Well, shouldn't people be honest about who they are especially during pride month?
Well, shouldn't people be honest about who they are especially during pride month?
MetricsFound out our SLTL has slept with literally the whole store [maybe not whole-but TM's,TL's and ETl's male or Female] even has a kid with the old PMT. I haven't figured out how she has manage to stay at this store after all these rumors either.
Hahaha, you think I'm going to bug someone at work about possibly being a closet homosexual? Are you serious? Did you not see the episode of Survivor last year when one of the contestants outed another one for being trans? Tread lightly is the best approach.
I'll just stick to being curious about my coworker's possible closet homosexualness.
I'll just stick to being curious about my coworker's possible closet homosexualness.
Found out our SLTL has slept with literally the whole store [maybe not whole-but TM's,TL's and ETl's male or Female] even has a kid with the old PMT. I haven't figured out how she has manage to stay at this store after all these rumors either.
Had a girl in one of my stores who was a cosplaying web cam girl. One newly hired electronics guys recognized her. It was mega awkward when he introduced himself as one of her biggest donors, and thought she'd be interested in him.
Another store, my biggest manliest guy on the flow team, turned out to be one hell of a drag queen. He was part of a show, and after a few years, trusted a couple of us to invite us to it, knowing we'd keep it quiet. As far as I know it was never discovered.
Absolute best though, was when I was a TL and I walked into the bakery freezer, and found one TM going down on another. They both were married and told me it was the only place they could be alone. Needless to say we had to term both, but to this day I'm still impressed with his ability to "perform" in the cold.
Had a girl in one of my stores who was a cosplaying web cam girl. One newly hired electronics guys recognized her. It was mega awkward when he introduced himself as one of her biggest donors, and thought she'd be interested in him.
Absolute best though, was when I was a TL and I walked into the bakery freezer, and found one TM going down on another. They both were married and told me it was the only place they could be alone. Needless to say we had to term both, but to this day I'm still impressed with his ability to "perform" in the cold.