Archived Etl logistics harassing flowteam?

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Jul 16, 2011
Okay here's the scope...I don't think anybody on the flow team felt anything more than "slight" annoyance at what happened during today's truck, but I'd like to get some of your opinions on this.

So today our ETL-Logistics was in an usually good mood. He was trying to sell team members flat screen tv's as we were unloading them from the trailer. Afterwards he got on the overhead and announced today was a special day and that he wanted us all to sign up for target visa cards. Then while we were in market stocking, he was continuing to pitch visa cards and he was starting to cross the line. I mean he was really leaning on us to spend more of our money at target. He wasn't taking no for an answer either, he was debating every negative response he recieved.

Now Target has done things like this before like pressuring team members to buy patio furniture when we were entering the depression in 2008 and more recently trying to get team members to buy more frozen foods with promotions during huddle...

But today kind of got to me. I just think it's in poor taste to try and sell Flat Screen TV's to people who are making 9 dollars an hour and getting 3 or 4 days a week. And then in a final act of hypocrisy, our ETL went and bought McDonalds and ate it with our logistics team lead. Somebody questioned him on it, asking why did he go put money into another company when target carries perfectly good food, as he was just telling us. He openly lied saying it wasn't my money and it wasn't my food. And I don't even know if complaining about this would do any good, because what he did may have been exactly what corporate directed him to opinions???
hypocrisy 101

Also, i advise you to be very cautious before signing up for red cards, as in the worst case scenerio and unfortunate event that you are unable to keep up with monthly payments. You will be confronted by your HR team leader about the issue. Complete with a threating letter listing all possible courses of action (including termination) if you dont take care of the matter promptly. Being pulled inside the Human Resource office to discuss a "debt collection" in your personal place of employment can be a VERY humiliating and embarrassing situation.

Your store red card numbers are down, and the ETL has simply taken on a predatory like attitude to increase sales.
hypocrisy 101

Also, i advise you to be very cautious before signing up for red cards, as in the worst case scenerio and unfortunate event that you are unable to keep up with monthly payments. You will be confronted by your HR team leader about the issue. Complete with a threating letter listing all possible courses of action (including termination) if you dont take care of the matter promptly. Being pulled inside the Human Resource office to discuss a "debt collection" in your personal place of employment can be a VERY humiliating and embarrassing situation.

I'm pretty sure that under the Fair Debt and Collection Act that isn't legal and if you were confronted by your HRTM you would have grounds for a lawsuit.
I'm pretty sure that under the Fair Debt and Collection Act that isn't legal and if you were confronted by your HRTM you would have grounds for a lawsuit.

Yes, one would think so.... However, everything that i say is not based on opionion, but rather FACT!

The HR team lead will pull you into the office and try discussing the matter with you in private. Asking you the reason why you have failed to make payment arrangements, and then your presented with a letter listing 3 disciplanary actions you face if you do not take care of the situation. The third step is reprimanded and detailed as "possible seperation from the company".
Yes, one would think so.... However, everything that i say is not based on opionion, but rather FACT!

The HR team lead will pull you into the office and try discussing the matter with you in private. Asking you the reason why you have failed to make payment arrangements, and then your presented with a letter listing 3 disciplanary actions you face if you do not take care of the situation. The third step is reprimanded and detailed as "possible seperation from the company".

this. so true. don't write bad checks to target either. we lost 2 tm last year because of failure to pay.
you guys are taking this guy serious? Lol. Very well disguised troll in that case.
I thought Target got rid of the Target Visa and now just does the Red Card and the Red Debit Card? They have the Visa gift cards but I don't know why he would want you to buy those.

And for the record, I use my P-Card to buy food all the time for leaders and the team. You get sick of eating the same thing everyday so why not have the company pay for lunch or dinner or both?! You should have the seen the spread I got for the overnight entertainment transition crew. The week before that our store hit 200 days tm incident free. Had to use the STL's P-Card (because he has a higher single purchase limit) and spent like 2,500 to have the breakroom catered over the weekend.
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I thought Target got rid of the Target Visa and now just does the Red Card and the Red Debit Card? They have the Visa gift cards but I don't know why he would want you to buy those.

