Archived Do you think I’m going to get terminated/fired?

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If you have to start so many threads asking the same question, then you already know the answer: you will be let go.

Instead of coming on this site posting, bitching moaning, and looking for a concrete answer no one on here can give you, you should have been looking for your NEXT job.

It is time for you, as @Jenna120 so succinctly put it, "grow the fuck up." You need to start learning from the bad decisions you have already made, and start making better decisions in every aspect of your life.
In all honesty, I sometimes chit chat while working, but I don't slow down or not get work done. It's hard to not talk when you're working with a great team where everyone likes each other, at least some of the time. When I am doing freight with my team none of us usually say a word that's un-related to work, but when it's later in the day, perhaps when we are doing fill from behind in dairy, that's when we can kind of talk and still do our work.

I don't have a problem with having no social life because I don't really thrive on it because I don't like going anywhere after work. If an old friend is in town because he's home from college I might try to hangout with him, but usually when I get home from work, I go on my computer, play guitar, do house things, or be with my girlfriend, and that's kind of just the way I like it. I'm an extrovert by day, but when I'm off of work, I'm a massive introvert.

Im a Seahawks fan by day, and Batman by night, dont tell anyone though.

And yeah talking is normal, but if you dont get shit done(at OP, not you TTGOz), leaders gonna assume its because you talk too damn much.
Fourth, if you are really that concerned about your lack of bedroom activities, hire a professional. I'd suggest paying good money for it rather than a cheap tumble at the rough part of town.
I second that emotion.

You don't want to wake up in a tub full of ice.
Oh dear god you're right.

Dude, I'm about to say a few things that I normally don't say. You might want to listen carefully.

First, social life doesn't happen at work. You are there for one reason and one reason only. You are providing labor in exchange for money. Your purpose is to work to an agreed upon expectation in exchange for an agreed upon wage. Socialize on your own time, not your employer's time. This isn't high school, you're not supposed to be flirting with pretty girls, this is real life and this is a workplace. Compartmentalize your life. Socialize somewhere else.

Second, unless someone is deliberately setting you up for a fall, what goes on with your coworkers is not your monkeys, not your circus. Quit whining about how your coworker does stuff differently. Quit whining about how your coworker manages his time. Quit trying to teach him about bathroom breaks. Be a freaking professional and interact with him in a manner that your employer expects. Refer to point number 1 about agreed upon expectations, how you act towards your coworkers is part of that; beyond that don't worry about what he does and don't judge his work ethic. Maybe your inflated beyond reason idea of your own work ethic is blinding you to seeing that he's doing things better than you.

Third, grow the fuck up. "Snitching", really? Laughing as a sign of drugs? Hints of racism? Thinking work is a place to socialize? Thinking the world cares that you aren't getting laid? My god you act like you are still in high school. This is real life. Act like a freaking adult and treat others like freaking adults. My developmentally disabled daughter who is equal to a 14 year old in many ways is far more grown up than you. I can't trust her to schedule her time appropriately to get to work on time or to take dishes out of her room on a regular basis, but I can trust her to not creep on customers at work or whine like a little baby about coworkers' personalities. Just. Grow. Up.

Fourth, if you are really that concerned about your lack of bedroom activities, hire a professional. I'd suggest paying good money for it rather than a cheap tumble at the rough part of town.

Fifth, if you are not a troll (which I'm starting to think you are) then you need serious psychiatric help. You have said you are suicidal. Your repeated posts shows an obsessive personality. The way you are focusing on this coworker of yours shows a high degree of paranoia, possibly crossing the line into delusion. You clearly have no sense of boundaries. You need to walk away from the keyboard and get an appointment with a psychiatrist or psychologist for evaluation. If everything you say is truly your perception of the truth and not a game you are playing with us then you are truly ill.

Nodded my head while I read this whole post. Every thought was spot on
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Oh dear god you're right.

Dude, I'm about to say a few things that I normally don't say. You might want to listen carefully.

