Archived Does your fitting room/operator just stay in the fitting room?

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In my store it depends who's FR/Op. They do have a designated zone to do: Mens, Activewear, Hosiery, Women's Basics. Sometimes thats all they'll do while closing and leave 3-4 carts of unsorted reshop by the FR.

However, me along with a select few others stay busssyyyyyy while being Op. If it's an opening shift I'll do a mid-day zone (in shoes and RTW or other messy areas) if there's time as well as clear out all the reshop, sort carts, answer softlines call buttons, etc. Closing shifts I will always help softlines with their zone especially since lately they only have one person doing the entire thing.

I have a general NEED to stay busy at all times though where as some people just like to sit on the stool and stare at the phones.
Wow... I work at a Super and we have an operator at all times that the store is open. Operator stays at the fitting room at all times, counts guest items coming in and out of the rooms, sorts SL reshop, does repackaging and projects that can be done at the fitting room such as hanging folded that needs it. Our AP would probably go apesh*t if our operator ever got out of the line of sight of the fitting room. Half an hour before we open, the operator does rack alignment and then the closing operator helps finish the zone after the doors are locked.

This is the way our Target used to be. The FR/Operator used to be a full time job and I use to love it. There was always something to do, be it hanging stuff, cleaning out the rooms, doing returns/reshop from GS, doing repackaging and folding most of the ad. Now it's just another SF job. The FR/O rarely stays by the desk and hardly ever answers the phone, it's on constant overhead and the GSA or GS answer it. I don't even know why they bother to keep the desk, no one uses anymore. Sometimes we are so shorthanded that we have only 4 people on the entire sales floor and if lucky 1 cashier.
Unless hours are slashed again(!), we have fitting room coverage the entire time the store is open, and they always answer the phone. Our operators never leave the fitting room area unless it's to take their break or lunch (once someone is there to cover them). We generate way too much re-shop for them to be able to zone or push (hence the re-wrap carts mentioned below).

Rewrap is a never ending thing at times.

After New Year's, we had three carts of re-wraps that sat in the TL office for about three weeks. They finally killed the last one today.
Unless hours are slashed again(!), we have fitting room coverage the entire time the store is open, and they always answer the phone. Our operators never leave the fitting room area unless it's to take their break or lunch (once someone is there to cover them). We generate way too much re-shop for them to be able to zone or push (hence the re-wrap carts mentioned below).

Rewrap is a never ending thing at times.

After New Year's, we had three carts of re-wraps that sat in the TL office for about three weeks. They finally killed the last one today.

My God. And we thought our rewrap was bad! (If I ever saw that much rewrap I'd probably would cry at work.)
At my store, there's always at least 1 person at TSC. They're operator. Not fitting room. We usually have a fitting room person in from about an hour after we open until an hour or so before close. And, if the fitting room person is there until closing, they don't usually stay in there 'til close. They go on the floor to help out in the end. We just sort reshop, answer the SL phone calls, and hand out numbers to guests. It's boring on the days that aren't busy, but otherwise, there's usually a lot to do. The only thing I hate about it is that I feel like I'm being watched when I'm in there. I don't always count things, and occasionally AP comes in to remind me that I should be counting every guests' items.
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