Archived Ever accidently take Target equipment home?

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2 plastic box cutters (one with the bungee cord), metal box cutter, one of our mobile TM's nice box cutter, a pull clip, and a team leads badge (don't ask how or why).
I have zip lock bags full of the old silver box knives, I have no need for chip clips, I think I have one every color. Walkie has made it home a couple of times, many LPDA holsters. I have my own bootleg set of baler, wave and crown keys so they do not leave my person.
Over the years lets see Electronics keys (almost; halfway home), backroom keys, walkie, cart keys, Electronics phone, backstock/pull clips, batteries, paperwork, someone else's lunch and myDevice. Box cutters (Bungee and Metal) are issued to use so I don't count them. "Dyslexia, Duffman's secret shame."
I handed an electronics key to a gstl then clocked out, and he accidentally took them home. Then I got blamed for it by an ETL because it was signed out to me lol.
I handed the electronics keys to my GSA once, next day i open (the GSA/SRTL were both witnesses) saying that i lost the keys/took the keys. Couldn't tell if they were serious but it was frustrating. The keys were in the drawer at guest service.
When I was still hardlines, a handful of box cutters, a walkie, and I drove halfway home with a myDevice before turning around to drop it back off.

As a TPS, several pairs of handcuffs, my AP walkie, which is issued to me so not a big deal, and an S3 key, also issued to me.
Other than a couple of the young ladies if softlines
Electronics keys lucky I was clopening
Cart keys
AP walkie (walkie I had died mid conversation with the stl our TPS let me use his to finish the conversation he went to the bathroom and we both forgot about it)
My device
PDA(was checking flexes all day so got used to the weight of it)
And worse of all one of our etl's master key (working in the back room and had to move the crown but the backroom keys were being used in the wave so etl used his key so I could move the pallets upon pallets of push. A few hours later he left for the day. As I'm getting ready to call it a day I clip the keys to my belt and finish setting the line. I punch out and leave. About 11pm I finally get home and as I'm emptying my pockets I noticed the keys.
Be careful with mydevices. If you take it home power it off, and, whatever you do , do not connect it to a WiFi network. It will factory reset. We've had this happen a couple times at my store.
Be careful with mydevices. If you take it home power it off, and, whatever you do , do not connect it to a WiFi network. It will factory reset. We've had this happen a couple times at my store.
Free Ipod!! I understand that you would be fucked if you took a MyDevice and reset it for personal use.
Closing one night, went out with everyone, got in my car and noticed the walkie still on my hip. Went back to the door and rang the bell. Waited far too long (30 seconds) to realize that I had a walkie and could just radio the LOD... which I did.

Another time, I was doing a carry in of a large item. Another team member and I were loading the furniture onto the flat and the customer was like "Oh yeah, and whoever loaded this in accidentally left this in my van" he said as he handed us back a PDA.
I took the consumables keys once.
Come to work the next day with them ready to go, don't have to bother to GSA to open the cabinet for me!
There was a point I had three walkies in my car, a mydevice that was there for about a week. Jewelry keys. Softlines phone (Which became an absolute NIGHTMARE because it was our only cordless) >.<

Receiving keys which was a HUGGGEEEE NOOO, would have gotten fired if I hadn't taken them back that same day after my other job. 😕
all the time turn the my device off completely and it is fully charged when i go back 2 days later.
I switch them out so not to have the same device day after day.
Sometimes i get a new my device when i go in and put the one i had at home on the charger for another TM.
This way they cannot track that I had it all the time.

as for key i have my own set for compactor, wave, bailer, no one knows about them except you guys here .

gotta do what you gotta do to get your work done in a timely manner.

no one has time to search for a my device for 45 minutes or wait for an LOD for keys for 20 minutes.
My device. Back pocket. It almost fell I to my toilet. Lmao. Returned same day with not fanfair. Multiple walkies brought home multiple times.
I took the Fixture room keys home once, no one noticed when I brought them in the next day.

Also Canoe clips/Viking clips are the Lego's at my house.

Worst shit ever to step on.
Be careful with mydevices. If you take it home power it off, and, whatever you do , do not connect it to a WiFi network. It will factory reset. We've had this happen a couple times at my store.
So what happens if you take the Mydevices that were supposed to be for registry that still work. Hmm....😉
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