Everyone at my previous store is on the chopping block.

Jesus Christ why did this thread get so popular lmao.

There's no conspiracy or unfair purging on, People who were apart of the old op model that can't work the new op model are being replaced, that makes total sense to me. The way they do this is coach you / cca you for whatever they want, as long as its documented and a pattern is created even if it's not 100% accurate, they term you. Super easy.

This isn't immoral in my eyes because I've been working without being given a specific task every single day for awhile now. And even then, My Leader knows if he asks me to do something It's more than likely done by the time I leave, or significant progress has been made for the amount of time I was scheduled. I didn't do anything special and I'm not some retail god, I just paid attention when I was told what to do and asked questions about what I didn't understand, it's that simple.

Maybe I have great leadership and I'm lucky, but as far as I'm concerned, I show up and do my job and feel no threat to my hours or my job security, and I'm not the perfect employee by any means.

In regards to the "Target is getting rid of people a certain age and weight!!" people, ya'll sound nearly as bad as that NRVStrike person or whatever they called themselves. Complete nonsense lmao.
It sounds insane til you hear it with your own ears...🤦‍♀️
Rules and regulations are great if they are applied consistently and equally among all team members.Every single person on this thread knows at least one person who gets away with EVERYTHING at their store. When you are with a company for a length of time, you see things that you question but you keep your mouth shut because you need your job. About 15 years ago they decided that ALL Etls needed to have college degrees. (Previously experience or military could be used instead of degree) In a 3 month period our district lost 15 ETLs. They were all "performanced out". The reasoning on the coachings were staggering. Most of these ETLs had been high performers, and district resources. Funny thing is they all had no college degree. Coincidence? Maybe but I am not that naive. Target is a business. They have the right to staff how they choose. They do not have the right to discriminate based on age or weight. They need to stop patting themselves on the back and saying they are a great place to work.
they are no better than Walmart or Meijer. The simply have a different name and logo. They are pretty bare bones on leadership now. So where can they cut $$$ to makeup for the increased wage? Long term team members is one way. They could hire 2 people for what I made in one hour. They also want "moldable" team members. People that they can mold into what they want to fit their model right now. Skill at customer service is lacking. Skill at merchandising is lacking. Skill at simple reasoning is lacking. They have a revolving door of barely talent right now.Thats fine again their choice as long as its not discrimination. But for all of these people, just remember if the model changes so may the team member they want.

For anyone who gets their knickers in a knot about my phrase the lack of skilled people, I am not saying ALL. But if you are being completely honest you know you have a bunch of people working in your stores right now that couldn't get out of the building if the electronic doors malfunctioned.
I was around then. My district at the time worked with those etls to encourage a degree and tuition reimbursement. Those that didn’t were still grandfathered in. Some are still w the company. They’re maxed out in pay cause they can’t promote.
I was around then. My district at the time worked with those etls to encourage a degree and tuition reimbursement. Those that didn’t were still grandfathered in. Some are still w the company. They’re maxed out in pay cause they can’t promote.
Your district had some integrity. It was brutal in my district.
My hearing on Friday went well....I mean, I felt comfortable with what it was that I had to say. It was interesting how the hearing officer asks questions to learn about what happened. I did get the chance to tell the whole story from my point of view without interruption. I am happy with what I was able to say and able to express about how I was fired and that I disagreed with the choice target made and I had explained why I disagreed with targets choice....and with the hearing officer I was able to explain why I thought that my punishment was extreme...I even got a chance to give ideas as to how I could have been disciplined without being fired.

A couple of questions that the officer asked seemed pretty revealing for me, in my eyes, she asked if I had ever had a warning of any sort regarding this issue. The officer also seemed interested in learning that I'd been with target for 12 1/2 years and had only a few issues of being tardy. I was able to tell her that when I'd asked my question (about my work history) and I told her that the HRBP who fired me said that "none of that counts with this situation."

