Archived esim shortcuts? new to recieving and have a lot to sort

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Nov 7, 2016
im new to receiving and have not been trained yet i know how to sort esim but i have over 30 bins to sort thru that the last receiver left do i really have to sort all of them since they are already processed or can i just schedule a sweep? any advice would help
You have to sort. Esim is picked up by a vendor who processes it. Once you start it should go fast (recognizing tags and item types). Spread out bins to sort and go for it.
Sorry to hear you have that much. If alot is already tagged with esim labels I would get with stl and see if you could just separate by type. It would take be sooo time consuming to scan each and every bag to a bin. You can check and see when the next pickup is. If it's in the next few weeks that can be a postive thing to just get it out of the store without scanning every item. Remember alot of things can be donated that is a very quick way to get rid of it. If all else fails just keep bugging the hell out of the executives that you need some help.
thanks unfortunately the last receiver let it get out of hand and trying to learn it without training is tough i was told by some that as long as it it processed u can get away with not sorting it since its so much i want to do it the right way but i have to get it done fast there's a lot to do and this is the last thing i have to get caught up on
plus none of it is tagged it just processed but no labels or tags on the bins
If every item has a white sticker from a portable printer then the item has financialy been removed from the store's inventory. Is that what you mean being tagged? Not being processed does that mean there is no carton id label filled out with store id, start date and fill date. And a location label? Each bin can only have one type of hazard in it.
every item has a white label from a printer but they were just put into bins and not organized
so is that why we are suppose to scan them into a certain bin? i was wondering why if it is all esim anyways but i already asked my etl he said i can just sort it by wat the white label says on it
Remember your hazardous materials handling: combustibles, toxins, corrosives, flammables, etc.
IIRC, there are classes that contain:
-chemicals (make up, soaps, cleaning supplies, medicines, nail polish remover, etc)
-electrical components (containing hazardous metals, batteries, silicon from circuitry, etc)
-combustibles (spray cans from cooking or cleansers, compressed air cleaners, etc)
Those are the only ones I can recall ATM.
When you look at the white label it should tell you which class (bin) it belongs to.
Each item should be bagged & zip-tied individually (unless it's something like a handful of alcohol prep pads or a number of the same thing) & in its respective bin.
At my store we then bagged each class together in another heavy-duty bag that was zip-tied, slapped with ID labels & put in a box that was likewise labeled before pick-up.
It's been a while so likely there have been changes & hopefully someone will pipe up with updates.
so is that why we are suppose to scan them into a certain bin? i was wondering why if it is all esim anyways but i already asked my etl he said i can just sort it by wat the white label says on it

Yep our backroom has bins with each or pretty much each type on it and when our receiver gets the ESIM she pulls the bins out lines them up on the floor and sorts the new stuff into each one then puts them away.

Without labels? Store takes the hit since they redefect that shit. She don't play.
Please seek out your BRTL or ETL-LOG to get proper training...extremely difficult to learn reverse logistics without getting shadowed or shadowing someone knowledgeable. It's all too easy to cause shortage and fall behind in workload without proper training.
So you have a pallet full of ESIM that is just mixed together and has no labels on any of the bins?

And unless your store is different, you shouldn't have to schedule anything for ESIM pickup. The vendor will just show up one day inside the pickup window.
If you go into workbench under the esim tag it will tell you the week of your next pick up,hopefully for you it will be soon ,it should be if you have that many bins,and you can get rid of this nightmare,For a pick up you usually get at least a few days notice,all the tips above are good and donations are a good option especially for getting rid of the larger stuff.
If a pick up is not scheduled,one can be requested as you have over 20 bins,esim should not be part of any sweep.Good luck in receiving,you will need help and training which will probably make your etl unhappy but having a well trained receiver is worth a lot
Welcome to receiving. Sorry it's starting out rough, but now is the time to clean up and make it your own.
Wish I could post a pic on here of mine... It went from total disaster to organization master piece.

This is what would do.... Stop asking for ETL help, that won't happen. When it's all said and done you won't want them helping anyway, and use this as a "hey look what I did" " check out this great win" once it's all cleaned up and you are into a new routine, they will love you for it. Get it cleaned up asap and then hold others accountable for not crapping it up.

Get a bunch of bins and use the outbound tracking app on pda to set them up.... Start with two bins per category and two labeled DONATION.

Line then up and start sorting. Because it's such a mess now, only use the sort app to scan in one item per bin. This way something is tied to the bin, but don't bother scanning in each item. Let that process start once you cleaned up and can start new. Quickly go through each item and if it can be donated, set it in that bin. Hopefully donations will be able to take a lot off your hands. Remember, you can donate things that are half empty too, as long as the are not currently leaking. My store always has crap in there that simply needed the lid closed or just wiped off. Things that are bad make sure they are bagged and zip tied and placed in the correct bin.

Then get a pallet and start stacking the full bins on there. Make sure all the bin labels are facing out, so later you will be able to scan them without picking up or moving any heavy bins. I line mine up on the pallet with three bins horizontal-label facing side of pallet, then two next to it vertical. One has label facing front of pallet, one has label facing back. Then I stank them up to five high. Shrink wrap the pallet and store in steal labeled ESIM pickup until your vendor shows.

When I started receiving I had 52 bins first pick up!!!! Now I send around 10 per pickup.
Utilize workbench. Donate a lot, get your self set up with a ESIM only section. Sort , clean and donate daily.

Long story short... Sort into bins and skip scanning this time only. Good luck
Update us about what happens
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