Archived Dress code

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Girls can't wear capris, but guys can wear shorts? Hm, Lol.

only cart attendants and overnight/early morning are allowed to wear shorts, what I find strange is skirts are allowed (i think most stores rule is knee length or longer) why arent shorts with a similar stipulation?
Girls can't wear capris, but guys can wear shorts? Hm, Lol.

only cart attendants and overnight/early morning are allowed to wear shorts, what I find strange is skirts are allowed (i think most stores rule is knee length or longer) why arent shorts with a similar stipulation?

Those who are wearing skirts are generally doing so for religious reasons. If there is a religious reason to wear shorts that go nearly down to your ankles (capris?) then I suppose Target would allow it.
i wouldn't mind wearing shorts, but i can see some team members now with there swaggy socks on etc.
Girls can't wear capris, but guys can wear shorts? Hm, Lol.

only cart attendants and overnight/early morning are allowed to wear shorts, what I find strange is skirts are allowed (i think most stores rule is knee length or longer) why arent shorts with a similar stipulation?

Those who are wearing skirts are generally doing so for religious reasons. If there is a religious reason to wear shorts that go nearly down to your ankles (capris?) then I suppose Target would allow it.

Not at our store. We are fashionistas.
Khaki-colored jeans?

Just wondering if I could wear them as cashier/redcard bot. They're not artificially worn/torn, they look pretty nice tbh, not trashy for sure, think the TL's would be okay with it?
A lot of TMs wear them at my store and no one has said anything. Do other TMs in your store wear them?

The only time someone has brought this up was when we had our DTL drop by. One TM was wearing worn/torn khaki jeans and a TL said
"gurl you should have saved those jeans for the club!" and the TM replied with "ugh - I would never wear khaki to the club."
the most beautiful conversation I have ever witnessed.
I might occasionally see chicks wearing khaki jeans but they're usually more formal looking than the ones I'm rocking. Most of us males (that I've noticed, I haven't really paid attention) just wear khaki dress pants.
At my store, there are only a few ladies who wear skirts, but it seems as though capris are allowed.

I was zoning tonight with my STL(!) and asked why it was always so hot in the store (after she and a TL complained that they were sweating). She told me that the temperature was set to 75, but she didn't really say why.
I wear khaki colored jeans sometimes. Actually, they're camel. They're too dark to call khaki. I hadn't done laundry the first time I wore them and just went in hoping no one would say anything. No one said anything, so I still wear them. Most of my pants are non-denim, but they're all a casual style (skinny, flared, skinny with ankle zippers..) and I wear t-shirts.

A former TM came in one day looking for collared shirts and snapped at me because "I assumed you guys would have them because when I worked here, there was a collared shirt requirement!" Glad I missed that just because Ts are cheaper than polos.
There is a new "policy" in pharmacy that does not allow cargo pants or anything with a hood. It's part of the new "drug diversion" and supposed to prevent theft. IMO, the "hood" thing is ridiculous because if someone was going to try and steal meds, I highly doubt they'd be putting them in their hood.

On a side note, we also aren't allowed to have cups that aren't clear or any other "non-see through" packaging within the pharmacy. That means no more FA cups or hot Starbucks drinks....and anything taken IN to the pharmacy has to be finished before we LEAVE, which means if we take a drink in with us, we can't take it out with us when we go on break or lunch. Guess we're going to stash meds in it and smuggle them out....or we're making sizzurp during business hours 😉
That means no more FA cups or hot Starbucks drinks....

I'm a CPhT also... we're being a little wishy washy on which of the new "rules" we're following. We definitely didn't interpret any of them as meaning we can't have a solid cup back there though... just that we can't bring it back out. I think the main point is that it's disposable...? Now you've got me second guessing myself though. :wacko:

The no-cargo-pants thing is driving me nuts. Apparently if you have any more than the two pockets in front and two in back, they're cargo pants. Seriously.. because I can only steal meds if I have a fifth pocket??
At my store, both the terms "red" and "khaki" are used very loosely. One of our Guest Serves girls gets away with wearing light pink and dark brown to work pretty often. I asked her about it one day (we're friends), and she just said as long as it's in the realm of Red and Khaki the ETLs don't really care.
I can't imagine wearing a skirt in the back room, but I wear capris every day now that it has warmed up to the point of hell. We have water coolers in the back room, and I make myself stop and drink a cup of water at least once an hour. The guys wear shorts until 8 then change into pants when the store opens. Seems to work pretty well.
My good friend works in HR for target and he said you can wear what you want. Because of a case of a girl who could not afford to by reds and khakis. She won! So target just influences you to wear red and khakis. So wear what you want you can't get fired but you'll never get a raise too.
My good friend works in HR for target and he said you can wear what you want. Because of a case of a girl who could not afford to by reds and khakis. She won! So target just influences you to wear red and khakis. So wear what you want you can't get fired but you'll never get a raise too.