Oh,,,,it was interesting when she confirmed that the issue that led to my firing happened on Monday afternoon and that I was fired the very next day....and the LOD who had taken the guest complaint call was off the next day when I was fired. I don't think that the hearing officer liked learning that.

When target said that the incident had a thorough investigation prior to my dismissal I was able to mention that the team member that I had made my remark to had told me that she has never been questioned about what happened....and I said that as of my last conversation there still had been no communication between management and my witness. Not talking to the TM I had spoken with does not look good in regards to me being fired. Oh, the hearing officer asked me if I had had the opportunity to share my story with those who chose to fire me....my answer was "No."

The two individuals who were the target representatives were the jackass that fired me and the other person was the LOD who took the phone call from the guest. The LOD was the only person who had spoken to both me and the guest. From the store standpoint the HRBP who fired me doesn't seem to be in a good spot regarding this situation.

I didn't come out lily white either....the hearing officer said that what I had said was my issue and mine alone and that I should not have made any remark about another TM. (oops...is "lily white" politically incorrect? or is this a word that can be construed as harassment?) Regarding my statement the TM I was speaking to never should have come to me to ask about how the day was going.

I have not received any correspondence regarding a decision on my hearing and therefore still don't know about unemployment benefits. The hearing officer did not give any indication as to when she would have her answer to the hearing.

While my chances of winning seemed slim before the hearing....my chance of winning seemed to have a bit of a sparkle once hearing the target side and feeling as though target missed the boat on several issues. Don't really know what the outcome will be...but I do feel that I was able to express what happened to me. I feel as though I have been heard and that my words will be taken "under advisement" and used to make the final decision.
No this is on a scale that we haven't seen before, they are straight up targeting people with the absolute blessings, before it was store by store and actually leader by leader, this is on a company wide scale..

Everyone document everything cause I have feeling there will be lawsuits over this.

I agree with you. There SHOULD be a class action lawsuit against this company. I have been with them for almost a decade and had no problems until now. They are setting us up to get rid of us for the stupidest shit especially having a team lead who talks both too fast and at a low voice you barely hear him and then he pulls you in the office to give you a final for not breaking down a pallet when the floor is empty., the FDC came late due to bad roads and I only had an hour left to go. Seriously. I come to work everyday and I feel harassed and bullied by my TL and the GM ETL who is an ass kisser to the consumables TL and the STL. The STL knows me forever but that shit don't matter. I cried when I got home. Not because I was sad but because I was mad AF. I get zero appreciation from my TL and when I stayed 2 extra hours to push to fill the floor, I get bitched at why the pallets weren't broken down and left for the next day. It was backstock on those pallets any way. More like half a pallet when you combine both. I am sick of this unethical and inhumane treatment. We're not slaves!
The company is putting pressure on store leaders for these new processes not working correctly, instead of admitting that these processes aren't working for everyone, that not all stores have the same available workforce or are shopped in the same ways, or letting stores adapt to their own business needs in any way.
So basically shit is just rolling down hill. Those leaders put that pressure on the people under them, and if they can throw those people under the bus, write up or fire a bunch of them, and say THEY were the problem, it will buy them some time and save their ass for a while. Make themselves look like they're part of the solution. It's easier to blame someone else.
They also don't want people over a certain age or weight. Those actual words came out of my STLs mouth. Thats when I walked out
Discrimination at the workplace! Also they never train you just schedule you a shift and expect you to do it. Like there is a guy in his 60s who they put to cover a shift unloading our FDC trailer and he was never trained how to use the power jack to make unload easier. And they make all the women and I mean women in their 50s do heavy work while the young boys loaf around doing nothing and never get coached.
The whole modernization thing would never fly with the union, as changing job duties and/or adding to them would require a new contract. Also, many union contracts including the one at my grocery store require the store to schedule part-time employees a minimum of 24 hours or more and scheduling is based on seniority, so newbies are supposed to get the least hours. At my store there are very few non-union employees and all department managers are under a union contract (if they chose to be, as state law doesn't require them to sign a union contract, but they miss out on many benefits if not). Lastly, the only person at my store that writes (coaching, CCA, and so on) anyone up is the store director.
Yup. We need a union. Then there would be no modernization and at least a fairness in hours and promoting people. And probably better reasonings for coaching and CCA for legit reasons. Not because you just dislike someone and you will write them up for petty shit.
The "dedicated business ownership" and modernization expectations have also provided Target a fun little workaround for ADA and FMLA laws, not that they needed more of those.
Not having "set" tasks, and having ownerships with weekly deadlines makes it harder to prove you're being discriminated against for taking time off under FMLA or had a bad day due to an ADA issue, because they're not holding you accountable specifically for one day's work, or one day's attendance.
Specific area ownership and discouraging team work make it easier for them to say they can no longer "reasonably" accommodate someone's disability.
The list goes on.

