Archived ETL review scores

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Feb 8, 2012
So it's that time of year for reviews. I am new to this process, and I was wondering where ETLs typically end up for scores? Do the majority of ETLs get an E? What about an EX? What can I expect from this process this first time through? Thanks for the insight!!!!
What you can expect is an IE. It's pretty much the standard assumption that in your first year, you can't possibly be always meeting expectations, simply because you haven't been around long enough to have your feet fully under you/learn everything that needs to be learned, etc.

As to the other questions, I have very little experience (having never chosen to be an exec), but what I did see of exec scores, as well as my general impressions, led me to believe that Es were pretty much the norm, with only the occasional EX sprinkled in. Basically the same as the reviews for hourly employees.
This is only what I *heard* from the ETL-Log at my store who I am on good terms with..... (Let's just say we hanged out and went drinking a few times when I was playstation rep..... and he doesn't have any problem telling me things most TMs shouldn't be hearing....)

Supposedly ETL turnover is the highest it has been since the recession started. In other words, ETLs who had great degrees but couldn't get a job in their field during the recession are jumping ship all over the company for better job offers. Our ETL-Log told me how excited he was about his review/raise/bonus this year because the company is supposedly going to be very generous to all ETLs on their raises/bonuses this year in order to try to reduce ETLs leaving for better job offers.

So if you are an ETL, this may be a good year for you on your review score.....
This is only what I *heard* from the ETL-Log at my store who I am on good terms with..... (Let's just say we hanged out and went drinking a few times when I was playstation rep..... and he doesn't have any problem telling me things most TMs shouldn't be hearing....)

Supposedly ETL turnover is the highest it has been since the recession started. In other words, ETLs who had great degrees but couldn't get a job in their field during the recession are jumping ship all over the company for better job offers. Our ETL-Log told me how excited he was about his review/raise/bonus this year because the company is supposedly going to be very generous to all ETLs on their raises/bonuses this year in order to try to reduce ETLs leaving for better job offers.

So if you are an ETL, this may be a good year for you on your review score.....

We lost all of our ETL's except one in the past year. Our STL just quit to take a position with less pay citing a horrible work/life balance with Target.
I know that I will probably be an IE being that it is my first year, but I am more curious about the typical score for non first year ETLs.
Etl scores work just like tl scores. All the stls in the district have a meeting and debate who deserves ex and who deserves e, ie, etc... First year etls are not automatically ie's. I was an ex my first year. Always remember that your score is based not on your performance but largely on how your performance ranks against your district peers.
Thanks LowlyETL, I appreciate the insight! Is EX a pretty rare score for ETLs, or do most get EX?
I well remember my first review. I don't recall the score, but my Sr. Merch gave me the review, explained I qualified for a bonus but that it would be prorated because I hadn't been there a full year, yada yada yada. Then she stated if she had her way I wouldn't get one thin dime of the bonus as she didn't feel I deserved it. I had been there a total of MAYBE three months. I knew at that point that I needed to be seeking other opportunities if that was the culture I was supposed to live with.
Thanks LowlyETL, I appreciate the insight! Is EX a pretty rare score for ETLs, or do most get EX?

It depends on your store's AE scoring... If their AE scores came back high, then it will be easier for those ETLs to get an EX than if they didn't!
I would have to believe it's similar to a TL score. If conversion and AAR are yellow, then the TL will likely only get an E. So those respective ETLs should get the same as they are not driving the culture to get the TL to drive the results.
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