Ever had your store change volume levels during your tenures at Target?

If I had to guess yes, we had a Walmart and Toys R Us close by us in the span of like three weeks and we got super busy after that.

I'm not positive but if I had to guess we're probably AA or low-end AA+. We probably average over 150k on weekdays and around 250k on weekends.
Based on that chart we went up to AA during the pandemic and it's also as if we're still understaffed, especially with the kids going back to school now. Based on the numbers so far we're trending to bump up again at the end of this year. I've seen one or two new people in fulfillment and up front but other than that we're still just dropping like flies lol

No new leader positions other than a second fulfillment TL because our fulfillment is busy as hell (most of us on the sales floor spend more than half of our shifts helping SFS).

I feel like they're not granting stores new leader positions because they want to see if the volume maintains for another year. Of course, in true corporate fashion, they'd rather not look at the numbers now and do a little math to help us out.
Before 2020 my store did like 32mil. During the pandemic we broke 52m. They said we didn’t warrant any new leadership because it was “inflated” and not going to last going into this year. As of right now we’re at 32mil and averaging 1.3-1.5mil a week and it’s not even the shenanigans q4 time yet.
I feel that the company will get a big org chart/leadership change in the next coming year or years as the company is doing phenomenal money-wise. This means more cuts or more positions. They've slowly been adding more leadership positions and raising the pay for leaders and hourly members for multiple stores to stay competitive with other retailers and supermarket chains, and there's also big talk for a huge operation change within the company on the store side. Who knows, these are just thoughts from a low-end TM.

I also thought we weren't supposed to base sales on that old threshold model after like 2018-19; everything is either low volume, medium, or high? Literally, no one talks about those volumes anymore unless I come here.
i bet aaa+ stores are rare and only in big cities.
Stores that don't have a lot of competition in the area also do 85M. I live in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and most of the super target stores around the metro do 85M or more with a few doing well into the 100 range. Same with the Bay Area and a few stores in LA and Colorado. There's also a store in New York that always tops the charts in sales.
When I first read this I thought it ment music levels and reminded me of a time when my old ETL was leaving and her and I changing the volume level of music in the store once a week until it was it's highest just to play a prank on our SD who hated loud music in the store.
When I started we were aaa+ . 2 years in another opened within 2 miles. We were down to a+ when I left. We lost so many leadership positions and payroll was cut to hell. The kicker is now corporate is stuck with 2 underperforming
Stores instead of one really profitable one.
When I started we were aaa+ . 2 years in another opened within 2 miles. We were down to a+ when I left. We lost so many leadership positions and payroll was cut to hell. The kicker is now corporate is stuck with 2 underperforming
Stores instead of one really profitable one.
they probably assumed population growth that didn't materialize.
ours went down. Lost a lot of team leaders and a few etls. We are on the way back up. Trying to add at least one new team lead position and two new etls. One of the etl spots has already been filled. We can’t keep the team lead positions we have filled. Two have quit recently. We hired a new one and she didn’t work out for some unknown reason
Up to 50 mill last year from 38 mill 2 years ago. Went up almost 10 mill just last year. We were over headcount in gm tls by one when they gave every store a FO TL so we didnt gain anything. 😑 id love another couple tl positions or a new etl for FO or Consumables rn GM ETL has to cover too much.
It sure feels like we’re in the process of changing volume levels this year, we’ve been like 40% above goal every day, I think even for the entire year.
I've been with my store long enough that I can remember when we only made around $30,000 a day. We're making five times that much now and about a quarter million on weekends. When we first opened business was so bad we were making 10K on our worst days. Not even enough to pay payroll. So definitely. I heard rumors that they wanted to start taking triple trucks at my store. Hell no 👎

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