I have a peer who is afraid they're being forced out because she got shunted to "Style" when she didn't even really want to work there, and now they're implying she's not "on trend" enough for the job. Which is a fancy way of saying she's older and heavier.
That's also why those middle aged women are unloading trailers and pushing freight while the young men are loafing in Electronics; the store is discriminating based on age and sex under the guise of "guests see an expert on Electronics as a young male, and Style as a young, cute girl."

And as I've experienced, the lack of any flexibility in the new scheduling demands is forcing out people with disabilities or family members with disabilities (also protected under FMLA,) single mothers, students, and people who need second jobs to survive since Target really doesn't pay enough to support a family at the hourly levels.
So yeah, it's not hard to see that they're focusing on hiring lower ambition, younger employees.
I’m having a hearing as well in two weeks. They cut my hours, they’re saying that I told them to (not true) so I got benefits denied.There’s favoritism and I have proof, videos, audios, photos and papers. I’m actually thinking of taking this to do it lawsuit. They’re also discriminating too
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Haven't read all the posts, probably about half on this thread. If people are describing things that are really happening - and I'm not doubting people's descriptions - Target is setting themselves up for a raft of lawsuits. To fire someone based on age or gender is definitely discriminatory.
I’m having a hearing as well in two weeks. They cut my hours, they’re saying that I told them to (not true) so I got benefits denied.There’s favoritism and I have proof, videos, audios, photos and papers. I’m actually thinking of taking this to do it lawsuit. They’re also discriminating too
We all should! That's why my TL when he starts "verbally" coaching he would speak fast and barely audible so that way if I have the recorder on my phone set up in my pocket, it won't be able to record him. He also tries to do this when there are no witnesses around. Tuerday I had a feeling when I was on the floor with a uboat of Salads, that he was going to start but then the Backrom TL came by pushing a vehicle of backstock, so my TL then pretended to talk to himself. I also noticed that when he does coach me he would do it where there are no cameras nearby. I am going to start writing down these instances. I don't know if I should contact my state labor department regarding this. Also OSHA should be called in. Everytime they wax the floor, we are not provided a mask and are working exposed to toxic chemicals.

I should too start recording them incognito.
@YoNanas My suggestion is that you visit HR and using the very best company speak, explain that you really want to do a better job and there is nothing more important to you than meeting the standards set by your TL.
However, you are not an audio l learner and are having trouble with the way he is presenting his instructions.
You really want to do everything he asks and give Target 100% so it would be great if he could write it down, so you could make sure to cover all the boxes and not forget anything.
After all providing an accommodation for someone with an alternative learning style is reasonable and not asking for much at all.
Also, if he could write down the coachings he has been giving you as well, that would be great as well.
You really want to do the best possible job.

