Archived Do You Feel Bad For The Now Ex-Seasonals?

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When I was overnight, this one seasonal hire was horrendous. This was before end2end and I was a bowler. He found out he was not being kept and his bowling became even more horrendous-er. Instead of putting the boxes in front of their location in each aisle he just basically built a wall in front of each aisle and instead of putting the boxes at least in the aisles, he let them spill out onto the track. The tl's neither said antything to him or stopped him. The other seasonals that year were so-so. Did not miss them is my answer.
That would make sense, actually. Seasonal offers a built-in trial period with (I assume) even less paperwork if you want to let someone go than the normal 90 day probation. Plus, you see how they act under the highest-stress part of the year.

Exactly this. Seasonal team members don't hurt a stores retention numbers. So it is a trial with little risk should it not work out.
I was Seasonal this year until they asked me to stay recently. They asked me not to tell anyone however, so I've been talking to my other Team Members about how sad it is that I'm going to not be working there anymore and my last day is coming up "soon." I wonder how many more weeks of me working it's going to take before they catch on...
Not really, i don't know what happened this year because management stayed the same but we lost a fuck ton of people, so we kept almost all of our seasonals. You'd literally have to NCNS, or be an absolute slacker (looking at you thomas) to of not of made it.

I mean we kept a total airhead chick, when she ran out of things to do i caught her staring at a wall, no really, staring at a wall. Same one i mentioned in an earlier post who kept tearing down boxes by hand, even when i gave her a knife.

The majority of our cuts were to the front end, but everyone knows cashier hours are super bare this time of year.
I’m not bashing people who stay on as seasonals at all, they’re some of our best team members. I just think it’s silly to feel bad for them as it was a ‘seasonal’ position. And to all the ETL’s who promise to keep a lot of seasonals during the interview and then end up not keeping you, fuck off.
I always tell this to seasonal hires during the interview. I think we kept 1 or 2 of the 20ish we hired for LOG, but would have certainly kept more if they were worth it. The problem with most seasonal TMs is that they think they are doing well, when in reality most of them could find a new gig as the poster child for seasonal help.
Exceptional employee BS? Dont you take pride in your work? Dont you strive to be exceptional in what you do?
I have seen terrible tms ,that have been at spot for years and probably will be there for many more , but they are stuck doing the same shi* every day. With no prospect of moving up or making more money, they complain about everyone and everything thing. People just nod their heads at them to make the conversation short.
So yeah their are a few who slip through the cracks but for them its a sorry existence. A pity.

You need to learn to read and comprehend what you read.
The majority of our seasonals were kept too which is shocking because they are just so inept. However my store is hemorraging TMs so they need the bodies.
I feel bad for some of them since they were genuinely a pleasure to work with. Some of them were pretty horrible, though, and I’ll be glad to see them gone, since they brought the rest of the team down with their constant call-outs, whining, subpar performance, etc. The thing that really makes me feel bad is that management made it seem like we were keeping a lot of people, and even told specific people that they thought they would stay, only to have them be cut shortly after.
Yeah, me neither, at least in HL. We hired a new guy last week, but supposedly they let people go but I don't know who.
Depends on the seasonal. When they showed up/worked hard/didn't whine and weren't kept (when our store is pitifully short-staffed in Hardlines, especially), yeah, I do. The ones who slacked off/treated the store as a dating service/were constant NCNS? Nah. The hard workers will bounce back, though, hopefully somewhere better. I'm not a fan of Spot's carrot-dangling under any circumstances.
I don't cause a few of them stole and then when some asked if I was staying I would always say yes cause I am not seasonal. Our stole tho sucks.
I feel bad for anyone that works at Target and retail in general.

You could do worse, like fast food. Retail is actually super easy especially working for a huge corporation. But then again, it’s not for everyone.
I'll take a pic of it and show you my certificate later tonight. By the way, my name isn't Jack. It's Jacob.
Jack...Jacob....whatever you want to call yourself.
Yeh, I'm sure you finished your certificate but did you leave Target? Go to China? Anything?
You played too many mind games before to be considered credible.
Now I'm all hungry for some dog barbeque!!!
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