First, social life doesn't happen at work. You are there for one reason and one reason only. You are providing labor in exchange for money. Your purpose is to work to an agreed upon expectation in exchange for an agreed upon wage. Socialize on your own time, not your employer's time. This isn't high school, you're not supposed to be flirting with pretty girls, this is real life and this is a workplace. Compartmentalize your life. Socialize somewhere else.

Second, unless someone is deliberately setting you up for a fall, what goes on with your coworkers is not your monkeys, not your circus. Quit whining about how your coworker does stuff differently. Quit whining about how your coworker manages his time. Quit trying to teach him about bathroom breaks. Be a freaking professional and interact with him in a manner that your employer expects. Refer to point number 1 about agreed upon expectations, how you act towards your coworkers is part of that; beyond that don't worry about what he does and don't judge his work ethic. Maybe your inflated beyond reason idea of your own work ethic is blinding you to seeing that he's doing things better than you.

Third, grow the fuck up. "Snitching", really? Laughing as a sign of drugs? Hints of racism? Thinking work is a place to socialize? Thinking the world cares that you aren't getting laid? My god you act like you are still in high school. This is real life. Act like a freaking adult and treat others like freaking adults. My developmentally disabled daughter who is equal to a 14 year old in many ways is far more grown up than you. I can't trust her to schedule her time appropriately to get to work on time or to take dishes out of her room on a regular basis, but I can trust her to not creep on customers at work or whine like a little baby about coworkers' personalities. Just. Grow. Up.

Fourth, if you are really that concerned about your lack of bedroom activities, hire a professional. I'd suggest paying good money for it rather than a cheap tumble at the rough part of town.

Fifth, if you are not a troll (which I'm starting to think you are) then you need serious psychiatric help. You have said you are suicidal. Your repeated posts shows an obsessive personality. The way you are focusing on this coworker of yours shows a high degree of paranoia, possibly crossing the line into delusion. You clearly have no sense of boundaries. You need to walk away from the keyboard and get an appointment with a psychiatrist or psychologist for evaluation. If everything you say is truly your perception of the truth and not a game you are playing with us then you are truly ill.
I was going to reply but, Jenna120 took the words right out of my mouth.
Oh dear god you're right.
Fourth, if you are really that concerned about your lack of bedroom activities, hire a professional. I'd suggest paying good money for it rather than a cheap tumble at the rough part of town.

And don't go to a strip club expecting to get serviced either.
Their job is to get naked, dance and tease.
They will be happy to take all the money you want to give them but you aren't going to get laid.
And don't go to a strip club expecting to get serviced either.
Their job is to get naked, dance and tease.
They will be happy to take all the money you want to give them but you aren't going to get laid.
And, for God's sake, use your TM discount while you still can and buy some protection. (By protection I mean condoms.) For some reason, I feel OP really needed to be told all that.
And don't go to a strip club expecting to get serviced either.
Their job is to get naked, dance and tease.
They will be happy to take all the money you want to give them but you aren't going to get laid.

Yeah, most places they aren't hookers, they are good ethical women who are just trying to make a living wage, same as the rest of us.
For the record ALL of us have a history. There is no one on this site that hasn’t been hurt or abused or had a bad day. We choose to leave that at home and get on with the job at hand. It’s how you overcome those things that makes our lives better, not making excuses for a poor attitude.
Every single time someone offers good advice you give an excuse not to take it.
Then you haven't gone to the wrong strip joints.

Kartman was a bouncer in a club and I lived with a half dozen folks in the industry.
I'd say we have a little experience on the subject.
Are there some who hook on the side?
Sure, but they are few and far between.
There is a lot more money in just stripping and why take the risk of getting busted.
Kartman was a bouncer in a club and I lived with a half dozen folks in the industry.
I'd say we have a little experience on the subject.
Are there some who hook on the side?
Sure, but they are few and far between.
There is a lot more money in just stripping and why take the risk of getting busted.
I know it's highly unusual. But I also know, like you said, there are some that are simply money laundering businesses for prostitution money and drug money. Usually in the skanky part of town.
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