Archived Educational Leave of Absence

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If anyone was wondering what the outcome was, it was as follows. They are going to put me on rehire status, the job is not guaranteed when I ask to come back but because I've been a good worker so far the HR ETL was very confident that I would be able to come back during the winter and next summer.

Concerning this, can anyone explain what a rehire status is? Am i reading way into this or is it just the normal procedure of reapplying?

It just means that you're re-hireable. Meaning you didn't give them a reason not to hire you back.

If anyone was wondering what the outcome was, it was as follows. They are going to put me on rehire status, the job is not guaranteed when I ask to come back but because I've been a good worker so far the HR ETL was very confident that I would be able to come back during the winter and next summer.
Yes! Less training.

About this one, Hardlinesmaster said less training. Can someone explain this to me? Does this mean we will have more shifts to work because of less training? I ask this because I too, really want to return to my Target whenever I come back from college ( breaks; spring, winter, summer) but for the spring and winter breaks they last about a month or so. And if it is parallel to my current summer break, the process ( application, interview, training, orientation) takes nearly two to three weeks. I would be left with a week or so of actual work before i head back to college.

I really want to stay with Target and i was considering working at Target for 4 years at the bare minimum. However if i plan to work 3 periods in a year for 4 years, the basic math would come out to 12 times that i would have to apply. The thought of this just saddens me and I really hope there is a way for me to continue.

Less training means that you wouldn't have to be trained upon being re-hired. Since you would already be familiar with the job, you wouldn't need to go through the whole nine yards.

Why not just go on educational LOA instead of quitting and re-applying several times?

Oh and to answer your question, we have to complete the 90 days probationary period first before we are eligible for the educational LOA. Which is the whole problem that me and OP are affected by.
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