Archived Ever accidently take Target equipment home?

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i love the jiffy cutters alot more than whatever the big plastic ones are

i git mad packets of them off amazon and keep them in le pockets
At my old store we used a cordless phone to answer fitting room calls away from the desk. Put it in my back pocket one night and somehow didn't notice until I got home. I know my butt has some nice padding, but enough to hide a phone from me?
I took home plenty of box cutters and plenty of spare "new team member" name tags! LOL
I've taken a walkie home twice in my two plus years. I just brought it back the next day. The worst was when I was in electronics. I had a habit of walking around with one of our electronics phones in my pocket. I took one of those home one day and went back to the store immediately to return it. I took a PDA battery home once too.

and now I read above about box cutters. If you count box cutters and pens... well that's another story.
I had a seizure at work once and my wife picked me up instead of riding my bike home so I just chucked my tool belt into my backpack.
It had my walkie and the backroom keys in it.
I can't tell you how many times I've been changing at home after work, when I realized I still had a PDA on my belt.
Old walkie, new walkie, LRT, PDT, PDA, LPDA, multiple blades, bailer key, the only backroom crown key in the store when I was on vacation, fliers 3 weeks in advance. I'd say oops but most of it was intentional.
I'd just pulled into the driveway & turned off my engine when I heard voices near my hip.
We were short on walkies at the time so I went right back up to the store (only a couple mi) & dropped it off.
I'd just pulled into the driveway & turned off my engine when I heard voices near my hip.
We were short on walkies at the time so I went right back up to the store (only a couple mi) & dropped it off.

Weird. Yours have that big of a range? Ours don't. I often take my walkie (intentionally) with me to buy food on my lunch, restaurant is a mile away, never heard voices from more than a half mile away roughly.
Guilty of taking home: walkies, pds batteries, box cutters, walkie clips, backroom clips and once the store stamp (I was running receiving and sfs and put it in my pocket, because I ended checking the vendors at the sfs desk).

Before the new box cutters came out, I set up a amnesty program, where team members exchanged any box cutters they had at home for candy because our STL complained about how many we went through in a week. Needless to say people turned in tons of box cutters.😛
So far, I have never taken any equipment home, intentional or accidental. Except for a few of those flat box cutters. And my LPDA holster and boxcutter.

Incidentally, my management just put up a notice for people to return any equipment they might have taken home. If we got back a good amount of them, we'll be celebrating with a party. I guess people were hiding them.
I put the Fixture room keys in my pocket (I never put store keys in my pocket, so I figured I turned them in.)

Didn't discover them until 30 min before my next shift, I went in waiting to be coached, but no one ever noticed. lol.
Someone walked off with one of our last crown/wave keys...I swear, someone in our store really hates keyrings/keychains. I use the same one for years, but in our store, they don't last a month without getting bent, broken, lost, or stolen. I'm going to buy some spare keys and give them to TMs who are also sick and tired of calling the LOD to borrow a key for CAFs.
took the electronics phone home by accident and had to return it at 8am lol. shift didn't start till 5:30 pm.
Took the walkie a couple times and the demo iphone once (before we had the iphone display, Mobile carried one around to dhow guests). A WTL friend walked out with the Mobile keys to go to a district meeting about 50 miles away. Since I had given him a ride, he couldn't just leave to take them back. His coworker had to drive down and pick them up, leaving the kiosk dark for almost 2 hours!
Accidentally took the GSTL keys home, without a second set at the store. But I live a bit away, and nothing happened, just laughed it off.
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