Archived Dress code

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At my store, no one wears shorts (although I've never seen anyone try). I'm the only one that ever wears a skirt at my store, although one of our first GSTLs did so for religious reasons. The only people at my store who really wear polos are male TLs and ETLs. I've never seen one of our female ETLs in a polo, and the other only wears them occasionally. One of our former GSAs used to wear brown pants sometimes, which I didn't think was really brand, but no one said anything. One girl wore grey pants once because her khakis were all dirty, and she was nervous about it all day.
What's the policy on red shirts? I know the store I'll be working doesn't require polos you can wear t shirts but in depth do they have to be plain red t shirts? Can they have any graphic design on them. I have a ton of red shirts red is my favorite color and I'd love to not have to go out and by a bunch of plain red t shirts. Majority of my shirts have small logos near the upper left side, Nike logo to be exact. Also any requirements on pants vs shorts. It's scorching hot out here up until October and I'm going to be Cart attendant. Are cargo khaki shorts or pants allowed?
I have gotten some really nice red shirts at goodwill for work. Being on flow and in the backroom, you really wear out your shirts and pants fast. If the shirt does have a small logo, I cover it up with my name tag. Works great. Otherwise, I do believe they prefer solid red.
What's the policy on red shirts? I know the store I'll be working doesn't require polos you can wear t shirts but in depth do they have to be plain red t shirts? Can they have any graphic design on them. I have a ton of red shirts red is my favorite color and I'd love to not have to go out and by a bunch of plain red t shirts. Majority of my shirts have small logos near the upper left side, Nike logo to be exact. Also any requirements on pants vs shorts. It's scorching hot out here up until October and I'm going to be Cart attendant. Are cargo khaki shorts or pants allowed?

The general rule for red shirts is plain red, though some TMs at my store have gotten away with patterns as long as most of it was red - it varies by store. Try to avoid logos unless they'll be covered by your name tag and/or your safety vest. If you're a cart attendant, then yes, you should be allowed to wear shorts.
I've gotten away with a red band shirt that had a black graphic on the side and this new cashier occasionally wears a Rutgers polo (has the R on one side of the chest). I thought about getting one with a Temple T for ncaa basketball season lol, but I settled on wearing a tiny Hooter (mascot's name. not the wing place) lapel pin on game days instead.
just found my new red shirt !!!!!

and its only 8.24 !!

or this one for 9.16
One time a lady came up to me at GS (I was wearing a Merona red sweater at the time) and asked me how the dress so became so loose. She said "I was on the committee that developed the dress code rules for your handbook: Red polo tucked in to khaki pants." So I said "Wouldn't Target have to provide me with a uniform if it was that specific?" She literally just walked away without saying a word.

Edit: Not the current dress code, but one from a long time ago apparently.
At my store they just told me as long as the shirt is reddish or you're wearing a red vest and your pants are khaki it's okay. Otherwise it's a free for all. Everyone dresses pretty much how they want to. We're all just wearing the colors. Tattoos and piercings are a nonissue. One of the guys has like full sleeve tattoos.
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BR, Flow, and Cart Attendants can wear (Khaki) shorts at my store.

I wear Shorts whenever I have to go overnight, or when I run our Ad-set because they turn the A/C off, but then have to pants it up when the store opens.
One time a lady came up to me at GS (I was wearing a Merona red sweater at the time) and asked me how the dress so became so loose. She said "I was on the committee that developed the dress code rules for your handbook: Red polo tucked in to khaki pants." So I said "Wouldn't Target have to provide me with a uniform if it was that specific?" She literally just walked away without saying a word.

Edit: Not the current dress code, but one from a long time ago apparently.

I know the grocery store I used to work at before becoming a TPS has a crazy strict dress code. As a guy, I had to wear a pair of black dress pants, dress shoes, black socks, a white long-sleeve dress shirt and a tie at all times. It didn't matter if you were the store director or a bagger, that was how you had to dress, and the code was strictly enforced. Nobody never complained about it because overall, it was a great company to work for and although management was strict, they still seemed to care about the average employee. I do know of people who were fired because of repeated and blatant disregard for the dress code, and the company never ran afoul of any labor laws. In my state, your employer can make you purchase your uniform as long as the components are readily available at your average retail store. If the uniform consists of some specialty item not available in stores (I.E. a shirt embroidered with your employer's logo) then your uniform had to be supplied. I'm guessing that the laws probably vary state to state though.
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