He won't bother you after that.
I got a nice check from that Chair lawsuit. I look forward to more checks based on how things seem to be going in other stores.
@YoNanas My suggestion is that you visit HR and using the very best company speak, explain that you really want to do a better job and there is nothing more important to you than meeting the standards set by your TL.
However, you are not an audio l learner and are having trouble with the way he is presenting his instructions.
You really want to do everything he asks and give Target 100% so it would be great if he could write it down, so you could make sure to cover all the boxes and not forget anything.
After all providing an accommodation for someone with an alternative learning style is reasonable and not asking for much at all.
Also, if he could write down the coachings he has been giving you as well, that would be great as well.
You really want to do the best possible job.

He won't bother you after that.
Thank you. I will try to go go to HR because honestly I feel like he just keeps targeting me for no valid reason and everything I do to satisfy the direction he gives me, he makes up something else just to make it seem like I'm not adapting to the changes. I fill the floor because guests are shopping and there is nothing to buy and suddenly he doesn't want me to do that. Instead wants me to break down pallet when he has two other people breaking down the fresh pallet and I have to fill the floor. Just because there is bad weather and a truck delay, that is not my fault. He should've had us come at 4am then to push it all out before that day's truck comes. When I'm cleaning the tables because they are empty and don't go right away when he calls to break down pallets, it becomes a problem. At the same time I could get stopped by a guest and it becomes a big deal why I'm not going there when he calls. I try to give him what he wants and then he wants me to do the work of two other people. Then just because I was asking another team member if they can help me break down a pallet and he happened to shop for a frozen Lean Cuisine for lunch, heard me say to the team member that then the pallets are going to stay, he got the impression like I wasn't going to do it. Anyway I did it and I told the other two team members that the other fresh pallet will need to get broken down that we have no other choice. TL is on his lunch, off the clock then he needs to mind his own business. Since when are we no longer able to help eachother? Why are we a "team"? It's not like I was asking a beauty team member to help me break it down. I just don't get his idea of just coaching and expecting a team member to improve when all he does is tell me negative stuff and when I stay 2 hours extra to stock the floor I don't even get a Thank You from him.

He tells me to QMOS towards the end of my shift. I do that. Then he finds me on a day when the truck came late and stuff was still on a pallet I'm in the ambient room QMOSing since I only had 45 minutes of my shift left, he tells me how I'm wasting time packing up garbage that food donations are garbage and how I spend hours on making garbage pretty, that's why the stuff is qmos because I don't push to the floor instead I spend time cleaning up. Not true! I got extremely upset that I told him Ok, so when I have ten carts of qmos pile up you are okay with that. He got furious and was like, that's not what came out of my mouth. Well, to me it seemed like he wants that when he doesn't give me time to clean up. He needs to realize that on some days there is more outdates than on others and you have to spend time on cleaning up too. Backroom TL when he's done with pulls and when the inbound team is done unloading, he would start collecting pallets, putting them in empty trailer, etc and would bale out the baler or tell someone and would continue to do either empty locations or pulls, etc. Everyone has to spend time on cleaning.

With him, he doesn't take the time to listen to the team. And I wish we could all have chat sessions with the HR and our TLs and ETLs instead of these guys writing us up for no legit reason.

