Archived ETL Offers my Position to another TM.

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Apr 11, 2013
I just found out that my ETL was asking one of my top performers and someone that I want promoted to TL about taking my position, IF I were to be promoted. The TM is currently being sent out to TL interviews for another store and I know my ETL wants to keep them in house. When the TM asked about me being promoted he just smiled and didn't say anything. Im trying not to read too much into it, but I cant help being excited. Any thoughts? Ever been in my position? Thanks!!
It sounds likes you are moving to a different dept without being told?

He was more like saying if I was promoted to ETL. He knows that ive done every department. Now im SrTL and so I would be very dissapointed if i go a different position that ive done.
Did you do interviews for an ETL position already? I would think they would try to get you situated first before your team member, but then again, they might want to be more worried about their butts and have a replacement for if you leave for another store for ETL. I'd definitely ask about it. Can't hurt. I hope it's a promotion for you though!
And plus im not really sure because, my TM is pretty much has the TL job in the other store. The TM was personally ask to interview by the store STL.
Well that's good then. Good luck on your interviews! It's always great to see team members and team leads continuing to get promoted rather than hiring outside.
I am playing it by year. I do not want to be dissapointed.
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