Archived Downgrade in pay???

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May 11, 2015
So I'm currently a GSA, and I'm so so SO tired of it. I want to ask my HR if I can go back to softlines. Is it legal or whatever for them to downgrade my pay? Like I understand I don't have that title anymore but it also doesn't mean that I still can't pick up shifts, like no matter what I know everything about it. I don't really care if they take the .50 away anyways, I was just really curious.
Yes, if you step down to a lower pay grade they downgrade your pay to match the pay grade.

ASANTS. We have a PA at our store who currently makes more than the CTL. Apparently, he used to be a Sr. TPS and they never took away his pay when he downgraded.
If the majority of your shifts are scheduled in a new work center they are supposed to change your job code, and downgrade your pay.
ASANTS but in my experience they can downgrade your pay, but there's a limit to it. In my store we had a Sr. TL LOD who was making plenty, stepped down to receiver, and only took a $1 cut in pay.

However I can't imagine the gap between GSA and Softlines is that significant in pay, so they may just dock you your whole raise. Bottom line, you're being demoted, so yes they can absolutely cut your pay
if you step down from the position, why would you even be willing to pick up GSA shifts? If your pay goes down it wouldn't be fair for you to work a GSA shift.

Instead of completely stepping down from the GSA position, see if you can be scheduled just two or three shifts a week. Ask then if you could be put on the sales floor the rest of the days. Tell them that you aren't sure if you want to completely give up GSAing, but that you would appreciate the chance to have some a bit of a break from the daily schedules. You may get lucky and get to work a bit in both areas.

Ask carefully, and you may just get the chance to do both.
ASANTS. We have a PA at our store who currently makes more than the CTL. Apparently, he used to be a Sr. TPS and they never took away his pay when he downgraded.
Everything is negotiable depending upon management. There may be circumstances of which you are not aware. BTW - management downgraded my pay grade and I did not lose anything (was scheduled under logistics and new stl wanted me scheduled under a different job center which is a lower paygrade)....but that was not my decision to lower the paygrade, it was theirs. If you choose to step down, expect to be paid at the level of the job.
It isn't any more of a demotion any more than it was a promotion to begin with. You're just a TM either way. But you may lose the 50 cents an hour. And they may not let you pick up GSA shifts because it could be a pain in the ass to not have supervisor numbers any more.
I went from logistics to the front end and my pay wasn't downgraded but that's because I was interviewing for TPS and they predicted I would get it so they didn't change it. It's supposed to be changed though.
Thanks everyone! Yeah my HR said they'd take it away. My new ETL team is shit anyways. Currently looking for other jobs. Peace out, spot. 🙂
How funny, we curently have GSA that just transfered in that is struggling, won't take any type of feedback whatsoever and doesn't relate well with others. She wants to be moved to softlines but refuses to loose her pay. She just gave her 2 weeks notice. Too bad because she had potential to be a great GSA.
Softlines is N03 and GSA is N07, so you would take a $0.50 pay cut in most cases (ASANTS)

Yes they can do this since you are changing positions. Before they have you switch back to softlines you will sign another Job offer form that has your new wage/job title outlined on it. If you don't sign it, then you don't go back to softlines.

I'm not sure they even need this form to make it legal, but by you signing off on it, it is definitely legal.

if you step down from the position, why would you even be willing to pick up GSA shifts? If your pay goes down it wouldn't be fair for you to work a GSA shift.

Instead of completely stepping down from the GSA position, see if you can be scheduled just two or three shifts a week. Ask then if you could be put on the sales floor the rest of the days. Tell them that you aren't sure if you want to completely give up GSAing, but that you would appreciate the chance to have some a bit of a break from the daily schedules. You may get lucky and get to work a bit in both areas.

Ask carefully, and you may just get the chance to do both.

Even if she isn't willing to do GSA shifts, they could still schedule her to do them. As long as her hours as a GSA do not exceed 50% of her total hours (last time I checked) they can schedule her to GSA without giving her the position/pay. This is per Target Policy last time I checked, if anyone is HR and it's changed, let us know.
If they do demote, your paychecks will list the change of workcenter, you will lose the pay bump & your access codes.
For all that, why would you want to pick up GSA shifts after that?
If you volunteered to, they would take advantage of that & consider it a deal because they wouldn't have to pay you the diff & they'd keep you below the threshold.
If they do demote, your paychecks will list the change of workcenter, you will lose the pay bump & your access codes.
For all that, why would you want to pick up GSA shifts after that?
If you volunteered to, they would take advantage of that & consider it a deal because they wouldn't have to pay you the diff & they'd keep you below the threshold.

Well, it wouldn't be as stressful if you're just "filling in" -- you'd certainly own less.

When I left Target and came back as Electronics TM, they still had me GSA from time to time, mostly when people were sick (the ETL-HR worked w. me at my previous store) -- it was really chill since I wasn't expected to get any "extra" tasks done since I wasn't usually up there.

I actually enjoyed it more since it was a Pfresh w/ iGS -- so I just sat at Guest services most of the night since they were swamped, but unlike my Super Target I could watch Lane Lights 😉
Okay guys so it's been about 5 months since I posted this lol, I'm no longer a GSA I'm a brand or vm tm, which technically is a .25 pay cut but I talked to my HR and she said she would "protect my pay" which she has I guess since it hasn't changed. I also still have my supervisor number, which is weird that it still works since I am not key'd in the system as a supervisor. Oh well.
I also still have my supervisor number, which is weird that it still works since I am not key'd in the system as a supervisor. Oh well.

You're still keyed in as supervisor. There's several TM positions that can have supervisor #'s. GSA is just the one most commonly given such access, but the system allows it for numerous others.

It's not a grandfather'd type thing, it'd let anyone with your new position have supervisor #'s, positive of this because we have a BRTM in my store that until recently was a GSA, and he lost his access when they changed his workcenter.
Interesting. I recently made the switch to BR/SFS, but I still have my supervisor numbers. Just a couple of days ago, I brought a guest pull up to the Service Desk and one of them asked me to put my numbers in for a price match.
Interesting. I recently made the switch to BR/SFS, but I still have my supervisor numbers. Just a couple of days ago, I brought a guest pull up to the Service Desk and one of them asked me to put my numbers in for a price match.

Might be due to being keyed as Flexible Fulfillment rather than backroom, or you're still keyed as GSA just not being scheduled as one anymore.
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