Archived ETL brilliance

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Jun 12, 2011
Today a few tm's are waiting out side ready to be let in, but being a few minutes early no one called on the walkie yet. The hr chic walk up holding a box, says good morning and unlocks the door, skipping inside in her little goldilocks preppy ETL Way, we follow and quietly wonder what the fishbone she is doing.....

Two minutes later in clerical I hear her from her office..... OMG WHAT IS THAT? It's sooooo annoying!!! Ummm.... Hello genius, you set off the alarm by unlocking the door and then hopping along on your way!!!!! We politely informed her of the door alarm needed attention and all laughed, herself included, but oh my.....

Got any brilliant ETLS?
I think I've got one that takes the cake...

We had a guest that bought a 40 inch Apex TV for about $300 or so. They encountered some problems and wanted to return it, but we had discontinued that particular TV, so we suggested a similar 40 inch Vizio. Problem was, it was about $100 more than the one he had previously purchased. He asked to speak to an ETL.

Problem was, the LOD at the time is known for being... well... an absolute moron. She talked to him over the phone and they came to a compromise. She would give him the 40 inch for the same percentage off that the 40 inch Apex was when he had purchased it on sale. Well, that percentage ended up being 30%.

We all realized right away that he would be getting the deal of the century. He'd essentially come in, and not only exchange his crappy Apex for a nicer Vizio free of charge, he would actually end up getting money BACK. We pointed out to the ETL that 30% was a very large amount to be giving off. Her exact words were, ”It's not that much! It's only, like, $30!” We all stared at her, dumbfounded. In fact, one TM actually said to her, ”You're kidding me, right? Where did you get your degree from?”

When we rang it up, the guest ended up getting more than $100 off. I think he walked away with $20 in his pocket. And when w informed her the exact dollar amount, she just blew it off. She also refused to be the one to ring him up when he came in, even though all of us were uncomfortable doing so. She said she, ”Didn't have to be present” and ”Didn't want to deal with it.”

Tl;Dr - Our Etl approved a discount that allowed a guest to trade in his crappy Apex TV for a Vizio. Oh, and also paid him $20 for his trouble.
My old ETL-GE (when I first started with Spot), was kinda in depth coaching a new CA about how to use the Quick Cart pusher. The new CA was pushing beyond the 25 cart limit or whatnot I don't know the specifics. Anyways, the ETL turns on the cart pusher, swings it backwards wildly as if he knows how the steering works. He slams it into our security towers and they snap off.

He had to pay out of pocket to replace them.

Both said ETL and CA are no longer with Spot
I think I've got one that takes the cake...

We had a guest that bought a 40 inch Apex TV for about $300 or so. They encountered some problems and wanted to return it, but we had discontinued that particular TV, so we suggested a similar 40 inch Vizio. Problem was, it was about $100 more than the one he had previously purchased. He asked to speak to an ETL.

Problem was, the LOD at the time is known for being... well... an absolute moron. She talked to him over the phone and they came to a compromise. She would give him the 40 inch for the same percentage off that the 40 inch Apex was when he had purchased it on sale. Well, that percentage ended up being 30%.

We all realized right away that he would be getting the deal of the century. He'd essentially come in, and not only exchange his crappy Apex for a nicer Vizio free of charge, he would actually end up getting money BACK. We pointed out to the ETL that 30% was a very large amount to be giving off. Her exact words were, ”It's not that much! It's only, like, $30!” We all stared at her, dumbfounded. In fact, one TM actually said to her, ”You're kidding me, right? Where did you get your degree from?”

When we rang it up, the guest ended up getting more than $100 off. I think he walked away with $20 in his pocket. And when w informed her the exact dollar amount, she just blew it off. She also refused to be the one to ring him up when he came in, even though all of us were uncomfortable doing so. She said she, ”Didn't have to be present” and ”Didn't want to deal with it.”

Tl;Dr - Our Etl approved a discount that allowed a guest to trade in his crappy Apex TV for a Vizio. Oh, and also paid him $20 for his trouble.

Wait, I'm confused...... if the APEX was selling at a 30% discount when on sale and the ETL offered the Vizio for the same percentage off, how could it come out to less than the APEX? Aren't the Vizio's more expensive? or was the Vizio on Sale currently or am I missing something as it shouldn't have come out to less.....
We have an obese "Angry Woman" who always comes in, demands an electric cart, b!tches about how slow it is & demands to talk to an ETL. She goes on & on about being 'inconvenienced' until she gets some apology coupons. The ones that have dealt with her before don't cave in but she can usually snag a noob.
I have encountered some moronic ETLs in my time at Target.

