Do you "detrash" your own cardboard

Do you break down your own cardboard?

  • Yes, I try my best

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • No, especially if there is a tight timeframe to meet

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • I usually have someone help me or we work together to break down cardboard

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Be honest, folks.
My shift leaders are dicks about it TBH.
If I don't do it, they'll complain that it'll take too long to process especially if the styrofoam and plastic wrappings haven't been separated (ideally in their own plastic bags). But if I do take the time to detrash, then they'll complain that I'm taking too long and may not meet the time frame.

Oh, yes…everyone in GM at my store detrashes their own stuff. The only chaos that occurs is when the baler is full and everyone leaves their boxes on the floor 👀
Bigger chaos is not running the compactor.
People continue to put in bags and bags of trash. Trash is stacked taller than the door. Sometimes I have to pull out the bags to clear the blockage.
Of course, I detrash my own cardboard! Plastic wrap goes in the right bin, as does hard plastic. Non-recyclables go in the trash bin. When I fill up a repack box of its cohorts, I put a topper on it.

I think most TMs at my store are pretty good about this, but we do have one or two who just don't seem to get it. And a few who seem to think they're special and don't have to break down their boxes before tossing them in the baler AND then don't crush it.

Even our vendors are cooperative on this, at least the ones I've seen taking care of their trash the same time I am.
Of course, I detrash my own cardboard! Plastic wrap goes in the right bin, as does hard plastic. Non-recyclables go in the trash bin. When I fill up a repack box of its cohorts, I put a topper on it.

I think most TMs at my store are pretty good about this, but we do have one or two who just don't seem to get it. And a few who seem to think they're special and don't have to break down their boxes before tossing them in the baler AND then don't crush it.

Even our vendors are cooperative on this, at least the ones I've seen taking care of their trash the same time I am.
Biggest peeve is tm s with u boat or pallet who prepare backstock and sort plastic and cardboard right in front of the baler.

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