I promise if a judge can rule that it's OK for a company to fire you for gaining too much weight
then I'm pretty sure that Spot asking for a simple red and khaki is going to be fine with a judge.
You want the job you wear the uniform, you don't wear 'what you want'.
Really, all jobs have a uniform of one sort or another.

On the other hand,
Welcome to The Break Room.
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On the look out for a red and pink striped shirt. That's what one of our TLs wears.
My store is very lenient on the dress code, but we also don't push it. We don't do belts and tucking in when most of the stores around us do. Thank goodness, because it seriously takes a very specific body type to be able to tuck in your shirt, belt it up, and look decent in it. I for one do NOT possess that body type... nor does half my store. We wear orange-ish, pink-ish, anything kind of red. We do capris, but only cart attendants do shorts.
My good friend works in HR for target and he said you can wear what you want. Because of a case of a girl who could not afford to by reds and khakis. She won! So target just influences you to wear red and khakis. So wear what you want you can't get fired but you'll never get a raise too.

I promise if a judge can rule that it's OK for a company to fire you for gaining too much weight
then I'm pretty sure that Spot asking for a simple red and khaki is going to be fine with a judge.
You want the job you wear the uniform, you don't wear 'what you want'.
Really, all jobs have a uniform of one sort or another.

On the other hand,
Welcome to The Break Room.

Someone couldn't afford red & khaki, so they sued? Was her lawyer pro bono? She should've applied for a job that fit within her current wardrobe. There's no way she applied without knowing about the uni.

At Macy's, they give you coupons when you get a job that can be used with the discount for any clothing that falls within the dress code and they occasionally had specials for employees to get work stuff. Macy's is expensive though. I only applied there because I already had a bunch of black clothes. I know a bunch of young, trendy mall stores give a nice sized discount whenever new stuff comes in because they want their employees to be wearing things they're selling. Occasional red/khaki coupons would be nice. I get so annoyed every time I have to buy another red shirt because I couldn't get to the laundromat. I bought some from the kid's dept last time just because I already have multiples of all the red adult Ts. I'm just gonna start washing my reds in the bathtub.
My good friend works in HR for target and he said you can wear what you want. Because of a case of a girl who could not afford to by reds and khakis. She won! So target just influences you to wear red and khakis. So wear what you want you can't get fired but you'll never get a raise too.

I promise if a judge can rule that it's OK for a company to fire you for gaining too much weight
then I'm pretty sure that Spot asking for a simple red and khaki is going to be fine with a judge.
You want the job you wear the uniform, you don't wear 'what you want'.
Really, all jobs have a uniform of one sort or another.

On the other hand,
Welcome to The Break Room.

The company can't make you buy clothes you can't afford. I'm sure in Vegas you don't have to buy the uniform. So Target needs to cough up the money if they want you to dress that way. That's a hidden secret they don't want you to know. They can only influence you.
The company can't make you buy clothes you can't afford. I'm sure in Vegas you don't have to buy the uniform. So Target needs to cough up the money if they want you to dress that way. That's a hidden secret they don't want you to know. They can only influence you.

This is the Labor law for minimum wage workers.

Clothing accepted as ordinary street wear and the ordinary white or any light colored plain and washable uniform need not be furnished by the employer.
If a special color, make, pattern, logo or material is required, the employer must furnish the uniform.

Since we can buy the clothes we need in the street clothes sections of our own stores, they fall under this category.
I'd love for you to be right and for Spot to have to cough up the cost of clothes but it just aint so.
The reason Target suggests and does not require red and khaki is because state by state the laws differ on what is a uniform and what the employers role in providing them is. Since Targets corporate policy follows the path of least legal resitance they do not require red and khaki of course your store will have a variety of ways to drive you out if you do not.
The only uniforms that Target will provide are TPS and SFT. If you're in any other storeside position, you can wear any plain red shirt from any store with any khaki pants from any store. If all else fails, go to a thrift store.
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