But I will go to HR. I really don't want to get the boot over something stupid. He's trying to paint a wrong picture of me. There are TLs and TMs alike who see me as someone being in charge of the department when he's not in. This is crazy. Making up their own discipline code. Writing up someone and not even setting terms between the write up how much time you have to improve. When writing us up, he should sit down with us instead of speaking way too fast and whispering in a location without cameras and he should go over and give a list of expectations going forward.
The company is putting pressure on store leaders for these new processes not working correctly, instead of admitting that these processes aren't working for everyone, that not all stores have the same available workforce or are shopped in the same ways, or letting stores adapt to their own business needs in any way.
So basically shit is just rolling down hill. Those leaders put that pressure on the people under them, and if they can throw those people under the bus, write up or fire a bunch of them, and say THEY were the problem, it will buy them some time and save their ass for a while. Make themselves look like they're part of the solution. It's easier to blame someone else.
finger pointing stl was made to "resign" earlier this year so the dtl could put in a new young stl to go by the book and purge the rest of the store. 3 tls already quit with no notice. who gets the blame when everyone starts to realize that target is a disposable employer? i started looking for another job as soon as my etl cornered me looking to pass the blame. thank god i found something quick. best wishes to the lifers holding on until they collect social security.
for this opinion that all we have to do is work hard to stay...
why are some disabled workers getting accommodation, but not me?
When the processes changed and I had to backstock, I asked TLs, ETL, and a backroom TM to teach me. Know what they did? Took a zebra, scanned the item, the location, and said, 'Done.' Now, year + later, I'm getting in hot water because I don't know ****. Right, if I just worked harder, I'd magically know how to do these processes I was never trained in and repeatedly asked for detailed help in. Backstocking isn't the only issue. Oh, communicate with my leaders? I have been. The main TL downplays everything, ignores it, hopes it goes away. Won't pass on info or anything. My only shot is to keep talking to HR and start jumping right to the ETL for any sort of help. Things may be perfect in some of your parts of the world, but there is a systematic change, and not for the moral or better, for many of us. And it's not something we can just 'pull ourselves up by our bootstraps' to change, either.
If you can’t figure out how to backstock after being shown to scan item, scan shelf.....this job isn’t for you. Most of what we do is simple basic work. Doesn’t take much of a brain. Sure doesn’t require a hs degree.
If you can’t figure out how to backstock after being shown to scan item, scan shelf.....this job isn’t for you. Most of what we do is simple basic work. Doesn’t take much of a brain. Sure doesn’t require a hs degree.
Casepack shelves vs open stock? Not putting similar items in the same waco? Fill groups?

People being told "scan item, scan shelf" is why BRLA has taken a nosedive unless you cheat, which most stores seem to now.
I got my decision from the hearing officer regarding my unemployment benefits. The decision was not in my favor.
The hearing officer said that the firing was justified.....because the zero tolerance policies (violence & harassment) are clearly written and the rules are there and I broke the rule.
In the decision the comments directed to me for my comment was: It is improper to talk about TMs about other TMs. Also, the remark I made should never have been made in the first place.....because it is unacceptable to talk about TMs and the issue I had about my GSTL was my issue alone and should not have been said.

So, my appeal process for my unemployment benefits is over. At least, I feel good about my hearing and what I had to say. While I would rather have a different decision there is nothing more that I can do.

Sorry that it took so long to get back on the decision, but I just got the answer yesterday.
No this is on a scale that we haven't seen before, they are straight up targeting people with the absolute blessings, before it was store by store and actually leader by leader, this is on a company wide scale..

Everyone document everything cause I have feeling there will be lawsuits over this.

I know of one pending in my district regarding a TM who requested accommodations for a new disability and got cut back from 20 hours/week to 3-6/week. It wasn't someone who wasn't willing to change, but someone whose life changes brought about changes in the way he could do his job. He documented everything and still is.
I got my decision from the hearing officer regarding my unemployment benefits. The decision was not in my favor.
The hearing officer said that the firing was justified.....because the zero tolerance policies (violence & harassment) are clearly written and the rules are there and I broke the rule.
In the decision the comments directed to me for my comment was: It is improper to talk about TMs about other TMs. Also, the remark I made should never have been made in the first place.....because it is unacceptable to talk about TMs and the issue I had about my GSTL was my issue alone and should not have been said.

So, my appeal process for my unemployment benefits is over. At least, I feel good about my hearing and what I had to say. While I would rather have a different decision there is nothing more that I can do.

Sorry that it took so long to get back on the decision, but I just got the answer yesterday.

You at least know someone looked at it and said it was cool. Sometimes that is all we want, just someone to check it was fair.
It's 2020 now and I'm being told by so many that Target has pushed them out....all the older team members. Who knows though.
Why don’t they push out these old ass people at the top though, like Mike snachzelpoop, or the other disgusting boomers.

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