I have a Target Visa as well as a red card. Of course I use my red card more than my Visa. Save an extra 5% either way. 🙂 (Red card IS the debit card, btw.)
nice troll attempt 🙂

I swear to god this happened. I totally understand why you would think I'm trolling. It's messed up this is a fresh out of college ETL and our store has been going to hell in a handbasket for a while. If you work at a good store you wouldn't understand...thanks to everybody who replied. I'm thinking about calling the hotline on this one!
I swear to god this happened. I totally understand why you would think I'm trolling. It's messed up this is a fresh out of college ETL and our store has been going to hell in a handbasket for a while. If you work at a good store you wouldn't understand...thanks to everybody who replied. I'm thinking about calling the hotline on this one!

Good luck. Keep us posted on how things go.
I swear to god this happened. I totally understand why you would think I'm trolling. It's messed up this is a fresh out of college ETL and our store has been going to hell in a handbasket for a while. If you work at a good store you wouldn't understand...thanks to everybody who replied. I'm thinking about calling the hotline on this one!

IMO I dont think that its a issue worthy of calling the TMSC office for, since the ETL hasnt broken any rules or violated store policy. Your conflict is simply a personal opinion, and although I agree with you. Its still just a matter of ones own perspective. Looking at it thru the eyes of lets say...a DTL! What he's doing, might be looked at as something positive, and even rewarding for that matter.

Yes, I understand that he can be totally annoying bombarding you guys everyday, trying to get you to buy tv's and apply for Target Visa cards. However being an annoyance when it comes to promoting and selling target product will not be looked down upon by upper management, unles you can provide hard evidence that hes going against TGT's rule & regulations.
Okay, that is pretty messed up lol. Definitely document & call the hotline, or talk to your ETL-HR/STL if they are trustworthy.
Okay here's the scope...I don't think anybody on the flow team felt anything more than "slight" annoyance at what happened during today's truck, but I'd like to get some of your opinions on this.

So today our ETL-Logistics was in an usually good mood. He was trying to sell team members flat screen tv's as we were unloading them from the trailer. Afterwards he got on the overhead and announced today was a special day and that he wanted us all to sign up for target visa cards. Then while we were in market stocking, he was continuing to pitch visa cards and he was starting to cross the line. I mean he was really leaning on us to spend more of our money at target. He wasn't taking no for an answer either, he was debating every negative response he recieved.

Now Target has done things like this before like pressuring team members to buy patio furniture when we were entering the depression in 2008 and more recently trying to get team members to buy more frozen foods with promotions during huddle...

But today kind of got to me. I just think it's in poor taste to try and sell Flat Screen TV's to people who are making 9 dollars an hour and getting 3 or 4 days a week. And then in a final act of hypocrisy, our ETL went and bought McDonalds and ate it with our logistics team lead. Somebody questioned him on it, asking why did he go put money into another company when target carries perfectly good food, as he was just telling us. He openly lied saying it wasn't my money and it wasn't my food. And I don't even know if complaining about this would do any good, because what he did may have been exactly what corporate directed him to opinions???

I admire your patience. I would have been in my EHR ETL and STL's office and probably on the line with the Integrity hotline(since i doubt my STL or HR would care about it) the second the person kept trying to pitch them after doing the announcement on the loud speaker. I find it annoying when cashiers ask me if I want to open a card because if I want a to open a store card(for any store) I'll ask to do it I don't need someone telling me what I need. I would consider what that ETL did harassment.

I also find the fact that they offer benefits and 401ks to use insulting. Honestly at 8 dollars an hour who has any money to give away? A lot of TMs I know have nearly their entire paycheck automatically paying bills once it is transferred into their account. Another fellow TM got her car re-possessed last year and she works her *** off for the store, she would probably work more than 40 hours a week if they allowed her to.
Do they really think that we can afford to take any more money out of their paychecks?
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Regarding his sales attempts..
I would take his comments as a joke and laugh them off and maybe joke back with him.. If he was foolish enough to make it painfully obvious that the wasn't joking, well I would have to explain to him how much I make and show him that I can't afford to pay top dollar for stuff.

I have no problem buying stuff from the store I work for if the price of the item in other stores is about the same or more. I can't afford to pay more for something when I can get it at a significantly lower price.
They're no longer issuing Targe Visas but there are still a lot of folks who still have them. Don't know if they'll send a Target Visa or just a Target card when they expire, tho.
I'd go with Razorback's advice. If it crosses the line into signing under duress, Houston we got a problem...
They're no longer issuing Targe Visas but there are still a lot of folks who still have them. Don't know if they'll send a Target Visa or just a Target card when they expire, tho.

Thanks, red, I was not aware of the situation concerning Target Visas. Mine doesn't expire until 9/12. Guess I've got a year to use it & see if they send me a new one.
It is against policy for a store to push for TMs to sign up for the cards.
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