
It's not that I hate my job, but it's not in my current future plans. I don't plan on staying with them forever and am looking like crazy for a new job.

Also, the new wave management kinda sucks compared to the old one.
I've had years of various experiences in retail with various companies, and out of all of them, target was the best. The vibe/culture is better than anything you'll find at competitors.
For the retail industry it is pretty great, but it's still a retail job.
I am TPS. I thought I would enjoy my job. I like to catch people doing the wrong thing. It's fun for me. The only reason I hate it at the moment? I work mornings. I get four-five hour shifts, and then the AP-TL stacks a load of tasks on me that others can do. Then I get told I need to get PMRs. I barely get the time to look at the cameras, much less walk around when I have to do all this other busy work. There are things that I have to do that I feel others could accomplish, or should be getting done with the aisles are being zones. Like spider wrapping and putting things in cases BEFORE they go on the shelves, not just sticking them on there and waiting for me to come by and do it. I might get about an hour on the cameras if I am lucky, so I don't like my job as much as I hoped I would...
I'm not a big fan of 5.75 shifts, but I like them better without a lunch than when I am there for 6.25 and paid the same as if there 5.75.

I'd also rather shoot myself in the head with a paintball gun than work a 4 hour shift. If you're going to kill the day at least kill all of it with a 8-12 hour shift, not make me schedule my day around a 4 hour shift that.
Agreed. One time they gave me3 consecutive 6 hour shifts. Luckily they were good about changing it.
I'd rather have a 6.25 than a 5.75 because while you are paid the same for both of them, you get a half hour break in the middle of the 6.25 while you only get one 15 in the 5.75.
Not in days people can't keep lids and bins together. Not hard people, really not hard.
I'd rather have a 6.25 than a 5.75 because while you are paid the same for both of them, you get a half hour break in the middle of the 6.25 while you only get one 15 in the 5.75.
Some people prefer not taking a lunch and avoiding being there 30 minutes later.

I know quite a few people who wouldn't take the lunch if they didn't have to.
Not in days people can't keep lids and bins together. Not hard people, really not hard.

Drives me nuts, especially since if we're short on lids, we have to defect out perfectly good bins just so we can take the lids.

I'd rather have a 6.25 than a 5.75 because while you are paid the same for both of them, you get a half hour break in the middle of the 6.25 while you only get one 15 in the 5.75.
Some people prefer not taking a lunch and avoiding being there 30 minutes later.

I know quite a few people who wouldn't take the lunch if they didn't have to.

I'd rather take a lunch if it means I have time to eat a proper meal for the first time since breakfast.
Love the DC, though I can't stand some of my colleagues who complain every second or are just generally a fount of negativity. All in all, I'm probably a lifer...

It's kind of a weird feeling realizing that you'll end up probably being a lifer, isn't it?

All in all it's really not that bad. My job is easy. Though I would probably quit if two people (Electronics TL, GSA friend) both left because quite honestly, they're the ones who really do make the job bearable some days.
I hate it.
It used to be OK. When everybody was losing their job, I was happy to have one. I loved my bosses and the job was OK. Could be worse.
But the pay sucks. I average 38 hours/week and can barely afford to have my own place. If you don't live with a spouse or significant other that makes a decent living, you are on the verge of poverty. Also, my overall income decreased by 10% in 2013. That's significant when you make under $25K/year.
The only thing that kept me going were my coworkers. I transferred to another store and some people are shitty. Aggressive (throwing boxes at you) and tattletales.
My goal is to get out this year. I CAN'T wait. I wanted to work at HQ since I have a college degree but I don't even want to work for Target anymore.
I love everything about my job except for the inconsistent management. Some days they bend over backwards to help you. Other days, they could care less and wonder why I'm so grouchy cause I had to stay 2 hours late to finish up.

I just don't think they see how much we do. We mark, push, PTM, zone, remerchandise racks, and make sure all clearance stays on the floor after being stickered. The other day the softlines TL and ETL were walking Ready to Wear and commented that the closing team did a good job. I responded with NO, it was disgusting when we came in at 6am and it was my team who marked half the department clearance, folded the tables that went clearance, and remerchandised all the racks for them...
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