Archived Executive internship question

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May 18, 2013
Hi everyone,

I'm in my interview process of getting the executive internship and I was wondering if they allow days off? I know this is a lot to ask but I have a family trip that's been scheduled for almost a year and would taking a weekend off and fri/mon be a bad thing to bring up?

Thank you guys
During the interview explain to them you will be taking those days off for whatever. Most of the time no one cares as long as it's not sprung on them last minute, etc. Interns, new ETL's, support help, blah blah blah have all taken time off while new/training.
I don't think it will be a problem, I did the corporate internship and there were lots of people that had other commitments. The internships are mainly a recruitment tool, they want to find out if you are right for Target and Target is right for you. So the store won't be falling apart during those days that you have off.
Don't tell them during the interview process - get the position first, then worry about days off once you start with your mentor. Target is VERY flexible with intern schedules. They want you, which is why they are offering you such high compensation in relation to the low amount of responsibility you will have.
Your mentor will more than likely have no problem with you taking that time off. Just let him/her know on your first day and they will keep you off the schedule for that time.
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