Archived Do you get annoyed when a coworker puts extra effort into dressing nice?

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I dress up for work everyday. 1) " dress for the job you want not the job you Have" 2) when you look nice, you automatically feel better and have more confidence...

Hey! If I did that, I'd look like a red+khaki female version of Jeff Corwin! ;D I want to be a zoologist.

I would so want to see that.
You'd have to bring your own animals, too.

"Good morning guests if you look over on the Merona Black tower, you will see a King snake."
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If putting a little more oomfph into your dress code makes you feel better (esp when it comes to working retail) and thus makes you likely to do your job better because you're happier. Go for it! If there is nothing to say you can't do this and that, I don't see the problem.
Nothing wrong with people looking nice, but no need to overdo it. To the new guy who constantly wears a shirt & tie? You're on plano dude, you're just gonna get all that dirty. Over in pfresh most of us don't spend too much time dressing nice because 1) we all wear hoodies 99% of the time 2) we usually end up with some sort of food substance on us during the course of the shift.
When I have a shift in other areas though, I do sometimes give a little more thought on what I'm wearing because people will actually see it. Lately when in pfresh I wear whatever shirt I want, and then go incognito during my breaks by taking my hoodie off.
I love it when people actually wear something other than a plain red t shirt and really basic khakis. I always wear skirts and cute red tops and cardigans and stuff. I saw someone get away with leopard print skinny jeans once, I thought that was pretty cool. We have people wearing knee-high boots and stuff too, I love that we don't all look like clones.
From another woman's point of view: I think it shows creativity and initiative--and being confident in yourself! 🙂 If you can dress up your work wardrobe, go for it! I know the guests enjoy going to a store where the employees care about not only their job but their appearance (being a guest AND employee myself!) You go, girl!
You are probably getting positive attention from a guy that one or more of your female team members likes. Or, they could just be snarky brats. Wear what you want and don't worry about them.
I think its great that you use your imagination within the dress code. I figure I spend 40 hours a week here and I am going to make the best of it with a little creativity. I scour clearance racks for cheap but fun red tops, sweaters and jackets. I also like gawdy cheap jewelry and will wear that. When on flow I would still dress nice. Some days I wound up drenched in pickle juice, I may have smelled awful but I looked good. When I was a sales floor TL I wore jackets a lot simply because of the pockets. While CTL I would wear different kinds of fleece.I wear converse every day now, polka dot, striped and my favorite red sequins. You wear what makes you happy and comfortable within the guidelines. If someone else has a problem tough shit.
Look good, feel good, play good!

I do dress a little more "professional" with Red button downs and I wear a tie on occasion depending on the holiday or if it is black Friday. I have never gotten "dirty looks" I have always gotten complements, that is just how I have always dressed for work. I think it makes me look more approachable if the guests have questions.
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if I am working in flow or doing push with a lot of physical labor I will just wear my Red T or if it is cold I will wear a Hoodie. When I work in the check lanes I will wear my button downs.
Honestly, I could care less what a fellow team members wears as long as he/she is doing their job. Years ago, we had a lady who worked in the backroom who wore skirts ...she started saying how she couldn't climb ladders in her skirt etc. The team lead told her that if she just had to wear a skirt to put on some shorts underneath but skirt or no skirt she would be climbing the ladders
I have fairy princess Friday's when I am one of the closing cashiers. I wear a khaki tutu (thanks Chinese import on ebay) over a beige skirt and a ruby tiara and don't forget the pixie dust/glitter. It's better when I can talk another cashier into doing it too but I've gone it alone when need be.
I do the same thing (although you wouldn't catch me dead in a blazer). Before I worked t Target, I only held fast food jobs, so there was just the standardized ugly uniform, I had to wear my hair in a ponytail and under a stupid hat all day, and sweat all my makeup off. Now, even though I'm restricted to red and khaki, there's a lot more wiggle room and I like to make it look nice. I take pride in it...I generally take the time to curl my hair and wear something other than just a frumpy red t-shirt, and i wear cute shoes. Nobody has ever looked at me crazy for it, in fact I get lots of compliments on my hair. I have been asked by a lot of girls if my shoes hurt my feet (why yes, they do, but I don't let it show and I'm plenty efficient) but nobody has been rude about it. The only people that give me mean looks are the people who just generally don't like me anyway, I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the way I physically present myself.

If it makes you feel good to dress up then do so. But if it's not something you care for, then that's perfectly fine too. Whatever makes you feel comfortable in your skin is what you should go for. If others don't like what you're doing with yourself, they have an issue, not you. Don't change you to please someone else. That's ridiculous.
The answer to this question for me would be yes, but just to one coworker in particular.
There's a gorgeous lady in optical who wears a dress shirt, tight skirt, and high heels to work everyday. It annoys me because if I wore those clothes to work I'd get them dirty and my feet would kill me. Optical lady, however, gets a comfy seat and her clothes always look sparkling clean. Plus she gets to wear a khaki top and red bottoms to work and no one says anything... It's like she's mocking us.
I have zero feelings about what any TM wears. Big whoop!
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