Archived email addresses

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Life sucks and nothing good can come of it.
Jun 16, 2011
Suppose that I want to send an email to my do I find the information to send an email......keep in mind that I have no idea what my DTL's last name is.
Ck on workbench, I think it is under store facts. You might want talk to your stl or hr, first on your concerns.

All of this.

I also echo talking to your stl. I know you've been on this site a long time and don't recall your role but emailing superiors behind leaderships backs rarely ends well for the whistle blower if that's where your leaning (if not, email away)
IF you feel comfortable talking to your etl hr ( if you have one or srtl hr ) and or the stl I would go that route first. IF I didn't feel comfortable talking to them I would think long and hard before shooting off an email. I would call the hotline before I would send out a email ( as a last resort)
Basically the issue is these 4 and 5.5 hour shifts.....we get call-offs all the time because people don't want to come in for these crummy shifts.....since people call-off it means that every day there are areas in the store that don't have enough people. I'm just wondering if this is an issue that will be reconsidered or not. Today we had enough call-offs in softlines so for most of the day there was only one TM there. We had three cashiers that were missing...much of the day we only had three cashiers.

As well, with there being such short shifts and lots of call-offs it is nearly impossible to get people from the sales floor to come for back-up. Everyone is getting aggravated....TMs and guests. This is a problem that's got to be solved or guests are going to stop shopping and more TMs will quit.

Maybe the DTL isn't the correct individual to go to.....maybe the questions need to be taken to regional or group leaders.
Basically the issue is these 4 and 5.5 hour shifts.....we get call-offs all the time because people don't want to come in for these crummy shifts.....since people call-off it means that every day there are areas in the store that don't have enough people. I'm just wondering if this is an issue that will be reconsidered or not. Today we had enough call-offs in softlines so for most of the day there was only one TM there. We had three cashiers that were missing...much of the day we only had three cashiers.

As well, with there being such short shifts and lots of call-offs it is nearly impossible to get people from the sales floor to come for back-up. Everyone is getting aggravated....TMs and guests. This is a problem that's got to be solved or guests are going to stop shopping and more TMs will quit.

Maybe the DTL isn't the correct individual to go to.....maybe the questions need to be taken to regional or group leaders.

Lol that isn't how to fix anything. I recommend you text the CEO.
Agree with @glo. Don't go to the DTL for that (or higher). Ultimately it is the store that is making the decision to give the team short shifts. Furthermore, it is the team member's prerogative to call off for them. I agree it is aggravating for everyone left picking up the slack but maybe the conversation should start with your store team members teaching them a bit of responsibility.
For team members who are calling out frequently, they need to be documented. Usually those at a district level hate being bothered and will try to push back whenever possible
I agree with @bullseye1962, tm's do need to be documented. And Leadership in your store needs to give said hours from repeat offenders to those who actually show up for their shifts on time and ready to work. Problematic team members are like a cancer to the whole store. Unfortunately gathering a paper trail on them is a VERY LONG process. 😡
Maybe the DTL isn't the correct individual to go to.....maybe the questions need to be taken to regional or group leaders.

Who won't take you seriously at all.

Callouts are a normal reality of low paying retail jobs. People don't make enough to sometimes outweigh staying home or doing a fun activity that comes up.

The short shifts aren't ideal but to the company they are a benefit. It allows more flexibility as team members who want to keep a high average of hours or make more money can now extend their shift.

Also a callout for a 4 hour shift hurts a lot less than a call out of an 8 hour shift.

I will concede it's harder to get people who aren't scheduled to come in for only four hours.
I'm too lazy to fill in the meme:

Don't have to schedule lunch breaks if no one has to take a lunch.

But really do NOT go above the STL unless they're committing harm. It's their store. The failure of the store falls on them, not you or any single TM. Shit always rolls downhill.
Who won't take you seriously at all.

Callouts are a normal reality of low paying retail jobs. People don't make enough to sometimes outweigh staying home or doing a fun activity that comes up.

The short shifts aren't ideal but to the company they are a benefit. It allows more flexibility as team members who want to keep a high average of hours or make more money can now extend their shift.

Also a callout for a 4 hour shift hurts a lot less than a call out of an 8 hour shift.

I will concede it's harder to get people who aren't scheduled to come in for only four hours.

Nail on the head... I too concede that those who rely on public transportation or have a long commute it is sometimes not worth it to go in for a short shift but those in our store capitalize on it and a lot of times will extend their shifts if given the chance. I have a tough time reacting to those who call out because of short shifts. The TM is the one who suffers because they are out the money. Any money is better than no money. Plus they are the same ones that complain about not getting hours and DON'T take them when offered.
In our store when people call off then that leaves us short because they don't allow cashiers to stay extra, if it is 8 hour shift calling off or two four hour shifts calling off we're still screwed.

Now, most of the sales floor shifts are shorter shifts, too....and just like yesterday two softlines people called off leaving one TM to cover everything. In fact for tonight our LOD was the one answering the phone for quite awhile.
In our store when people call off then that leaves us short because they don't allow cashiers to stay extra, if it is 8 hour shift calling off or two four hour shifts calling off we're still screwed.

I find that hard to believe. No payroll is added by extending a 4 hour cashier if another one calls off.
Regarding hours: when someone calls off the leadership of our store does not generally allow our HR clerical TM to call someone in.
Besides, just last week we were 50 hours over payroll hours.

Really, I have no idea why every area is so short staffed....don't know if it is because we don't have enough TMs or if our ETL-HR doesn't know the best way to set schedules.....or if mytime knows what it is doing.

I know that our store is trying to hire seasonal TMs and that they are being told that they should not expect any more than 20 hours a week....and permanent part-time positions won't have more than 20 hours any time.

Maybe most of the problem is that our store doesn't have the hours to schedule the number of TMs that are needed.
Basically the issue is these 4 and 5.5 hour shifts.....we get call-offs all the time because people don't want to come in for these crummy shifts.....since people call-off it means that every day there are areas in the store that don't have enough people. I'm just wondering if this is an issue that will be reconsidered or not. Today we had enough call-offs in softlines so for most of the day there was only one TM there. We had three cashiers that were missing...much of the day we only had three cashiers.

As well, with there being such short shifts and lots of call-offs it is nearly impossible to get people from the sales floor to come for back-up. Everyone is getting aggravated....TMs and guests. This is a problem that's got to be solved or guests are going to stop shopping and more TMs will quit.

Maybe the DTL isn't the correct individual to go to.....maybe the questions need to be taken to regional or group leaders.

They already know all this, they just don't care.

Not to mention when they visit everything looks perfect so it's fine in their book.
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