Archived Entire flow/backroom team protesting outside our store!

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I would love to see this happen on a large scale, corporate really deserves it. I have no real beef with the local execs, most of the bs we put up with comes from corporate.
Just an educated guess, but I'd think corporate, or at least the district its happening in, would want to nip this in the bud, tout suite.

Having an entire work area walk out and protest at the store is the beginnings of what Target fears most: organized labor. Luckily for them, it hasn't hit the local media yes (as far as I ca tell, judging from the postings here) and they DON'T want it to hit the media.

They could do 2 things:
1. Fire the ETL, or move him to another store.
2. Fire the entire backroom/flow less than a week before Black Friday.

I'm sure the DTL is taking charge of the situation personally, the last thing he wants is corporate coming down.
any follow up news?

Nothing much apparently. They all ended up going home after a few hours. As far as I know 99% of them showed up for work the next day, and ETL-LOG is still here.

Word is the ETLs are pulling anyone who even mentions it in to the office for a coaching and being told not to mention it to anyone ever. Apparently it has worked because no one will talk about it.... at work anyway....
Nothing much apparently. They all ended up going home after a few hours. As far as I know 99% of them showed up for work the next day, and ETL-LOG is still here.

Word is the ETLs are pulling anyone who even mentions it in to the office for a coaching and being told not to mention it to anyone ever. Apparently it has worked because no one will talk about it.... at work anyway....
Those tm's need talk to hr without delay.
Nothing much apparently. They all ended up going home after a few hours. As far as I know 99% of them showed up for work the next day, and ETL-LOG is still here.

Word is the ETLs are pulling anyone who even mentions it in to the office for a coaching and being told not to mention it to anyone ever. Apparently it has worked because no one will talk about it.... at work anyway....

Someone needs to call the Integrity Hotline about this. They start getting multiple calls and someone higher up will start to ask some uncomfortable questions to the STL and ETL-LOG. Not sure what district you are in, but my DTL would never tolerate such behavior from their leadership.
That ETL-Log should be fired if the allegations are correct... someone should call integrity.
I think everyone in that store should call the hotline,it is one way to take a stand using their rules,and also protect themselves.
Nothing much apparently. They all ended up going home after a few hours. As far as I know 99% of them showed up for work the next day, and ETL-LOG is still here.

Word is the ETLs are pulling anyone who even mentions it in to the office for a coaching and being told not to mention it to anyone ever. Apparently it has worked because no one will talk about it.... at work anyway....

Not too surprised.
The people need their jobs and the indignation has worn off, now the cover up begins.
If the Es can keep it under wraps, get the ETL LOG transferred to another store, then it becomes the stuff of urban legends rather thean the point of something to organize around.
They hire specialists to show them how to handle situations like this.
Like I said, no big surprise.
In my opinion, that etl should bring his team together, and apologize. We all have our bad days where we spout off and say things we regret later. A simple apology would go a long way to regain a little of their respect, IF it never happens again.
Nothing much apparently. They all ended up going home after a few hours. As far as I know 99% of them showed up for work the next day, and ETL-LOG is still here.

Word is the ETLs are pulling anyone who even mentions it in to the office for a coaching and being told not to mention it to anyone ever. Apparently it has worked because no one will talk about it.... at work anyway....

Boy I wonder what the vibe is like with the ETL-Log and backroom/flow. Must be awkward.
I'm betting, if there's anything like my store where we had an ETL-LOG with an inflated ego, the hotline IS being called numerous times. One of our BRTLs finally had the complaint that was the tipping point to getting him transferred.
Those tm's need talk to hr without delay.

I think that's standard operating procedure for target to put a hush order on things. One of the times they fired our backroom teamleader, they called a special huddle for flow/instocks/backroom to announce his termination and to threaten everybody with immediate write ups if anybody is overheard discussing things. People I work with have told me about incidents they were involved in that were of a serious nature like sexual harrasment type stuff, and during the investigation and coachings, they are repeatedly reminded of target's policy where you can tell absolutely nobody about anything.
I think that's standard operating procedure for target to put a hush order on things. One of the times they fired our backroom teamleader, they called a special huddle for flow/instocks/backroom to announce his termination and to threaten everybody with immediate write ups if anybody is overheard discussing things. People I work with have told me about incidents they were involved in that were of a serious nature like sexual harrasment type stuff, and during the investigation and coachings, they are repeatedly reminded of target's policy where you can tell absolutely nobody about anything.
You are correct about that!
I had an etl-log who would ride the wave up a little around the racetrack & waving a stick at flow tm's for 2 days. The lod was his drinking buddy. I reported to hr because I wasn't sure if it was a violation of policy. The etl-log stopped doing it after that.
I'm betting, if there's anything like my store where we had an ETL-LOG with an inflated ego, the hotline IS being called numerous times. One of our BRTLs finally had the complaint that was the tipping point to getting him transferred.

Been a while since we had a bad TL/Exec but back in the old days when we did, calling the hotline always ended badly for the person calling it.
Hotline has worked if they get multiple calls from different people on same issue. If it was one person continuing to call, seems like their hours were cut to the point of being forced to quit or they were termed.

I don't trust the Hotline and have never made a call to it.
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