Archived Does your SFTMs detrash cafs in the back?

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Jan 26, 2013
I hate that. Mainly being they have 0 knowledge of the backroom and ends up pushing one item out of 12 which is a pain in the ass since we don't push to the piece
I hate that. Mainly being they have 0 knowledge of the backroom and ends up pushing one item out of 12 which is a pain in the ass since we don't push to the piece
They de-trash better than flow most days.
They instituted this at my store a few months before the holidays.

It lasted around 2 weeks.

I have always tried to unpack chairs and ottomans in the backroom, because I find it easier to get rid of the box and packing materials there than haul them back from the sales floor. Anything else, I unpack on the sales floor. Considering how short staffed the sales floor has been the last year and a half, why keep your TMs in the back longer than necessary and off the sales floor where guests need help?

What I do miss is the backroom using repack boxes to hold small items from the CAF pulls. It's frustrating to have small items rolling/falling off flats and open tubs because no three tiers or tabled tubs were available.
What I do miss is the backroom using repack boxes to hold small items from the CAF pulls. It's frustrating to have small items rolling/falling off flats and open tubs because no three tiers or tabled tubs were available.

Why did your backroom stop doing that? Mine always reuses the repacks for CAFs/research/EXF pulls etc.
Don't know the reason but it started around the same time as the de-trash in the backroom edict, and around the same time we got more shelves to put on the tubs. I figured some pencil pusher at corporate figured the company could save X amount dollars by reducing the number of repack boxes in the stores.
If I do de-trash in the backroom I put it right in the baler or trash cans and always get rid of my trash before dropping off the backstock.

And, I always try to put a backstock clip on it, but, I swear, I have no idea what our BR team does with them. About a month after we get a shipment of backstock chip clips in, there are none to be found.
I don't expect the backroom to detrash anything. Who has time for that? If you do it, I will thank you in advance.
De-trash on the sales floor so guests can find a TM if they need one. Although I have done so in backroom around the holiday season, if the pull was for toys/electronics
Nope, haul it all out on the floor. Cause I am not about to detrash a ottoman to find it's back stock anyways. Waste of time.

This. Or those fucking desk lamps where the cardboard and styrofoam are like Fort Knox. Also, MIRRORS.

During the holidays, one of my ETLs encouraged the seasonal hardlines TMs to de-trash toys before pushing them out to the floor, and it pissed me off because we didn't have anymore space for openstock toys in the backroom. All three TOY fillgroups and our flex aisle were filled with openstock toys.
This. Or those fucking desk lamps where the cardboard and styrofoam are like Fort Knox. Also, MIRRORS.

During the holidays, one of my ETLs encouraged the seasonal hardlines TMs to de-trash toys before pushing them out to the floor, and it pissed me off because we didn't have anymore space for openstock toys in the backroom. All three TOY fillgroups and our flex aisle were filled with openstock toys.

Exactly and I know how to work clean. I understand de-trashing toys cause that department is nuts and it makes it quicker to push and escape during 4th quarter. I have had one pull take two hours just because of guests.
Half the SFTMs leave their trash and cardboard in a vehicle in front of the bailer
Isn't there a notice on/near the bailer that basically tells people to do that? Do not operate/put anything in to/take anything out of the bailer if you're not properly trained etc etc
My store's sales floor team does. Some of that is owed to us being a relatively new store, and those of us who have been with Target since before the store was open to guests know enough of what the flow and backroom processes are like to understand what it does to the entire store's team if we don't detrash. We veterans explain the consequences to the newer people, and so boxes are always at least broken down and styrofoam thrown away, even if the team members are too young to interact with the baler or compactor.
Isn't there a notice on/near the bailer that basically tells people to do that? Do not operate/put anything in to/take anything out of the bailer if you're not properly trained etc etc

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that training/certification is for making a bale and opening the compactor and wiring it and taking it out. No one who lacks certification should be opening the compactor to remove cardboard when its full regardless of their age. However, you do NOT need certification to break down your boxes and toss them in an open bailer. Shoot, you can even pull the guard down and push the button to crush them and walk off. The only time I don't do this is when the bailer is clearly full and no more cardboard can go in even after crushing. I am not certified to make a bale so at that point I would put my broken down boxes in the cage in front of the bailer.
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