Employee Surveys?

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First, I am a he.

Second, I have zero interest in a permanent spot working for Target.

Third, I only complain about my hours when Target schedules me against my availability (they have) and when they schedule me with no respect for my health and well being (they have). I would support anyone who complains when Target schedules them against their availability and with no respect for their health.
It says on the sheet (and there are several threads about this) that your availability is subject to their business needs. IE if you agree then you work what you are scheduled. If you can't then its time for a discussion with HR. if you two can't come for an agreement then its time to say goodbye.

Personally, when I interview one of the first things I ask is how flexible are your hours. Why? Because if you expect the availability to be ironclad then You are mostly likely not a good fit.

I strongly suggest you exit the service industry entirely.
This is getting a little boring but let me say it again.
Here at TFP you can have any opinion you want.
You can tell people those opinions in long, detailed posts.
Other people have the right to disagree with you and reply to you in same.

What nobody can do is insult you and you don't get to insult them.
And by this I don't mean hurt your feelings by critiquing your work methods.
I mean calling someone lazy, dumb, stupid, moronic, etc.
Just check yourself.
Please don't make me get out the hammer.

Flow Warrior insulted me first. I just hit back.

As long as I am not insulted again, I will not hit back again.
It says on the sheet (and there are several threads about this) that your availability is subject to their business needs. IE if you agree then you work what you are scheduled. If you can't then its time for a discussion with HR. if you two can't come for an agreement then its time to say goodbye.

Personally, when I interview one of the first things I ask is how flexible are your hours. Why? Because if you expect the availability to be ironclad then You are mostly likely not a good fit.

I strongly suggest you exit the service industry entirely.

When you interview someone, you ask for their availability. If the applicant says they can't work on Tuesdays or before 3 pm on Mondays or on a specific day or whatever the situation is and Target decides to hire that applicant, Target should honor that availability. By hiring the applicant, Target agrees to the applicant's availability.

If an applicant is up front about their availability, scheduling them against that availability isn't a failure to be flexible or not be subjected to Target's business needs. It is Target not living up to the agreement made during the hiring process.

Just like if the applicant wants to change their availability or days off, then that applicant is not living up to the agreement made during the hiring process.

If you expect agreed upon availability to NOT be ironclad, then don't ever interview or hire anyone who is in school (high school, college, graduated school) or works another job or has any commitment other than being at Target's beck and call. I doubt any of the students that work at your store are going to blow off their classes to stock shelves or stand at a register just to fill a hole to make your life easier. I doubt any of the part-time employees are going to blow off a day at their permanent full time jobs to stock shelves or stand at a resist just to fill a hole to make your life easier.

Obviously, you believe that your life should be dedicated to Target's desires and whims. Maybe you should be flexible by being more productive to satisfy Target's business needs.

Unfortunately, most other people have lives and commitments that don't center around Target.
Except the agreement says they will schedule you according to business needs. Then they have you sign it so you can't hold it against them.

Right above that line is your availability with the earliest time you are available each day, the latest time you are available each day, and whether you are available for overnight shifts.

If you tell your store you are unavailable during certain times or days and the store hires you, then they agree to your availability.

If you hire a college student who tell you he is unavailable on Mondays and Wednesdays until 4 pm due to his college classes, I don't care about Target's business needs. If Target schedules that student before 4 pm on Mondays or Wednesdays, that's on them and not the college student. That college student should not skip any classes for any reason related to Target. If Target threatens to fire the college student or discipline the college student for not working when they are unavailable, that college student should report those managers to corporate immediately and even go public.

Business needs and flexibility is about being scheduled morning, days, evenings, nights or whatever the store needs within your availability. If you are available all day on Mondays, then Target can schedule you to open or close or somewhere in the middle. If you are available all seven days in a week, then Target can schedule you for any of those days, even multiple days in a row.

Business needs and flexibility is not about being scheduled when you are not available and you have told the store you are not available before they hired you and the store agrees to your availability when they make the offer to hire you.

Target is not important. Your life outside of Target is important.
Right above that line is your availability with the earliest time you are available each day, the latest time you are available each day, and whether you are available for overnight shifts.

If you tell your store you are unavailable during certain times or days and the store hires you, then they agree to your availability.

If you hire a college student who tell you he is unavailable on Mondays and Wednesdays until 4 pm due to his college classes, I don't care about Target's business needs. If Target schedules that student before 4 pm on Mondays or Wednesdays, that's on them and not the college student. That college student should not skip any classes for any reason related to Target. If Target threatens to fire the college student or discipline the college student for not working when they are unavailable, that college student should report those managers to corporate immediately and even go public.

Business needs and flexibility is about being scheduled morning, days, evenings, nights or whatever the store needs within your availability. If you are available all day on Mondays, then Target can schedule you to open or close or somewhere in the middle. If you are available all seven days in a week, then Target can schedule you for any of those days, even multiple days in a row.

Business needs and flexibility is not about being scheduled when you are not available and you have told the store you are not available before they hired you and the store agrees to your availability when they make the offer to hire you.

Target is not important. Your life outside of Target is important.

The thing is, nobody disagrees with you that their personal life is more important than working for frelling Spot.
They are just pointing out how the company can and will justify their behavior.
I've worked in restaurants and retail most of my life.
Unless you have a union backing you, the company has the edge.
If you have a contract that says when your days off and what your hours are (like I currently do, because I am in a union), then you can be pissed if they change thing on you.
Otherwise, it is all sophistry.
We support you, we understand what you are saying, we really do.
It just doesn't matter.
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Availability is just there to help create a reliable schedule. There's no legal obligation to schedule you during those times.

As far as surveys for seasonal TMs go, everyone else is right and what meaningful insight could you give in your couple months of working there? You don’t like your boss because they make you work?
BTS is for employees who have been with the company long enough to be part of trends in operation (ie: full year).
Being short term or seasonal, the only place your opinion might be valued is on the exit form you can fill out upon leaving.
Its sounds mean if you don't like being called a donkey.
However, it wasn't mean. The donkey was very much a support role and the most important temporary role there was. Its not an insult. It wasn't taken as one.

Support staff aren't slaves and I have no idea where anyone got that idea.

I didn't even see him call you a donkey, but I still think that shit he posted was intended to sound mean. Shrug emoji. None of my business, though so I bow out.
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Business needs and flexibility is not about being scheduled when you are not available and you have told the store you are not available before they hired you and the store agrees to your availability when they make the offer to hire you.

When a store tells someone they can have Fridays off, the store clearly isn't talking about black Friday
So wait, BTS is supposed to matter? I thought it was just free food for a day or 2 🙂

Yea. my store was a focus store one year. They shook up our leadership and we got mad visits and many were actually surprises lol
This forum is not spot sponsored. Schedule is based on business needs. Please contact spot Corp on your concerns.
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