One was an ETL-HL that had been at our store a few months who thought the backroom location system was great, and decided it would be a great idea to put backroom location labels on the shelves in hardlines so we could "pull from the floor". (don't ask me WTF he was thinking... to this day I still don't know) Anyway, he basically ordered me (despite my objections) to start printing out backroom location labels and to put them on each shelf in toys. Then he wanted me to scan the items on the aisle into the location label. Anyway, our STL fortunately walked by and saw what I was doing. He asked WTF was wrong with me, and I told him our ETL-HL told me to do it. He told me to rip the labels off and I never heard anything else about it. That ETL-HL ended up getting termed a few months later.
We have an obese "Angry Woman" who always comes in, demands an electric cart, b!tches about how slow it is & demands to talk to an ETL. She goes on & on about being 'inconvenienced' until she gets some apology coupons. The ones that have dealt with her before don't cave in but she can usually snag a noob.

OMG!!! When I was a GSTL I can't tell you how many morbidly obese people called the store (literally called from their car) and told us to drive an electric shopping cart out to their car so they didn't have to walk up to the building. 99% of them always had a major attitude problem, and treated us like trash. It was highly annoying dealing with them.
I have encountered some moronic ETLs in my time at Target.

One was an ETL-HL that had been at our store a few months who thought the backroom location system was great, and decided it would be a great idea to put backroom location labels on the shelves in hardlines so we could "pull from the floor". (don't ask me WTF he was thinking... to this day I still don't know) Anyway, he basically ordered me (despite my objections) to start printing out backroom location labels and to put them on each shelf in toys. Then he wanted me to scan the items on the aisle into the location label. Anyway, our STL fortunately walked by and saw what I was doing. He asked WTF was wrong with me, and I told him our ETL-HL told me to do it. He told me to rip the labels off and I never heard anything else about it. That ETL-HL ended up getting termed a few months later.

This is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a guest bring in an old reciept, stroll back to Electronics, and load a TV into their cart. They then went up to guest service and ask for help loading it into their car. Our STL at the time responded, had the guest pull up, and loaded the stolen TV for them. When our AP came in the next day I literally thought he was going to have a stroke while reviewing tape.
We had a guest bring in an old reciept, stroll back to Electronics, and load a TV into their cart. They then went up to guest service and ask for help loading it into their car. Our STL at the time responded, had the guest pull up, and loaded the stolen TV for them. When our AP came in the next day I literally thought he was going to have a stroke while reviewing tape.

:lol: Sad, but still hilarious.
I have encountered some moronic ETLs in my time at Target.

One was an ETL-HL that had been at our store a few months who thought the backroom location system was great, and decided it would be a great idea to put backroom location labels on the shelves in hardlines so we could "pull from the floor". (don't ask me WTF he was thinking... to this day I still don't know) Anyway, he basically ordered me (despite my objections) to start printing out backroom location labels and to put them on each shelf in toys. Then he wanted me to scan the items on the aisle into the location label. Anyway, our STL fortunately walked by and saw what I was doing. He asked WTF was wrong with me, and I told him our ETL-HL told me to do it. He told me to rip the labels off and I never heard anything else about it. That ETL-HL ended up getting termed a few months later.

i don't know how that would even work in the first place lol
OMG!!! When I was a GSTL I can't tell you how many morbidly obese people called the store (literally called from their car) and told us to drive an electric shopping cart out to their car so they didn't have to walk up to the building. 99% of them always had a major attitude problem, and treated us like trash. It was highly annoying dealing with them.

Easy answer... "No".
I have encountered some moronic ETLs in my time at Target.

One was an ETL-HL that had been at our store a few months who thought the backroom location system was great, and decided it would be a great idea to put backroom location labels on the shelves in hardlines so we could "pull from the floor". (don't ask me WTF he was thinking... to this day I still don't know) Anyway, he basically ordered me (despite my objections) to start printing out backroom location labels and to put them on each shelf in toys. Then he wanted me to scan the items on the aisle into the location label. Anyway, our STL fortunately walked by and saw what I was doing. He asked WTF was wrong with me, and I told him our ETL-HL told me to do it. He told me to rip the labels off and I never heard anything else about it. That ETL-HL ended up getting termed a few months later.

"It works for risers, why wouldn't it work for the entire aisle? Screw it, let's just let the guests into the backroom to shop."
Re: calling from their car for a cart - never have I hated such a use of technology so much.

Almost as bad as, (on the phone) "Do you have xxxxxx in xxxxxx color and xxxxxx length?" I run around like a maniac looking for said item. 3 minutes later, "Yes maam (99% of the time its a woman) we do." Guest on the phone: "Okay, I just pulled into the parking lot." Me: **facepalm**
I had one Sr. TL that responded to a code yellow this way: He went to the bathroom. I was so pissed off at the moment because there wasn't any leadership out on the floor during a crisis that I had everybody voluntarily sign a statement saying as much. It was promptly ignored.

Funny story, six months later he was promoted to ETL.
one time when i was working at Guest Services the Tornado Sirens started going off.. Nothing was being done and a bunch of TM's and Guests were coming up there to ask what they were suppose to do. I walkie'd the lod and the ETL responded "uhhhh... I don't know! what DO we DO???" and i was so shocked that he wouldn't know what to do. We live in Tornado alley for one thing and for another it's his job to know.. I ended up telling him we needed to get everyone to the back and he needed to have some people at the doors for a bit to let the people out that didn't want to stay and to let people in coming for shelter. He then asked how we got everyone back there. Keep in mind this was all in front of guests. luckily as i was responding our STL came up to GS because he happened to be shopping and had heard me ask the ETL to go to three on the walkie. He took my walkie and told this ETL to get up to GS and then asked TSC to send an announcement overhead. Then the power went out... it was so annoying because we should have all already been in the back. The power didn't come back on until 9am the next morning. It was a LONG night and then because i live in a larger city and the power went out at every store except two no one in town had any milk and the next two weeks were spent with guests demanding milk and not understanding why no one had any. luckily that ETL is no longer with spot and he's been the only one i haven't liked. I'm guessing from this site and the stories i hear here our store has been really lucky!
During a storm one night, I had to show our LOD where the emergency generator was (he hadn't bothered to read the emergency protocols packet).
In an all leader meeting we were playing "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader" as an ice breaker. The question was, how many feet in a yard. 3 ETLs shouted out 4!!!
3 other ones started doing calculations on paper. The STL just shook his head with most of the Team Leads . 1 ETL actually argued about how she knew she was right. Not one of those ETLs is still with still simply amazes me that not only were these fools in charge, but also they actually held the all mighty college degree.
I have been a quite lurker of this forum, and I have noticed something: in the general thread tm's are quick to bash spot, customers, tl's, etl's and other leadership. But in the Tl and Etl forum, there aren't threads bashing people, or called "TM Brillliance." I'm sure there could be! Stop whining. Put that energy to good use rather than bad.
There are a lot of good info threads on the board and we can learn a lot and find out information faster than at the store but I think that another purpose is also to allow us to vent and let off steam,things that I for one do not want to do at our store which is in freefall and I do not want to add to the negativity at store level and make things worst.There are fantastic people here from all levels and the support is great,even if the tms on here do not realise how much of a help they are.I think the only thing I can say is that if you do not like the thread please skip it and pass on to the next.Overall the board is a reflection of Target and it's treatment of tms,and the happy days have long since passed
I had one Sr. TL that responded to a code yellow this way: He went to the bathroom. I was so pissed off at the moment because there wasn't any leadership out on the floor during a crisis that I had everybody voluntarily sign a statement saying as much. It was promptly ignored.

Funny story, six months later he was promoted to ETL.

Atleast they spread out a little at your store. At my store we had an incident where the ambulance needed to be called for a tm, and I swear every leader in the building including ap came and stood in a circle around the team member. Not only did it interfere with emts trying to get to the team member, but the store was basically WIDE OPEN for whatever for a good ten to fifteen minutes.
I have been a quite lurker of this forum, and I have noticed something: in the general thread tm's are quick to bash spot, customers, tl's, etl's and other leadership. But in the Tl and Etl forum, there aren't threads bashing people, or called "TM Brillliance." I'm sure there could be! Stop whining. Put that energy to good use rather than bad.

The philosophy of this forum has always been to learn, vent & share.
If you want a forum without out negativity towards Spot or leadership, go to Red360.
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